După zile la sfârșitul condițiilor grele, flota a experimentat în sfârșit o oarecare acalmie, permițând atât ambarcațiunii, cât și corpurilor să se odihnească și să facă un control. Dar asta nu ar trebui să dureze prea mult… #TheOceanRace Nu uitați să vă abonați pentru mai multe The Ocean Race: https://goo.gl/BzBCwU Consultați catalogul nostru video complet: https://goo.gl/ nrB9ay Like The Ocean Race pe Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theoceanrace/ Urmăriți pe Twitter: https://twitter.com/theoceanrace/ Urmăriți pe Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theoceanrace/ Citiți mai multe: http://www.theoceanrace.com
RAPPORT CURSA – Etapa 3 – 09/03 | Cursa Oceanului
7 thoughts on “RAPPORT CURSA – Etapa 3 – 09/03 | Cursa Oceanului”
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What happens when the operators drop the drones in the water? Do they have spares or are they forced to go fishing for them?
Thanks for the report! Sitting by my fire at 5am with coffee after dog said "let me out"
Glad all is safe!
Is Melizia the same boat that the silly Swedish girl crossed the Atlantic in?
Nach all den Problemen kommt jetzt die Belohnung 💯👍🏻 hurra 😅
Thanks for the report. It's great to see the fleet compress to give everyone a fighting chance. they are all winners in my book. I hope they can all get some rest and complete some repairs.Stay Safe.
Where would this game go without mother Sam D.
Amazing. I can hear the call of your adventure. I am itching to feel the pain, grit and excitement, mixed with a little discomfort. Thank you again for these videos.