Când Laura Dekker, în vârstă de 14 ani, și-a propus în 2012 să devină cea mai tânără persoană care a înconjurat singur globul, regizorul Jillian Schlesinger a documentat călătoria remarcabilă de 518 zile. În acest fragment din documentarul de lungă durată Maidentrip, Dekker urmărește traseul pe care l-au parcurs părinții ei cu 20 de ani în urmă prin Polinezia Franceză. Astăzi, Dekker deține recordul pentru cea mai tânără persoană care a navigat singură în jurul lumii. Aflați mai multe despre film. http://www.maidentrip.com/ Descărcați documentarul de lungă durată de pe iTunes. https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/maidentrip/id824107566 ➡ Abonați-vă: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe ➡ Obțineți mai multe vitrine de scurtmetraje: http://bit.ly/ShortFilmShowcase Despre prezentarea de scurtmetraje: O colecție organizată de cele mai captivante scurtmetraje documentare de la regizori din întreaga lume. Vedeți mai multe din prezentarea de scurtmetraje a National Geographic la http://documentary.com Obțineți mai multe National Geographic: Site oficial: http://bit.ly/NatGeoOfficialSite Facebook: http://bit.ly/FBNatGeo Twitter: http:// bit.ly/NatGeoTwitter Instagram: http://bit.ly/NatGeoInsta Despre National Geographic: National Geographic este destinația premium din lume pentru știință, explorare și aventură. Prin oamenii de știință, fotografi, jurnaliști și realizatori de talie mondială, Nat Geo vă aduce mai aproape de poveștile care contează și depășesc limita a ceea ce este posibil. O fetiță de 16 ani navighează singur în jurul lumii | Prezentare de scurtmetraje https://youtu.be/n1oF0B3PI64 National Geographic https://www.youtube.com/natgeo
O fetiță de 16 ani navighează singur în jurul lumii | Prezentare de scurtmetraje
30 thoughts on “O fetiță de 16 ani navighează singur în jurul lumii | Prezentare de scurtmetraje”
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I saw your video today…so inspiring….lots of love from India
Give every other 16 year old the opportunity and see how they do. If they all fail, and she alone succeeds, THEN i'll be impressed. It's like building a story around the youngest ever person to fly a helicopter solo. Realistically, how many are ever going to get the chance?
The funny part is that she can sail a boat around the world and can’t even drive a car
and i dont have a yacht
Imma show this video to every flat earther but they'll probably say it's a ''pAiD aCtOr''
Well no worry im from holland and im adventerus im not a guy thats scary fast lol.
But still this girl is special to travel the world at 16 lol
she is living life that I have wanted
brave shes stupid, I know all of you are like omg she so brave but being brave isn't about jumping into random things without knowing what's going to happen. her boat sank and she had to take a fisherman's boat and four states were out looking for her and a chartered jet found her.
Fake news
What should I do to be 16 again…🙄🥺
When I’m sixteen I am not allowed to go any where after dark and during day also a fix time was there . But the main thing is here that she has brave heart👍🏿👏
She is living her life as a true adventurer… so young n so daring!!!
this was my dream too to sail around the world ., stay safe darling
You have that heart to follow your dream to your destiny. The reason for choosing the sea isn't the sea itself, but its openness that set you free. Proud of you
Living freely vs carrying the weight
Hi Laura, I am the social chair of one of the Yacht Clubs in San Francisco CA. Would you like to give a speech to our members, since we will celebrate the International women's Day
Save food save water save power save fuel save paper save trees save ozone save nature save life save Earth stop pollution
Avoid plastic disposal things please
Subscribe naturemurali channel stop pollution save nature
Who lets a 16 year old sail the open ocean around the world. There is no way she is alone. She may be alone on her sail boat. But there are other boats traveling with her
3:28 and someone told me that these fishes can kill you 🙄🙄
Amazing 🌠
God Bless you. May God Always carry your sails safely around the world. Enjoy
The best education a human being can get is travel….Such a beautiful thing…!!❤️☮️
God morning to all im Alberto a. Mondilla jr from lukban province of quezon Philippines amazing your bravest girl i like you try to tour here in the Philippines
Jessica Watson did it NON stop and unassisted.
how u earn and survive and male ur boat swim