După Crăciunul nostru special marchizan în satul principal Vaitahu, continuăm să navigăm pe coasta Tahuata până la Hapatoni – un sat mic, dar super pitoresc, care miroase a frangipani și coprah. Ne minunăm de stabilizatorii polinezieni lucrați manual, înconjurați de munți abrupți și luxurianți acoperiți cu palmieri și dragoni. Ilja sare în apă să găsească delfinii care trăiesc acolo. Ne întoarcem la Hiva Oa pentru a termina ultimele noastre pregătiri pentru Traversarea Pacificului de la Vest la Est – o muncă provocatoare, cu prețuri care explodează în rafturile supermarketurilor și jandarmii care nu vor să iasă la casă. Mai degrabă rămânem aici? Sprijină-ne prin: www.patreon.com/thulasailing www.thulasailing.de
ÎNCHIS! Vom naviga înapoi spre est, peste Pacific! – Ep. 66 Thula Sailing
24 thoughts on “ÎNCHIS! Vom naviga înapoi spre est, peste Pacific! – Ep. 66 Thula Sailing”
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Excellent, thanks. All the best from Panama.
Such a wonderful channel. A joy to follow you.
Just absolutely stunning an beautiful. Just found your channel
Aloha from the Big Island 🏝of Hawaii! Very nice video. 👌
Enjoyed very much , had a good laugh at the social aspect of the flower placement . all the best from East Coast Canada , Cape Breton Island .
As an American I find this very funny. First off, you should never ask permission to enter America. We have 22 million illegal aliens in our country. They just cross our borders and stay. They demand free everything and they get it. If you just sailed to Hawaii or California there is no way you would be denied entry and there is no way you would be deported. You could stay for 30 years if you wanted. You could even vote in our elections, get free health care and food stamps and a free cell phone.
Thank you all so much for your kind deposits into the vast library of human knowledge. You will continue to help people for many years.
What an adventurous plan to sail the opposite direction against the wind from Marquesas to Panama ! Why did you not choose the easier version to leave your boat on the hard (cheap marina on the Tuamotos) and to fly home to Germany ? You could have then continued your trip when the Covid 19 travel restrictions improve.
To all who are getting worried if Thula made it alright in the opposite direction against the wind Marquesas – Panama:
On this video released on 29. May 2021 the weather forcast for the start of the trip was for January 1 to 3, 2021. 4 months have passed now and they must have arrived safely somewhere already. But hopefully very interesting videos for this trip to come !
Соскучились по дому и выбираете не легкий путь.
Once again your editing and video production is top notch.
Good luck on your passage.
Wahnsinn, das ist eine Herausforderung. Viel Glück und Mast und Schotbruch. Gruß von der Struwwelpeter Crew
Ihr beeindruckende Menschen, mit eurer Thula, tolle Segler, ich bewundere Euch
Hi Thula, good luck on your big crossing and stay save!
Ab und an in Englisch , dann und wann in German.??
Have a quick question. How often do you run into solo cruisers on boats >40 ft?
Charming. Loved it,🙏
What a mistake! Why not sail west or wait for the pandemic to end before sailing to west? Really I do not understand. It seems a childish mistake to me.
Tolles Video! Dankeeee!!!!
Sehr schade das ihr dieses schöne Video nicht in eurer Hematsprache gemacht habt.
Wow… Ok so question is… Did you not consider heading to Fiji? It was open(ing) at that time, wasn't it? Or was that a few months later?
I'm curious why you all didn't hang out in the south pacific a bit longer. This pandemic will end sooner or later.
What an awesome closing video for French Polynesia.