@Barefoot Doctors Sailing and Travel – Vino desculț cu noi în timp ce căutăm CATAMARANUL PERFECT PERFORMANTĂ pentru noi în timp ce facem upgrade de la pour Leopard 45 și 50! Vino cu noi desculți în timp ce împărtășim călătoria de a ne gândi care este lista noastră de dorințe și ce pot oferi diferitele bărci de performanță. rezultatele sunt surprinzătoare, având în vedere că sunt atât de multe bărci fantastice disponibile acum și dorința noastră de a avea anumite caracteristici face dificilă enumerarea tuturor casetelor… Care este calea de urmat? Împărtășim dilema și vă ducem în călătoria noastră de explorare și extindere a granițelor mărcilor și extra-urilor actuale… Împărtășim, de asemenea, faptul important că mulți par să nu înțeleagă că catamaranele se pot scufunda și se pot scufunda, iar pereții etanși singuri nu împiedică aceasta. Factorii determinanți în ceea ce privește dacă vă scufundați sau nu sunt împărtășiți în acest videoclip și principalul factor pe care majoritatea mărcilor nici măcar nu îl iau în considerare sunt golurile etanșe la aer. carenă ceea ce înseamnă că peretele etanș NU MAI ESTE TANCHE. Mai multe despre asta în episoadele viitoare… Priviți și veniți desculți cu noi în timp ce călătorim și explorăm planeta, mai ales din apă, dar uneori prin mintea altora, deoarece oferim ajutor și sprijin acolo unde este necesar prin soluțiile uimitoare TUFMINDS! CE ESTE TUFMINDS Programul gratuit TUFMINDS este lansat ca program pentru smartphone sub Exqisit Life Foundation Charity, o organizație non-profit înregistrată și necesită sprijin financiar pentru a finanța programul gratuit. TUFMINDS salvează vieți intervenind în punctul de sinucidere și trăgând pe toată lumea la niveluri mai înalte de rezistență mentală, bunăstare și funcționare. de asemenea, creează atitudini mai bune, rezistență și adaptare – toate foarte importante pentru marinarii care se confruntă cu situații dificile pe mare. @Barefoot Doctors Sailing Donațiile către organizația de caritate pentru a sprijini prevenirea sinuciderii cu programul gratuit TUFMINDS pot fi făcute la: https://shoutforgood.com/charities/ex… Pentru mai multe informații: www.TUFMINDS.com www.barefootdoctorssailing.com .au Aplicația TUFMINDS – în App Store
S3#1. În căutarea catamaranului perfect. De la un Leopard 45 la un catamaran de performanță.
20 thoughts on “S3#1. În căutarea catamaranului perfect. De la un Leopard 45 la un catamaran de performanță.”
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Hey guys,
Very informative video.
I'm taking delivery of a Balance 442 in about 6 months. Do you have an insurance company you would recommend?
Good luck with your Cat investigations. I'm very interested to see what you end up with.
Best Regards,
Mick from Australia.
Maybe you should also check out the aluminium boatbuilder from Holland that are currently building a boat for "Distant Shores TV" (Youtube). As an engineer myself, I was pretty impressed with their competences and level of craftmanship.
Good Doctors! As always I enjoy your content! Cheers!
Well I can only hope the insurance company pays out before you buy your next boat though I suppose interest is accruing at a decent rate.
However branching out from that topic I wonder if you are being biased about other materials. Certainly the fact that you personally has experienced such a catastrophic event would naturally leave you wary but perhaps you should asses your choice through how likely this is to occur as opposed to gosh I do not want my boat to burn down again.
Perhaps if you asses the risk using hard data perhaps actuarial tables if you can get them you might find that is not such a major consideration even though obviously personal experience would seem otherwise.
Check out the Freedom 52 Alumiium Cat built in Hawaii. Looks awesome
Loved the video Jon! In chatting with Portfolio I really think you are on to something here. They really have wonderful ideas and styling. Looking forward to seeing your decision process. Especially since you have enjoyed a performance yacht and a heavier cruising yacht.
Just two things I'd like to add:
1. ✅The Vision 444 has sealed watertight compartments between the floors and hulls.
2. ⚠Given enough generated heat and even Aluminium will burn to the waterline.
GREAT VIDEO: a bit of info on me …a Prof. Of Advanced Materials and Marine Construction, prior owner of the largest Sailloft & canvas loft specializing in Multihulls in New England, as well as owner and designe firm specializing in
Very nice show guys!😊
Get a good fire extinguishment system that will douse a fire with retardant material in the next build. It basically smothers the fire.
Sailing Jupiter had their Mumby built in the Philippines.
Its seems Mumbys popularity would drive them to expand and build them faster.
Do you know Vaan catamarans ? Also aluminium. (The Netherlands)
I guess insurance paid like they should have
Just appeared in my insta feed the specs for Freedom catarmans in Hawaii. 52ft aluminium with daggerboards. No idea of price but seems to suit many of your requirements.
Just curios, I probably already know the answer, did yo consider the McConnaghy? Probably spelled wrong. They are the only cat I know of with retractable keels.
Always so much to think about! I owned a 50 foot aluminum cruiser for 15 years. When I purchased it it was 20 years old. If you have any queries on maintaining aluminum boats, and electrical issues , feel free to contact me. I loved our boat, and only sold it to go from cruising the Canadian Pacific Coast, to cruising the Great Loop, and Florida/ Bahamas area. (The hunt for a new dream can be so much fun!)
Just saw on the Duracell project an aluminum catamaran design by Odisea, might check this out.
Plukky (Sailing Into Freedom) is having a new Mumby design built by a shipyard in Greece. I think his updated design is a bit longer than the original Mumby 47. The design was updated by several naval architects, including Mumby, to help Plukky do the Elcano Challenge. It is a performance cat, made out of aluminum (aluminium), so it may meet many of your needs. You may be able to work with the builder to get a deal on hull #2. Just a thought.
Great video with a lot of information.
I always pictured you two in the Southwind 1600, but I fully understand why you might not want a fiberglass/carbon fiber boat. Please keep us up to date on your Dubai adventure. The Portofino looks Fabulous, with a price tag to boot? Best of luck on your search.