Vă vom lăsa pe toți să aflați un mic secret. De fapt, secretul cel mai bine păstrat al Greciei! Ieri am ajuns în uimitoarea insulă grecească Milos. A devenit rapid insula noastră preferată din Cicladele pe care le-am vizitat! Astăzi plecăm cu Excellent Yachting și cu cel mai uimitor echipaj pe o barcă cu pânze spre frumosul Kleftiko! Nu știam exact la ce să ne așteptăm în călătoria noastră de astăzi, dar după o oprire rapidă pe plaja Ammoudaraki, am fost uluiți când am ajuns pe stâncile frumoase ale Kleftiko! Am intrat și am ieșit din peșteri cu barca noastră mică și ne-am simțit pe placul vieții noastre. Soarele luminează apa peșterii într-o culoare albastră magnifică, ca și cum ar fi iluminat subacvatic în aceste caverne îndepărtate! După ce sărim de pe arcade naturale și ne scufundăm prin canioane subacvatice, ne întoarcem la Adamas pentru o cină la Yanko’s și… ați ghicit… plăcintă cu ciocolată! Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danandchelle/ #danandchelle Muzică de Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/ogyj0l/


29 thoughts on “CEL MAI PĂSTRUT SECRET AL GRECEI (Kleftiko)

  1. I keep travelling with you guys! Greece has been the best! I have visited Greece but hoping to return with my adults children one day! Do not stop!

  2. Chelle have you been buying clothes ? You have best items for travel and your cossies /swimming costumes are gorgeous. Please share your fashion secrets. How to pack well , have all you need for hot and cold weather xxxx

  3. Actually Greece has 10.000 other best kept secrets 100%. However Kleftiko is one of them. Also. The island Milos has many other secrets and incredible places. Kleftiko is only ONE special place of the island. There are many more. Not just Sarakiniko or Kleftiko. But also Sikia cave, Fyriplaka beach, Fyropotamos, Tsigrado, the Basalt island in the north, the rainbow color mines in the north with ALL colors of soil in the place like a paradise which almost noone knows about. or Papafragas caves and many more. The whole island is a paradise when you combine all these things together

  4. I am catching up after being away a few days. The water in the cave was beautiful. All of the beaches are beautiful. The two of you are having such a wonderful time. I love seeing Greece through all of your video’s. All of the rock formations are gorgeous also. You two are definitely made for one another, you can see your love for one another in every video. ❤

  5. How do you have no fear jumping into the waters not knowing what lies beneath? LOL I don't necessarily mean this particular place but in general.

  6. The highest this video is available is 1920 by 1080. My husband thinks our Samsung TV definitely supports 4K, but he is checking online. He said I'll get you a 4K TV if ours doesn't have it, win win!

  7. I just got to Athens!! I’m going to Santorini in a few days. Totally wish I could have bumped into you guys but I’m sure you post these videos a few days after they happen.
    I hope you’re enjoying your time in Greece and thank you for showing me everything there is to experience there before I go!!💕💕

  8. Oh my goodness! What an incredible day, experience and unbelievably fabulous photos, drone footage! How many people were on the sailboat with you and did you pay extra for all of the dingy tour experiences? Jumping off the rocks and snorkeling in that water….bliss!

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