TIMELAPSE A TRANSFORMĂRII LUCRĂRII BĂRCILOR în minute Iată un rezumat al lucrărilor pe care le-am desfășurat pe standul din șantierul bărcilor în ultimii 2 ani, transformând NV dintr-un vechi Open 60 (a 2-a generație IMOCA) într-un crucișător rapid de familie. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– – Dacă v-a plăcut acest videoclip, vă rugăm să luați în considerare să ne susțineți pe Patreon https://www.patreon.com/SailingNV sau cu o donație unică prin https://ko-fi.com/sailingnv sau paypal https:// www.paypal.com/paypalme/sailingnv –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– ––––- Caio! Suntem Timo și Jo, un cuplu italian și englez cu nenumărate mile oceanice sub centură. Reinstalăm o fostă ambarcațiune de curse Vendée Globe Open 60, concepută, construită și condusă inițial de faimosul marinar maghiar Nándor Fa. El a concurat cu ea la Vendée Globe din 1992 (cursa în jurul lumii cu o singură mână cunoscută sub numele de „Everestul mărilor”), terminând pe locul 5, devenind primul non-francez care a terminat. În prezent, ne aflăm în Fiji, oferindu-i acestui bătrân gladiator o nouă închiriere, transformând-o dintr-o fostă barcă de curse într-un croazier de familie de performanță, de care vom avea nevoie pentru a-l face atât pentru câini, cât și pentru bebeluși! Plănuim să pornim din nou în octombrie 2022, așa că, cu timp și bani limitati, avem o mulțime de provocări pentru a ne transforma visele în realitate și a reveni pe apă! Abonați-vă la canalul nostru și urmăriți progresul nostru pe măsură ce lansăm videoclipuri despre călătoria noastră, precum și videoclipuri „cum să” despre orice legătură cu barca. Nu te opri niciodată să visezi, nu te opri niciodată să navighezi! Puteți afla mai multe despre ambarcațiune, noi și planurile noastre de refit pe site-ul nostru www.sailingnv.com sau urmăriți-ne pe Facebook https://m.facebook.com/sailingyachtnv și Instagram https://www.instagram.com/ sailingnv/ #sailingnv #timelapse #transformation #refit #rebuild #boatwork #work #sailing #boatlife #Open60 #raceboat #cruising #sailingvlog #sailingfamily #vendeeglobe


22 thoughts on “2 ani de TIMELAPSE DE TRANSFORMARE A LUCRĂRII BATĂ în minute

  1. First, Timo is an animal! What can’t he do without your help and support Jo! Timo just climbs the mast then you just cinch the halyards. This project parallels Project Duracell in so many ways. Two couples pooling their knowledge and skills to take a tired global racer from the hard to the sea again. Two great stories! Second, Jo, when I saw you go down that hatch while, what 9 months pregnant, my heart stopped for a second. You are a strong woman to do that work and tame Timo! Be safe.

  2. You obviously know a lot about boats, so I'm sure you have considered this already, but how confident are you in how the bulb is attached to the bottom of the keel? My understanding is the high performance racing boats are designed for performance and push the limits of design in this regard… perhaps sacrificing some safety and durability in return for speed. For open ocean sailing, a durable keel is of course critical. There have been infamous cases where the bulb has pop off these keels (see the Mike Plant story). Don't want to be a downer as you start your journey, just hope you are considering possible issues with this keep type. Best of luck and safe travels. Enjoyed watching you guys work. Inspiring.

  3. One might assume that you are following a similar project in Port Townsend WA, on the former Duracell racing boat that is being converted to a cruising yacht.

  4. Hey guys I'm watching videos and I want to say this to you I think you done a really great job with that boat but you're not racing it it's a pleasure boat now sailboat do yourself a favor. Put put a wing keel on the boat with large wings the nice thing is it'll will draft for and a half feet. It'll make your life so much better. Or just before the pandemic yet I was looking to purchase a good used sailboat I really want to go sailing for a couple years at least and then the pandemic hit and screwed my plans up but one of the boats I was looking at a C&C 36 had 6 ft keel. But the price look really good and the boat was was like a divorce sale it was being sold really cheap and they just put a lot of money into the boat and I penciled it out I could get a wind chill put on for about 5 grand at that time I think it's worth looking into love your videos have a nice day

  5. You’re to be commended on the undertaking of such a monster project. I’m sure you’re going to have years of self-satisfied pride and enjoyment of the boat. Have you thought of doing any follow-up videos on your travels?

  6. I'm jealous 😁 and I'm sure all these cruising aficionados criticising the keel are too, they certainly like the idea of a true performance cruiser enough to watch the video 🤣

  7. Looks like a great job on the refit but having sailed on one of these beasts I dont know if I would want to convert one into a "family cruiser". They are a boat that is AWESOMELY fast….. but also AWESOMELY uncomfortable in how they deal with sea state. Unless you are blasting along at full tilt boogie the ride will pound you to pieces. And at full tilt boogie you do nothing but hang on for dear life.

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