În iahtul de 100 de milioane de dolari al lui Putin!

În iahtul de 100 de milioane de dolari al lui Putin!

Aruncă o privire în interiorul luxosului Megayacht de 100 de milioane de dolari al lui Vladimir Putin


36 thoughts on “În iahtul de 100 de milioane de dolari al lui Putin!

  1. Putin and Hitler is what every Republican desires to be fuck the week keep our money passionate on us for stupid people keep everything and fuck the world go Republicans

  2. Still, nothing compared with what the British Royal family used to have….The Royal Yacht Britannia. And, the best part is we used to pay for it all for decades!

    Putin is an amateur compared with the Windsors.

  3. A grateful Russian population must believe it takes great effort to persuade young Russian conscripts to become cannon fodder to go to Ukraine to face certain death – Putin’s Russian population must agree that he deserves his profits from crime.
    🇷🇺shameful mugs.

  4. Incredible how Putin has managed to buy a $100 million dollar yacht when his salary is only about $300 thousand per year. Obviously there's nothing corrupt going on here….

  5. Российский экспансионистский национализм, основанный на идеях Сталина/Александра Лугина, питает эго и амбиции психопата Путина, который хочет захватить сельскохозяйственные земли/удобрения/редкие земли, металлы, минералы и перестать платить пошлины за трубопроводы, по которым транспортируется российский газ, продаваемый им в Европу. Жулик в воротничке и галстуке, который играет роль государственного деятеля.

  6. Media won't discuss wealth of Ukrainian President – Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy.
    Russian President Vladimir Putin only owns a flat and a Daccha.

    Unlike American and Indian politicians ( sponsored by CIA ) who are super corrupt and own Billions of US Dollars in foreign banks.

    Youtube is controlled by CIA

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