Ep18: Învață să navighezi: Partea 8: Noduri de bază

Ep18: Învață să navighezi: Partea 8: Noduri de bază

Bine ați venit la episodul 18 din Carpe Diem Sailing și partea 8 din seria noastră Learn to Sail. În acest videoclip voi acoperi 6 noduri de bază pe care fiecare marinar ar trebui să le cunoască. Vorbesc despre utilizările lor și demonstrez cum să le leg pas cu pas. INDEX Figura opt 01:02 Reef Knot 02:32 Clove Hitch 04:23 Round Turn & 2 Half Hitches 05:51 Sheet Bend 07:42 Bowline 09:47 SHOWNOTES www.carpediemsailing.com/shownotes CARPE DIEM SAIL TRAINING www. com ÎNVĂȚAȚI SĂ NAVIGAȚI PLAYLIST https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ZXXuQk__sjlIDC-o-8v4evqHkaHqze5 CARTEA ASHLEY A NODURILOR https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=ashley+book+of+knots&adgrpid =61492317059&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIr_21_ffL-QIVWcLCBB2J5wPQEAAYASAAEgJx5PD_BwE&hvadid=310046782264&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=9001620&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=11025902743626070024&hvtargid=kwd-298817138627&hydadcr=8707_10281255&tag=h0a61-20&ref=pd_sl_9cv84fg4hj_e


39 thoughts on “Ep18: Învață să navighezi: Partea 8: Noduri de bază

  1. Most people teach the bowline a bit different. The free part should be outside not inside the hole for several reasons.

  2. Thanks for the great lesson, and thank you for filming POV since that really helps understand the knots much faster!

  3. I know you covered it but the bowline loop must have the standing part of the line beneath the loop (as was mentioned as an OVER-hand loop). The bowline falls apart if you use an UNDER-hand loop. I've gotten good at tie a bowline and square knot. I have reasonable success w/ the figure eight knot. I need to practice the other ones.
    Very well-done instructional video. Thank you!

  4. The Square Knot is responsible for more deaths and injuries than all other knots combined – when used as a bend – to tie two lines together under load. – Clifford Ashley, Ashley Book of Knots (ABOK)
    Excellent on Round Turn and Two Half-Hitches and Sheet Bend.

  5. Reef knot should not be used as a bend, even if the lines are the same diameter. There's just never a reason to use it as a bend, and excellent reasons not to use it. Only for reefing sails, or, binding shoes or sacks or so.

  6. Fun fact: The bowline is called "the dragons noose" in czech and the story goes: The dragon flew out of the lake, around the tower and back into the lake.

  7. First of all, great video, congrats. For all the knots you gave an example on what situation (on the boat) you would use such a knot, but for the sheet bend you haven't. I know that it is used to tie two ropes of different diameter, but in what situation this occurs on a sailing boat? Thanks

  8. Ah, and a suggestion, if you can edit this video, I would include the Rolling hitch knot, since it is very useful to transfer the load from one line to another in case, for example, your mainsheet has an override on the winch and you can use a spare line to remove the load while you remove the override. Thanks

  9. Tying knots like these everyday, makes my job as a deckhand intriguing!! and everyday I experiment a new one and gets myself more fascinated to become enthusiastic about my job!!!😁😁😁😁

  10. I remember how hard it was for me to fully understand to tie the bowline knot for the first time! But now I know how to tie it with a twist!!😁😁😁

  11. Hi Marco, I will add that a sheet bend will join any two lines not just different sized line. Also it would be good to point out the wrong bowline with bitter end outside the loop. 
    FYI, Another note is the old knots books are usually based on fibre ropes which have different characteristics to modern ropes. My experience is that quite a few boaters loose the boat from a dock by using the way practised by most USA boaters. This video will explain it correctly.
    Sorry If I mentioned this before, but hopefully I will save someones boat.
    André in Sydney

  12. Not just for sailing, also great when you are doing a Nautical look in your bathroom! 🤪 Thanks so much for the instruction.
    Fair winds and following seas. 😁

  13. A simple clove hitch is not very secure, as it can work itself apart if a fender is moved around by water or wind action. Better to add an additional half hitch.

  14. This seems to be the simplest video on how to tie the knots that are most often used on a sailboat. I have a prospective crew coming soon so I sent her a link to this video to get her started.

  15. Great video, when I was taught the bowline 65 years ago in scouts, there was an extra line to the verse with the bunny. It was: "and pull all three". So the instruction was: "Then bunny came out of the burrow, round the tree, went down the burrow and pull all three".

  16. Silly question…what thickness of rope is that, and where can I get it? Practice rope online seems to always be really skinny and short, and not real rope (or it comes with a built in loop).

  17. Hey Marco, I am learning all I can about sailing as I am about to buy a boat in the next few months. I was interested in how to heave to and you've answered in one of the vids wonderfully. I had to watch it again cause I really enjoyed your method of presentation, so much so that I have binge watched to this point…, thank you thank you thank you.

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