Întoarceți-vă la acest refit masiv de barcă. Începem.

Întoarceți-vă la acest refit masiv de barcă.  Începem.

Canalul nostru este posibil de tine! Consultați contul nostru Patreon pentru a obține acces la actualizări săptămânale în timp real (în timpul sezonului de ambarcațiuni), acces anticipat la videoclipuri și poate chiar scrisori surpriză scrise de mână livrate în căsuța dvs. poștală. Patronii sunt cei care mențin acest canal în viață! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=13249792 Magic Carpet II este un Cape George 36, construit în Port Townsend, WA în 1982. Coca și balastul ei au fost construite de Cape George Marine Works, iar restul a fost terminat de către proprietarul inițial. Consultați site-ul nostru pentru a afla mai multe despre noi: https://sailingmagiccarpet.com/ Dacă doriți să ne susțineți, dar patreon nu este lucrul dvs., puteți face o donație o singură dată prin PayPal și vă vom trimite multe multumesc in schimb!! https://www.paypal.me/aladinorovegno PRODUSE PE CARE UTILIZAM MULT: (linkuri afiliate marcate cu *) *TOTALBOAT: epoxid uimitor! Obțineți o reducere de 5% la comanda dvs. folosind link-ul nostru de afiliat: https://www.totalboat.com/magiccarpet *PANTALONI DE LUCRU ALADINO: https://gtly.ink/ltMFKBUSO SIA SANDPAPER: șmirghel elvețian de înaltă calitate, care nu se va desprinde și nu se lasă un finisaj neuniform: www.sia-abrasives.com CAPE GEORGE MARINE WORKS: șantierul unde a fost construită barca noastră. Situat în Port Townsend WA, lucrează de înaltă calitate pe bărci în stil tradițional. De asemenea, pot construi bărci noi la comandă. https://capegeorgecutters.com/ Vezi muzica Mayei pe Spotify și iTunes! SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/3ypa1AKDFqSOP6Cg2GX53p?si=SLM8H6ZPR4CXyDtaqVDWGA iTUNES: https://music.apple.com/ca/artist/maya-eliza/1518186756 Suntem pe instagram la @Carpet Color graded cu @SaiMagi Phantom Luts de Joel Famularo Adresa noastră de e-mail este doar pentru întrebări de afaceri, vă rog! Dacă aveți o întrebare de afaceri sau o altă propunere, vă rugăm să ne trimiteți un e-mail la SailingMagicCarpet (la) gmail.com


27 thoughts on “Întoarceți-vă la acest refit masiv de barcă. Începem.

  1. I guess it is good to have it all written down so you can see progress as it comes. It looks huge to me but you can also see that you have made giant leaps forward when you look at all you have already accomplished. When you are done though you will have a fantastic boat for very much less money. Love you guys, you are so much fun to watch.

  2. thanks again, for Orion.. and Maya, I am old enough to be your grandpa, but wow, you are beautiful in work clothes during Aladino's talk at about 4 min..

  3. Just hrowing an idea out… Why don't you ask patrons or volunteers to cycle through week after week, such as what Leo did originally with "Tally Ho"? Could you put up a couple of people per week to offset their hotel/accommodation costs? I'm sure their are competent people in the NW that would love to lend a helping hand.

  4. Maya & Aladino, don’t take things personal. You are both fabulous at what you do. You are learning something new. Maya, just like Aladino isn’t the expert cinematographer, you both have things to learn. Everyone has their strengths and opportunities for growing. Love will be returned when the respect you give to yourself and your partner is appreciated.

    My only advice is to sneak off to town or a park, maybe even a nice dinner, no boat talk. Have an hour or two of fun each week. 😊 Magic Carpet will appreciate when you both return with a joyful and renewed energy. You’re off to a great start, checking off the baby steps.

  5. With so much to rebuild, was the boat even worth what you paid for it? Basically you have a bare open hull.
    It will be so nice to see you finally splash it. Are you compressing those 6 months into 3 or 4 months of videos? Good luck with it all.

  6. I am really looking forward to watching your journey together. It is a lot of work, but like I’ve always said the best way to eat. An elephant is one bite at a time. This major refit is certainly comparable to that. Best of success.

  7. Wow, now that is a comeback! I have loved your previous videos on both this project and your summer trip to Scandinavia, but somehow this video stepped it up a bit. The content has always been great and I love your editing, that is proper craftmanship👏 But stylewise there is something fresh with this video, and I think it is due to simplification. Holding the phone as a mic in front of you, and now both of you explaining your work and reasoning instead of more "interview-style" explanations, just makes it even more personal and intimate. for me the production value is just as great, so keep it up 👍 With this more equal approach, I think you will both feel more ownership to the combined process of refitting and documenting it. And maybe Dino will learn not to breathe heavily into the mic when doing cameraman duties 😂

  8. You two got this, cheer up! believe in yourselves yes its a monumental task but hey I have complete faith in you both. I've seen what you two are both made of, you' two are doing fine.. so hang in there.and give us a smile. as I said, You both got this! God bless.

