Guvernul Marii Britanii a pus iahturile în pericol?

Guvernul Marii Britanii a pus iahturile în pericol?

00:00 O persoană foarte importantă mi-a scris! 07:38 Guvernul Regatului Unit a pus superyacht-urile în pericol? #superyacht #superyachts #yachts #boats Primim adesea feedback negativ, de cele mai multe ori este ignorat și înscris la „perdanți”. Dar uneori este de la oameni pe care îi cunoști că lucrează în industrie și ar merita să le răspunzi într-un videoclip. Și exact asta este acest videoclip. Comentariile căpitanului Jack au meritat un răspuns într-un loc public. Alăturați-vă eSysman Superyacht Club pe Patreon! Obțineți acces exclusiv la videoclipuri nemaivăzute până acum, la fragmente de locații filmate în întreaga lume în timp ce filmați superyacht-uri și multe altele. De asemenea, discutați direct cu noi și puneți întrebări pentru întrebări și răspunsuri viitoare și sugerați subiecte pentru videoclipurile viitoare. Link către canalul de știri! 3 Minute de Maritime Aboneaza-te acum! Urmărește-mă pe: Instagram – Twitter – Facebook – NOTIFICARE DE PRESĂ Toate imaginile sunt drepturi de autor al canalului de Youtube eSysman Superyachts. Nicio imagine nu poate fi reprodusă sau reutilizată fără permisiunea expresă. Dacă utilizați orice informație din acest videoclip, vă rugăm să creditați canalul eSysman SuperYachts. Dacă doriți să utilizați fotografii preluate din videoclip, contactați-ne în avans. Trebuie acordat și creditul canalului de youtube. Dacă doriți fotografii sau videoclipuri pentru utilizare sau sindicare, vă rugăm să ne contactați. Muzică de – Epidemic Sounds


41 thoughts on “Guvernul Marii Britanii a pus iahturile în pericol?

  1. It is difficult for the non-super yacht owner/ employee, industry facilitator to feel sympathy for the woes of the rich 🤑.

    That being said, I do find your content compelling, as it gives an insight into what most, including myself are completely unfamiliar with. My full support to those earning a living in a dangerous profession. ⛵

  2. What is the betting that Captain Jack is a manager for Imperial Yachts the aptly named front company for the yachts of the oligarchs, I agree with you that he probably has no marine credentials he certainly couldn't "Train" a Captain or Chief Engineer. He shows a distinct lack of knowledge in various areas, is for sure a puppet of the company trying to keep his job. As to the questions being asked by companies of potential crew, very suspicious behaviour. Insistence of non disclosure of which yachts that you worked on, the name of the vessel should be in your discharge book, all companies in all fields require past employment records and proof there of otherwise no employment. Don't let people like him get under your skin, you are better than him and TBH he is probably jealous of your success, however he has made his bed or bunk and needs to sleep in it, to bad he made the wrong choices but them's the breaks!

  3. Capt Jack needs to get out of his mums basement once in awhile, fresh air might help him think more clearly and possibly do a tiny bit of research so he doesn't look like a complete tool.

  4. The Americans haven't rolled back GPS accuracy for civilian use as far as I'm aware, now that would be dangerous, crews messing with the AIS just sounds petty and a tad reckless, doesn't it invalidate insurance, it really ought to?

  5. I’m sure there are a fair few members of intelligence services working as crew on super yachts.

    A being young with few years military service , good looks and recruitment to MI6 would be to good an opportunity to pass up.

  6. Good job man. I've been watching your videos/subed since the pandemic and you continue to do a good job. Love your work. Soo, russians orchestrate terror off the back of there yachts you say LOL. Kidding.

  7. I find your channel very unopinionated. I learn much from your videos about this industry. To me it sounds like someone put salt in Jacks cereal bowl. Keep up the great work.

  8. They BOTH sound like a couple of know-nothings trying to impress the girls on pretense! I DO get a hoot hearing more of Capt. Jack….and now can't wait for a giggle from the Ambassador. I agree with many comments….YOU have integrity.

  9. This video was worth my time. I can see why capn jack is grumpy about his charts, but the rest of his accusations are silly. Keep up the good work sir!

  10. I do love your program, but I don`t share the conclusion. During issues with Ecdis the supplier was able to remotely access the chart system while the vessel was at sea even without master being aware. they made chart downloads, adjust settings, whatever what was required to make the system works. The Transas /Wartsila Ecdis was linked to VSat using a Translink. I do believe governments can get access if they want. To my opinion only when you physically disconnect all communications it will be impossible to access the Ecdis

    Best regards Paul

  11. Thank you for presenting a clear defense of your position. Very respectable.

    Another possible reason for this person's objection to being cut off from updates: perhaps a vessel wanted to change destinations mid-voyage. I think the UKHO's actions are entirely reasonable.

