Bărci frumoase din lemn care navighează în afara Galveston TX. O pisică cu semințe de pepene galben și gândac.

Bărci frumoase din lemn care navighează în afara Galveston TX.  O pisică cu semințe de pepene galben și gândac.

Navigați cu constructorii/proprietarii a două opere de artă magnifice. Casa construită de constructori de bărci cu experiență folosind modele clasice din New England. Un alt videoclip popular „One Song Sails”.


10 thoughts on “Bărci frumoase din lemn care navighează în afara Galveston TX. O pisică cu semințe de pepene galben și gândac.

  1. This may be one of your best videos ever, very artistically produced. I love the violin playing in the background as we watch two classic wooden boats sail. Thank you!

  2. You brought me back 60 years when as kids we'd sail seaford skiffs on the great south bay on long island..boats very similar to melonseeds. We'd just what you did. lean the rail into the water. see how far we could do it… aaaah. Thanks for the memory…

  3. Hey.. Buddy Simmons-I’ve already watched this and it gives me that lofty feeling of being out on the water.. the smell of salt and varnish and so lovely

  4. Buddy, that Melonseed is one beautiful boat, and I'm blown away with how fast stable she is! Can I ask which plans you followed building her? What is her length? Thanks in advance! It's fun watching you and Ziggy zip down the ICW on some of the other vids…

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