Navigați peste oceanele lumii fără tehnologie

Navigați peste oceanele lumii fără tehnologie

Hawai’i – posibil cel mai îndepărtat lanț de insule de pe planetă – a fost descoperit cu sute de ani în urmă de călătorii polinezieni care se aflau în canoe. Acești exploratori antici s-au bazat exclusiv pe cunoștințele lor despre stele, comportamentul păsărilor și modelele de umflare a oceanului pentru a găsi pete de pământ. Astăzi, descendenții moderni ai acestor exploratori fac ocolul oceanelor lumii folosind aceleași tehnici de găsire a drumului. ABONAȚI-VĂ: Urmărește-ne în culise pe Instagram: Fă-ne cunoștință pe Facebook: Spune-ne un strigăt pe Twitter: Vino cu noi pe Vimeo: Vizitează-ne lumea direct: Această poveste face parte din seria noastră Planet Earth. De la mamifere la insecte și păsări la reptile, împărtășim această lume mare și mare cu tot felul de creaturi, mari și mici. Vino cu noi în locuri îndepărtate în timp ce explorăm marea noastră planetă și îi întâlnim pe unii dintre cei mai sălbatici locuitori ai săi. Great Big Story este o rețea video dedicată uimitoarelor nespuse, trecute cu vederea și complet. Oamenii sunt capabili de lucruri incredibile și suntem aici pentru a le spune poveștile. Când o rachetă aterizează în curtea ta, intri.


46 thoughts on “Navigați peste oceanele lumii fără tehnologie

  1. Minute 3:06: What it truly means is that you can navigate like that ONLY and ONLY on our FLAT and stationary earth. Research flat earth!

  2. This in not Polynesian voyaging this is Micronesian voyaging. These are just a bunch of Polynesian appropriating our voyaging techniques. If you want to see a real navigator look up Mau Piailug from the Micronesian altol of Satawal.

  3. Title is misleading. Catamaran design itself employs technology. Anything man has created is a technological improvement over nothing at all. To say "no tech" is a very uninformed uploader.

  4. This still doesnt explain to me how this is done without some form of 'time piece' Even the vikings had a Sunstone. How do you know the time of the sun in the sky in conjunction with your whereabouts? Can anyone help me with this, show me a link to a clip that explains this please? I just dont see how its possible without some form of albeit ancient form of time piece.

  5. White Dacron sail, synthetic ropes, watches, modern clothing, tinned food getting towed by a powerboat etc. mmmm
    Modern foods and water storage solar panels communication equipment gps and other safety equipment I can understand because this is a reenactment there is little risk compared to the original. Well done on your adventures but people see all the above and don’t believe you.

  6. There is metal and screws on that boat, except on the video you can see accurate modern watches, and even what seems to be radar.

  7. I have deep respect for Polynesian navigation and naval tradition.
    I think the history of Hokule'a and Mau Piailung is a great contribution to human history.

  8. It's amazing how Europeans thought they and the Phoenicians invented the ways how to navigate the seas where in fact the Austronesian people have been navigating and exploring the seas millennia before them.

  9. If this is sailing with No Tech on board, then what is that white dome at 2:55 on that mast at the back. The backing insurance scheme/premium, I take it!

  10. Gives me chills, the ancient Hawaiian navigators are on par with the astronauts walking on the moon as far as pushing humanity forward. Staggering to contemplate.

  11. the sooner we stop talking about discovery the better… was ALWAYS there and we KNEW IT was there…there are no flukes if you found it already knowing its more like proof of what you already knew…. somehow

  12. Hokulea is amazing. Also, Great Big Story should reconsider why they said "no tech".

    Who defines science, innovation, and technology?

    Our Austronesian ancestors also did that.

  13. I lived on O'ahu when she was first put into the water and did short trials. I still have clippings from the Honolulu Star & old photos. I can't describe how awestruck I felt.
    I was also living there when the huge-mouthed shark (I forget the name now, darn it! Not a megalodon.) was identified. Experts from all over were arguing what it was. What a time to be alive & living the island way.
    (Iz and the Beamers were just kids, and Gabby 'Pops' was still working on the highway crews.

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