  12. Great video, and we are all aware of the fact that most super yacht owners live in a bubble that protects them from reality and allows them to enjoy their delusional fantasy……until sanctions force then to deal with some reality. lots of great info in this one. Thanks !!!

  13. Well presented.. appreciate the detail and look forward to viewing much more of your work… Sir Jihn, Captain Jack ? I'd recommend they have sex & travel

  14. short Story from the past: 1989 Me and my girlfrend go to the Beach (lübeck ) were the "old" Boarder was. We saw Soilders from russia at the Boarderkontroll tower. We go to the drunken guys and ask for a look from the tower, and the soliers say; yes, but we need two bottles of liquer, can you bring them. We ok we bring the "Kirschwasser" . They were very happy as we bring the bottles and we can reach the top of the tower. Now we could see the Tables with 100(?) Photos of: "privat" Jachts!!!, Trawler, Antennas of ferries / building etc. All Objekts were Nato Spy Ships or only with Spy Antennas on it. and yes there is a reason why the HDW painting is so loved by the owners 😉 btw. I worked for HDW, Lürssen, Knierim etc.

  15. There is a saying, 'opinions are like assholes everyone has one and they all stink'. I agree with most of your thoughts. Privacy and security are two different animals. We have our primary MFD (plotter) updated constantly but had an occasion where we couldn't load a particular chart set, mystery to us as to why, but we also have 5 devices onboard with electronic charts plus we keep paper charts handy as well and still track our position on them…one never knows when Mr Murphy will come to dinner. As for AIS, lets crack on the fishing fleets because they are the worst offenders. Not fun stumbling on darkened and sometimes wooden (20+ meter) boats that barely show on the radar. Worse if weather is a factor which it never is…never…haha

  16. You have again mentioned the practice of AIS being turned off.
    1) Insurers need to be involved. There ought to be a clause which demands the AIS be on at all times, and if or when it is not, without prior written approval from the Insurer, such acts constitute a breach, and all Insurance is cancelled. Without Insurance, how can the ship be admitted to any port? Additionally, ports could enforce this as well. If you had your AIS off once in the previous 60 days, you are excluded from use of the port facilities, including medical and fuel, and you are not permitted entry for 1 year from the date of the AIS being off.
    2) Crew and Management contracts which mandate that the act of turning off AIS triggers a breach of contract and all staff is to leave the M/Y as soon as feasible, and and AIS Bond will be triggered in which $2m will be paid out in shares to the crew and passengers on board at the time, excluding all who participated in turning it off. Such persons will lose 'scoring' for insurance, and thus the Captain next getting a M/Y assignment will be more costly, making the Captain less likely to be hired.
    3) Upon information that any M/Y is not broadcasting, then it shall be assumed that the vessel is at risk, and a military response will occur including boarding the vessel, and a full inspection. If there is no purpose in a strictly defined sub set of acceptable reasons, then the Captain will be criminally charged by the boarding party, removed, and the vessel impounded until such time as a replacement can be brought to the vessel.
    So you see, law and contracts can be imposed which would fix the AIS issue for all vessel classes. The IMO and the world WANT AIS to be turned off periodically, or the IMO and each country of the world would stop this practice.

  17. LOVE THIS GUY. Even his opinions are data-based and informative and well-researched. SO interesting. Love the exploration of concept: privacy versus secrecy. My favorite channel right now. Thank you for your work!!!!

  18. This self proclaimed "Ambassador" seems a big braggart to me as for "Captain Jack". Looks like someone whose main occupation in life is whining.

  19. Here is my opinion, if the man can't tell the difference of a update and failure of the nav system the he has no business working with this equipment. Capt Jack, get real. It is no different than a google maps update on your phone. It doesn't quit working it just may not have the newest coffee shop or McDonald's listed. It still works just fine. Oh well. A dumbass born every day. Thank you and be safe.

  20. Hi eSysman, paranormal EVP caught at 0.25x video speed, listen very carefully to hear:
    17:57 'I like to sail on the beautiful superyacht', 18:02 'And nobody's gonna stop me from doing that'. 18:05 'Weather it be Government or private persons, it doesn't really matter to me', 18:09 'Cause I am a pirate', 18:10 'And I don't give a shit about no one', 18:13 'I only care about the freedom at sea'.
    The Völve, Asatru shaman of Denmark and the Lands of the North

  21. @eSysman, you’re giving the troll(s)/ambassador too much airtime. The internet is full of know it alls. Keep up the great work.

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