Lecții de navigație: elementele de bază (partea 1)

Lecții de navigație: elementele de bază (partea 1)

Matt Cross, student la Universitatea din Kansas și membru al clubului de navigație, ține o conferință 101 despre navigație.


21 thoughts on “Lecții de navigație: elementele de bază (partea 1)

  1. One small error: When Matt defines Freeboard, he refers correctly to the Waterline. But when he gets to Waterline LENGTH (LWL), he misdefines it as freeboard (distance from deck to water). Half of these terms are more interesting to a sailing geek like me than a first-day student, IMO.

  2. I enjoyed your video but was confused by your port and starboard explanation. I am in aviation and we use a lot of the same terms and so the way we explain port and starboard is in reference to the front on the ship as you look at it.

  3. Probably a very good video, but you need to put the coughing guy away from the microphone, His coughing and pencil tapping are really distracting and interupts the audio, which is just as important as the video

  4. The worst yo yo audio. Liked the talk but can't stand the speaker leaning in/out of the microphone. Far worse than cougher, but then I bailed at 3:39…hack

  5. I'll find another video to watch that doesn't involve some dude coughing over and over again ,someone tapping on a desk and phasing in and out of volume,just super annoying, couldn't hang, get that audio worked out.

  6. You seem to have some of your terminology confused. Look up the meaning of terms before you publish them. Stays are only fore and aft. LWL = Load Waterline Length. There's a free sailing course at ASA. You should check it out here : https://asa.com/certifications/ Thanks for your effort.

  7. 2020 that guy coughing just gave everyone in the room Corona Virus. That's something you'll never hear again in a crowded room.

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