Ce face o barcă cu pânze MARE Bluewater? – Cu John Kretschmer

Ce face o barcă cu pânze MARE Bluewater?  - Cu John Kretschmer

Aceasta este partea a doua a unui interviu uriaș pe care l-am făcut cu marele John Kretschmer, în care discutăm despre toate lucrurile care navighează Bluewater atât pentru monococa, cât și pentru catamarane. Dacă doriți să vedeți mai multe despre John, el oferă în prezent o serie de instruire webinar care acoperă o gamă largă de subiecte Bluewater, puteți găsi mai multe informații despre acestea la ; https://johnkretschmersailing.com/webinars/ Marcaje de timp 01:25 Ce ai pune pe un panou publicitar? 03:02 Crezi că „Apă albastră” este un termen subiectiv? 04:36 Criterii cheie pentru ideea dvs. despre o barcă Bluewater 04:48 Turul prin tur al Quetzalului 19:00 Construcția atuurilor de proiectare 19:23 Urmărirea explicată 20:33 Cum știți dacă o barcă va merge bine? 21:30 Gânduri despre cârmele gemene? 22:37 Ia naiba din barcă 23:50 Mentalitatea de a face treceri 24:30 Gânduri despre reefing 25:40 Nu toate nodurile sunt create egale 26:50 Cel mai important articol 27:20 Greutatea Dacronului? 29:17 Cel mai important lucru de învățat ca marinar Bluewater 30:28 Cum să-ți îmbunătățești performanța la reefing 31:20 Bluewater Sailing and Cats? 34:24 Poți să te ridici într-o pisică? Credite muzicale Toată muzica de la Epidemic Sound Arată-ți sprijinul cu unele produse SMF: https://sailingmillennialfalcon.com/shop/ Cumpără-ne o bere! https://www.paypal.me/svmillennialfalcon Vrei mai multe? Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon… https://www.patreon.com/Sailingmillennialfalcon Despre noi Adam și Khiara realizează videoclipuri de navigație și aventuri în jurul lumii pe Tayana Vancouver 42 din 1981. Intenționăm să navigăm în jurul lumii și să ne croim drum înapoi în Australia. Urmăriți-ne pe rețelele sociale pentru a rămâne în legătură! INSTA: https://www.instagram.com/sailingmillennialfalcon FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/SailingMillennialFalcon SITE WEB: sailingmillennialfalcon.com Vrei să ne sprijini fără să te coste nimic? În calitate de Asociați Amazon, câștigăm din achiziții eligibile. Întrebări frecvente – Ce echipament de film folosim? Go Pro: https://amzn.to/2RyvQ8I Digi Cam 1: https://amzn.to/2zhuKaF Digi Cam 2: https://amzn.to/36isBrT Gimbal pentru telefon portabil: https://amzn.to/ 2HYImdH Go Pro Session: https://amzn.to/2KDoX4u Droni 1: https://amzn.to/2HYImdH Droni 2 (doar ep Bahamas – mai bine pentru zborul dintr-o barca): https://amzn.to/2sgrCpd


33 thoughts on “Ce face o barcă cu pânze MARE Bluewater? – Cu John Kretschmer

  1. There is clearly too much lingo and culture in sailing to make it inviting to someone like me who knows zero about it. I look fwd to the day I can download an AI skipper who will take in all the variables and auto adjust the boat, rigs and sails. Until that day I am suitably intimidated enough to stay with a power boat.

  2. Love the boat and all the upgrades. I always said the day I buy a boat, I would go to a martial arts dojo and buy pads and cut them up and place them in certain areas of my boat, so when I get in 6+ or bigger swells I am not all bruised on my hips and ribs; those teak hard decks are pretty but after smashing into it for a few days, you began to hate it.

  3. When he talked about the pitching motion of a cat it reminding me of the only time I've been sea sick. I was on a Submarine Tender in the Navy and a large number of people had to stand in line (Long story) at the front of the 645' long ship. At that location it was like riding an elevator up and down. People started to get sick and vomit. Once that happened it triggered it in everyone. I was smart enough to leave and come back later.

  4. In the UK to get insurance to sail around Europe you have to have a minimum of 26ft with an inboard engine. Otherwise it's a 12 nautical mile offshore limit. So I consider 26ft plus as a Bluewater cruiser 😉

  5. 3rd time watching as I prepare to buy my first boat that I'd like to sail where my heart desires. Thank you for posting. This is the best video I've seen on Bluewater, voyaging boats, and what makes then that way.

  6. Kaufman 46 has a very poor comfort ratio… I look at comfort ratio and capsize screening ratio when looking at blue water sailboats

  7. Really appreciate your videos as a first time buyer of a sailboat . Alot of info to take in especially when I am still trying to figure out what to buy and all the technical terms.

  8. Love listening to John and other experiences bluewater sailors who question the wisdom of modern deep fin keels and twin rudders.

    Those bots have their place. It’s called a race course. Give me a long fin and beefy skeg or maybe even a full keel any day.

  9. fantastic gentlemen, great interview and so much more to consider now cheers for that, lol I'm with Daniel Oliver I could listen to john's advice all day long and I would love to crew even for a day the next time you find yourself in Australia John.✌❤

  10. I don't see many people using hammocks in boats anymore. once you learn the proper lay, you can get the best sleep out of a hammock, land or sea

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