Câți charlatani sunt nevoie pentru a lansa un trimaran de 32 de picioare? | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 120

Câți charlatani sunt nevoie pentru a lansa un trimaran de 32 de picioare?  |  Sailing Soulianis - Ep.  120

Este ziua lansării! Suntem încântați să ne stropim trimaranul, dar suntem și nervoși la naiba. Este prima dată când călcăm noi înșine uriașul catarg de 42 de picioare. Credem că am urmat toate instrucțiunile de configurare, dar mici probleme încep să se adună – la fel și șarlatanii. Sper sa iti placa! Lauren, Kirk & Renata FILMAT: august 2022 *SOCIALE + BLOG* Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/sailingsoulianis Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailingsoulianis/ Facebook: https://www.facebook .com/sailingsoulianis/ Site-ul web: https://sailingsoulianis.com Instagram-ul lui Kirk: https://www.instagram.com/kirkhateswork/ *MUSIC* Melodie tematică: Adventures by A Himitsu https://soundcloud.com/a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Free Download / Stream: http://bit.ly/2Pj0MtT Muzică lansată de Argofox https://youtu.be/8BXNwnxaVQE Muzică promovată de Audio Library https://youtu.be/ MkNeIUgNPQ8 Toată cealaltă muzică: ARTLIST — https://sailingsoulianis.com/artlistio-music — Folosiți acest link pentru a obține 2 LUNI GRATUITE de Artlist! Căutăm mereu muzică! Dacă dvs. sau un prieten, rudă sau cunoștință faceți muzică originală și doriți să o prezentați pe canalul nostru, trimiteți-ne un strigăt la hello@sailingsoulianis.com. CAMERA GEAR https://sailingsoulianis.com/shop/camera-gear #trimaran #diy #sailing


32 thoughts on “Câți charlatani sunt nevoie pentru a lansa un trimaran de 32 de picioare? | Sailing Soulianis – Ep. 120

  1. As a MacGregor owner, I think your attachment point to the mast is too high up on the mast. You're attempting to compress the mast rather than lift it. The angle of lift would be more efficient if the lifting line to the mast from the gin pole was more like 45 degrees. On my boat the mast is about 30 feet but the lifting point is about six feet off the deck. Even in wind, raising the mast is casual for two of us.

  2. I'm almost 80 years old and will never be a sailing person but if I were, I'd definitely NOT buy a trimmoran type of boat. Too much fiddling around here and there to get it seaworthy, then dismantle it again?? I don't think so, friends. Not me. Good video to learn from however.

  3. Hey guys, I like watching your videos. I'm sure you know by now, but you have to give the mast a little bit of a boost to help get it started when raising it with a ginpole. You could put tons of pressure on the trailer winch, if the mast is level, it will never have the boost to get up! I have been doing this and similar mends for years, and we always have someone walking with the mast to guide it and help with the initial boost! Hope this helps!

  4. Trials and tribulations,you got there in the end.I guess you still have to devise a plan or method to be self sufficient with the mast,and somehow,I just think you will 🙂

  5. The Gin Pole. Could be the name of a new drink to have after setting up the mast, maybe serve it up with cheese and quackers.
    Well done everybody. Next time it should go more betterer

  6. usually when using a gin pole you would use a line from the pole to the middle of your mast or around the spreaders and a second line from tge gin pole to the winch. this way you are not dragging a line across the top of tge pole and the pressure is not compounded by friction. it's hard to tell if that is what you are doing in the video if so please ignore the comment. Also, when you are just starting to lift, that is the maximum pressure on your line and downward pressure on your hin pole. at that point if you have someone pushing up om the top of the mast, you will find even a little up pressure will make the mast go up and lower the pressure on the gin pole greatly. just may two cents from raising hobie masts by hand for many years.

  7. I'm surprised you didn't do a few practice runs of stepping the mast at home, you had the space to do it and could have worked out the issues, got familiar with the process before going to the ramp.
    Seems you need a chock of some sort under the bow and a stronger gin pole
    On some trailer sailors they attach the halyard and the trailer winch to the gin pole so you don't have the issue of the shackle moving across the gin pole, couldn't see your setup close enough to see if that would work, but you'll be able to figure out if that would help.