  9. Maya and Aladdino, I have an idea for the cabin sides and I offer it to you here: watching you peel off that fibreglass stirred in me my dislike of the stuff. It's wood, steel, even ferroçement for me! I dislike fibreglass even more when it is used as a superficial overcoat to 'protect' whatever lies underneath. Here is what I think would be my approach to the problem of the cabin sides:
    1. Thoroughly sand the sides until every last vestige of the fibreglass ìs removed.

    2. Thoroughly oil the cabin sides with linseed or similar. Repeat as necessary. Hopefully the offending dark stain will disappear or at least diminish over time, either that or you will learn to live with it!
    Sailor Barry's better half has just done the very procedure that I have outlined for you here* and I suggest that you might benefit by taking a look at their latest video.

    * I have not copied anyone else's work with my suggestions, Ìndeed, I visited Sailor Barry after viewing this video.

  10. This was a post on the Tally Ho page and I thought it might interest you



    Hi Leo,

    You are probably already aware there is a Golden Globe Race entrant from South Africa who is the only woman competing.

    She recently rounded Cape Horn, and is still in first place.

    Her Cape George 36 was built in Port Townsend in 1988 and there is a reference to Tally Ho in her provenance:

    ""This boat design was created by Cecil Lange, an esteemed boat builder. With the help of Ed Monk, a designer, the Cape George 36 is a fiberglass adaptation of the Tally Ho Major, Atkins 1930s boat.""

    Any chance there is a connection to your Tally Ho?

    Enjoy the annual re-supply of Yorkshire tea…cheers!

  11. I have wondered for a while it students are learning to become youtube videographers for school credit. I know it would be tough to get the right person but it seems to me now it could be big help for you and that it is a real career field.

  12. Maya!!!! Hey it’s okay to sometimes make a little mess up, your learning something that many don’t know or understand. It’s okay to feel discouraged too just keep pushing yourself and you’ll find your way! You guys are doing a remarkable job!

  13. Great to have you back in the big workshop! I love the way you put words to this lovely but crazy project of yours. In this ep I especially enjoyed your frustration Maya with the demolition project. I often feel like I can't enjoy the process of learning when fixing something on my boat, i want to be a pro without practice. I think it's great what you're doing. Keep up the good work and try (i know its hard) to cut youselves some slack! Your Brilliant ❤ /Andreas, Stockholm, Sweden

  14. Dear Maya and Aladino
    👍👌👏 I simply have to say it again: You two look so great together and work so well together. Looks like a perfect fit. Additionally you two are totally right: Everything will definitely pay off in the end! Not only that: You will own one of the best refitted sail boats ever and especially one of the best Cape George yachts (if not the best). Having a ton of effort now and doing such impressive good work now, will save you a lot of time in the future (the foundations and the roofs are always the most important things on any build). You will be able to enjoy your journeys even more knowing to have a perfect, sturdy, water tight, reliable and comfortable boat. After it is done so extremely well, not much maintenance will have to be done in the future. 2) Maya, please don't underestimate your input/contribution to all the work that is done. Without your amazing and impressive talent to make such fantastic videos, nothing of this could happen = no Magic Carpet 1, no Magic Carpet 2, no dinghy, no sailing adventures full time without money! Additionally you do a ton of preparation work etc.p.p..
    As always: Thanks a lot for making, teaching, explaining, recording, editing, uploading and sharing.
    Best regards, luck and health to all involved people.

  15. Maya,
    You are the brave one. A ladino is the professional and to his credit, a perfectionist. Joining the refit as a beginner craftsperson is intimidating at best. We learn from mistakes. The more you engage, the faster you learn some tricks, shortcuts and creative approaches. Time pressure is your enemy. Measure twice cut once. Smile, you are making something beautiful.

    Remember, at one point you drew your bow across the strings- the teacher smiled and showed you the way. Now you are instrumentalists.

  16. Two regular landlubber jobs for a year and a boat that isn't a rotted out wreck would have been a lot better. If you guys get through the next six months without a divorce it would be a major accomplishment. Live and learn!

  17. Have you asked for help from local craftsmen just to do the odd small job that they can do and finish with you watching over? There must be retired folk about that would love to give you some hours here and there.

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