Distracție în familie la prețuri accesibile | Balt Yachts Suncamper 31 și 35 | Barca cu motor și yachting

Distracție în familie la prețuri accesibile | Balt Yachts Suncamper 31 și 35 | Barca cu motor și yachting

Noul Balt Yachts Sun Camper 31 este un nou cruiser rar, care vine la un fel de punct de preț scăzut, care îl va face foarte atractiv pentru cumpărători. Hugo Andreae ne duce într -un turneu Balt Yachts Soare Camper 31 Specificații LOA: 31ft 2in (9,5 m) Fascică: 9ft 9in (3,0M) Viteză maximă: 10 noduri motor: un singur benzină sau electrică 25-55 CP Preț outboard: De la 131.141 GBP INC VAT Contact: Braymarineses.com ► Deveniți un abonament liber la MBY MBY https://www.youtube.com/user/ybwtv?sub_confirmation=1 ► Pentru ultimele recenzii, noi lansări de viteze și știri de turism, vizitați site -ul nostru aici – http://www.mby.com ► Like Us pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/motorboatandyachting ► Urmăriți -ne pe twitter: https://twitter.com/mbymagazine ► Urmați -ne pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/motorboat_and_yachting/ ► Ce credeți? Spuneți -ne în comentariile de mai jos! ► Amintiți -vă să apăsați butonul de genul și să vă abonați dacă v -a plăcut 🙂 #MotorBoatyachting


26 thoughts on “Distracție în familie la prețuri accesibile | Balt Yachts Suncamper 31 și 35 | Barca cu motor și yachting

  1. You seem to get a lot for your money. Being in the US I don't know what river side cottages go for, but vacation homes in the US can be pricey. I wonder what you could get for that money on the used market – something to ask Nick. Also, could this cross the channel and go into the mainland canal system, be interesting to take one of these from Birmingham to Prague – at least it looks that way on a map.

  2. I live near the Thames, and one of these would be a fraction of the cost of any kind of home on the river. I am a sailor and sail a very old Beneteau on the south coast, but I have many friends with boats on the river. I could see myself, on the larger one, having a bit of a wine tour in France. Not me, but there are people in my part of the world who pay more for their cars than these boats. A Range Rover or a nice little river boat? No contest if I had to choose? There again, most of them have the Range Rover and the Sunseeker in Poole Harbour. Great video for us mere mortals. 😂

  3. The 31is a great starter boat for River or inland water way. She is a minimalistic boat but she does what it says on the tin.
    The 35 is similar but has two heads plus a small fly bridge – gives you a nice view.
    Comfortable living, for a day sail, a weekend or a week. She not glamour but she is a useful boat for a Potter around.
    Hugo could either boat cope as a coastal boat? Or go further out to sea. Or do the company have a model that will do that.
    The 35,

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