  8. I practiced this gin pole method in the front yard at the house to make sure it all worked and I had the method down, before I tried it at the boat ramp.

  9. Darn I am getting attached to this site here I am awake at 5 in the morning. I remember putting up tall slender poles for antennas in the army. You need to get the mast at least a 45 degree angle before using the wench. A pole loosely attached halfway up the mast. Use the pole to get it up that far and the wench should work.

  10. I can see what your doing wrong!! Your halyard attaches to your gin pole and your winch attaches to your gin pole!! Your winch does NOT attach to your halyard. Feel free to watch my raising mast single handed video. I use an A frame not a gin pole but same concept

  11. I give the three of you 👍👍👍for not pushing a bad situation. You have a great back yard with lots of room to work out all the problems and correct them one at a time in stepping the mast.

  12. LOL…in my experience, it takes 5 people to launch a '32 tri that's supposed to take two people 2 – 3 hours and even then, lines get twangled, shit gets dropped, things break, boat gelcoat gets dinged, tensions run high, people bust their backs….it's all in the attitude! Yep, the engine doesn't start, you drag rudder and don't forget to clear the power lines! And leave home with ALL apparatus, plenty of tools and replacement parts and some guerrilla tape!

  13. Wow… This is the MOST realistic video of what it is REALLY like when you own a trailerable sail boat…. Beautiful presentation!

  14. A WHOLE TRIBE OF DUCKS!!! Well done on finding and fixing the fuel Issue. Happy sailing guys. Greetings from sunny Perth, West Australia. 39°C today! Cheers, Frank.

  15. I see your towing with a jeep. How’s that working out? I have 2018 GC with the v6, and currently looking at a Corsair but am nervous about the towing aspect

  16. That was generous to share your trials an tribulations. Of course by Now you realize you should have assisted the mast for the first bit by pushing up by hand or prepropping it at an angle so the gin pole wire had a better angle to the mast. But I’ve been raising masts by hand for years so would have figured it . I do think a twin A frame sort of gin pole would be a nice upgrade.
    Well you had all winter to improve system!
    Cheers Warren

  17. As everyone says, the forces to pull up a horizontal mast are enormous, almost impossible. Something would have to give, either the mast would bend, the wire rope would fail or the winch would fail or simply not be strong enough.

  18. That was brutal. Your problems with the engine were the same thing that motivated us to convert our 40 foot Catalina to electric. I was just tired of dealing with ICE. We gave up range but with changes in how we do things its not an issue and we have little maintenance, no noise or fumes. Yay!

  19. I had forgotten what a "quack" was on your channel the first time I saw the title of the vid. Then I remembered and clicked immediately! Fun video to watch, good job.

  20. y'all did great and i loved every minute of the video…… brought back memories of stepping our mast for the first time… second time and many more times…. Y'all did wonderful… thank you…. as for electric… naw… gas is the way but it is all a learning process… congrats….. job well done…

  21. Don't give up on raising and lowering the mast yourselves. It's the reason you bought the boat. Repair the deck, maybe use a temporary prop under it to give extra support during raise lowering ops.
    Devise a method, try it, tweak it, perfect it and make it slick and safe. Where there's a will…….
    Great people, great vid. Thank you.

  22. What an adventure!!! Don't despair – the first time we launched our F-82R trimaran it took at least three hours and we had even practiced raising the mast at home beforehand!. Your gin pole looks a bit short and flimsy for the size of your mast. A longer stouter pole would help quite a bit! I think ours is about 8' long and our mast is a couple feet shorter than yours.

  23. Try a little longer gin pole and attaching the halyard direct to your main sheet 5-1 purchase attached the bow of the boat. leavng the trailer connected to the boat to reduce the flex. Works well on my Sovereign. There is a great 3 part video on U tube for the Seaward 32rk mast system. Enjoy your videos.

  24. New boats always present big learning curves but that was UNREAL, you guys remained calm and worked together as a team to ensure you didn't ground the boat. Well done team!

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