Putem termina totul? | Ep84

Putem termina totul?  |  Ep84

O mare parte a croazierei este să ai grijă de barca ta, astfel încât să poată avea grijă de tine. În Marea Mediterană, majoritatea acestor locuri de muncă se fac iarna și lista poate deveni foarte lungă. Aceasta este partea de croazieră pe care nu o vedeți des pe YouTube, dar face parte din stilul de viață, așa că acesta este un episod diferit de filmele noastre obișnuite și sper că le va oferi celor dintre voi care se întreabă cum este să trăiți așa. unele informații despre croazieră. De asemenea, profit de ocazie pentru a discuta cu alți croaziere de aici în Porto Muntenegru despre experiențele lor. ––––––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––- Urmărește-ne pe Instagram #svfairisle –––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––- Vă rugăm să vă abonați-nu vă costă nimic și ne ajută CU ALGORITMUL YOUTUBE –––––––––––––––- ––––––––––––––––– ––––––– Mai degrabă vezi videoclipurile noastre fără reclame?… Există o modalitate… PATREON: Există o modalitate de a vedea videoclipurile curente fără reclame înainte de a fi lansate în public, devenind membru de onoare al echipajului și alăturându-se grupului nostru Patreon. Veți avea patru sau cinci zile pentru a vedea cel mai recent videoclip înaintea oricui. Există, de asemenea, o mulțime de videoclipuri suplimentare disponibile pe Patreon și ne puteți contacta direct la bord. De asemenea, avem acum sesiuni lunare Zoom cu Patreons, ceea ce este foarte distractiv! Continuarea producerii acestor videoclipuri depinde de patronii noștri și suntem foarte recunoscători pentru sprijin: https://www.patreon.com/sailingfairis… ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––– FACEBOOK: Puteți urmări și pe facebook, unde actualizăm constant ce se întâmplă: https://www.facebook.com/svfairisle/?…. ––––––- ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––––––––- SITE WEB: Loturi mai multe informatii pe site; http://www.sailingfairisle.com –––––––––––––– ––––––––––––––––– –––––––––


26 thoughts on “Putem termina totul? | Ep84

  1. Really appreciated this video. Thanks for gathering the input of fellow sailors. Also, great camera-work on the heater that won’t click when it’s supposed to.😉 Always look forward to your videos. Best to Judy & hope her trip to UK is going well. – Dr. Mac

  2. If only there were a few good YouTube channels that would share the knowledge. I think you just did a Pink job? 🤣Sail Safe Guys, Ant & Cid.

  3. Keeping systems as simple/mechanical as possible, is a big help. There's a youtube channel called Sailing SV Lynx, where a couple in their late 60's(?) are about to start building a modified 50 foot catamaran from Schionning. In it, he detailed his search for the best engine to couple to a hybrid propulsion system and settled on a mechanical Nanni engine, because of its' ability to be fixed by crew anywhere in the world without the need for a laptop and a company technician to diagnose problems and not void the warranty. It's a fascinating technical channel.

  4. Thanks for the video. I enjoy the boat jobs videos. Owning a 35 foot sailboat myself, I often tell people that sailing is 75% sanding/varnishing and 25% sailing.

  5. Yet another quality film! Love the honest and practical approach and content of your videos. Let me know if you need a real "cost of ownership" horror story 😂😑😬

  6. I've been looking for a good caulk removal multitool blade for a while to do my decks – yours looks intriguing- do you have any information on it?

  7. Butler Technique were extremely helpful when I needed a 60mm 80 deg bend with male ends. They searched the warehouse and came up with an excellent solution of parts that fitted together. That was in 2010 and its still in use as is the Webby they supplied.

  8. As others have said …
    Two equals one spare…
    Interesting episode.
    People forget how much they spend on a house, and a boat is your home and your car AND your holiday (how much do you spend per year on ONE holiday).
    If one can earn as you sail, like yourself, it does take the pain out of it …

  9. I’ve been in hvac for 50 years. However in 1982 I had an apprentice blow a chimney apart on me so that was the last day I touched oil heat. But that looks like the controller isn’t initiating the igniter coil.
    Sorry, wrote this before you came to the same conclusion 😉

  10. This was an excellent video, thanks for taking the time to do this. It really gives insight into cruising life.

  11. Suggest signal/continuity testing on the wiring and the pins/connectors starting from the heater and working back to the cpu if you discover lack of a signal. I couldn't tell if you have a control wire in addition to a power wire. Check for signal on both. If you are missing a signal from either or both coming out of the CPU, then if you can open up the cpu, you may be able to follow the circuit(s) on the baord to see a problematic solder connection or some sign of obvious corrosion that you might be able to clean up. Make sure that the cpu is getting adequate power, too.

  12. you Britishes … always makes the sailing and the life complicate , pls….. all of you , breaks your mentality chains…….. life is short , even there is only one life to live…. just live it and enjoy…
    if you don't have enough to money cover it,,, do not waste your rest of your life , just minimilaze your both lenght and your life standart , except the health insurance…. friendly ,

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