Top 5 catamarane de la Cannes Yachting Festival 2019

Top 5 catamarane de la Cannes Yachting Festival 2019

Urmăriți acest videoclip cu cele mai bune 5 catamarane ale mele preferate de la Festivalul de Yachting de la Cannes 2019. Voi publica expuneri video ale acestor bărci în următoarele câteva săptămâni. Dacă aveți întrebări despre bărci, vă rugăm să lăsați un comentariu mai jos sau să-mi trimiteți un e-mail. Wiley Sharp 561 613 8985


35 thoughts on “Top 5 catamarane de la Cannes Yachting Festival 2019

  1. Hay what about the ba hamas? You think $50,000 is enough money to build a proper house out of cement and steel? Or should they just leave and let the sunk vessels lol pollute the ocean? I’m a sir vivor of Yolanda 194 mph wind and built a 3 bedroom cement house with cement roof for $30,000 but here in the Philippines we’re nothing! Maybe $30k offering on a sunk ship is allowed?

  2. Will you do a short vid of your top 5. Especially the the eco friendly one. Would be great to see some of the tech that went into that boat. Thanks.

  3. Hello Wiley, I'm looking at you regularly from France. Do you also do catamaran research in the USA if I am looking for a specific model?

  4. Can’t wait to see the walkthru of the 2 Sunreefs which would definitely be my lottery ticket purchase! Awesome vid as always Wiley!

  5. Welcome back Wiley. Always enjoy your enthusiasm and your love of the products you review. Thanks. Huge fan of the Marsaudon Composites TS5 ….wonder if that was at the show.

  6. I'm really surprised you did not include the Aquila 70 foot. Brand new, a bigger version of the Aquila 44. I have yet to find a motor catamaran better than the Aquila 44 or 70 in both of their classes.

  7. So agree with your top 5. Sunreef and McConnaghy are where it’s at. Also impressed by where Seawind is heading.

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