Cum să deschizi ușa secretă a iahtului Pădurea | AVERTISMENT SPOILER |

Cum să deschizi ușa secretă a iahtului Pădurea |  AVERTISMENT SPOILER |

Vă arată ce se află în spatele ușii iahtului și cum să obțineți mingea cu artefact. Un scurt tutorial care vă arată cum să obțineți cardul de aur pentru a deschide ușa încuiată pe barca/iaht în Pădure. Ce se află în spatele ușii iahtului, pădure? Cum să deschizi ușa încuiată pe barca Pădurea.


41 thoughts on “Cum să deschizi ușa secretă a iahtului Pădurea | AVERTISMENT SPOILER |

  1. Dear all viewers:

    I will be conducting a giveaway of two copies for the Sons of The Forest upon its release [(the sequel to The Forest (Release Date TBA)].

    In order to qualify for entry to the giveaway, you must be subscribed to the channel. Upon the release of the game, I will use a random subscriber selector to choose two subscribers to receive copies of the game.

    Make sure to hit both the like button and subscribe button to be in with a chance.

  2. Man this sounds so fucked up… Messed with my head for a second watching him kill his child and burning his last picture of his kid.

    Pretty extreme

  3. how can i have that black&white vision inside the caves? i am new to this game, i tried different color gradings but i found nothing similar, and it's almost impossible for me to play at night or inside, thanks

  4. I can’t believe this, so Blazay, kill the child get the key card, so demonic, not against the person in this video, but so glad I, not addicted to these games, I don’t really know how I got here but woaw.

  5. Does the key let you farm batteries? Right now I just put a shelter next to flashlight and reload over and over 114 times for 24 real hours of batteries but i want a better way other then going into multiplayer and using tray exploit

  6. painfully i played the forrest twice, and both times we choose the pro timmy ending xD
    so i never even saw the "burning pic"-scene
    thanks to my brain, for spoiling me XD

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