Casa noastră și o expediție arctică MONSTRU | TUR CU BARCA

Casa noastră și o expediție arctică MONSTRU |  TUR CU BARCA

Tur pe puntea Arktika! Se face iarnă aici! A doua parte a turului cu barca (INTERIOR): Video cu încălzitor: Navigație de iarnă și viscol: https: // PS. O mică greșeală în ceea ce am spus în acest videoclip, fostul proprietar a finalizat pasajele NW & NE în două sezoane, nu unul. Vă bucurați de videoclipuri? Patronii au acces la un instrument de urmărire a bărcilor (afișează, de asemenea, toate ancorajele și porturile din trecut) și la propriul nostru grup WhatsApp de navigație arctică. Și, mai presus de toate, sprijinul tău îmi permite să aloc timp filmării+editării acestor videoclipuri! Mulțumesc chiar și pentru că ai luat în considerare, chiar ajută! Mai multe actualizări în timp real la: #ep41 #boattour #sailing


47 thoughts on “Casa noastră și o expediție arctică MONSTRU | TUR CU BARCA

  1. Cool boat! I live in the next county about 17km south of there, how did you guys fare in those storms we just had? 
    I've been clearing snow and pulling stuck cars for 5 days now 😆
    I was a mechanic on Örkin 20 years ago back when it was still fishing btw.

  2. Special request: can you please give us a boat tour of the gorgeous wooden boat on your starboard side? If you have not already left that harbour 🙂

  3. ><great post Very detailed and accurate video that you posted, buddy, I love your content. It's funny how some people out there still haven't accepted that crypto currencies continue to change the world globally. It's hard these days for anyone who is against it. What I feel from a trader's perspective that we really need more experts in the field to educate newbie’s / investors on how the community works, the price of BTC has been fluctuating lately which means the market is currently open and you are not Be able to tell whether it is going to be too bearish or bullish, this uncertainty pushes most traders away and forces investors to hold on. I would say it is completely wrong to just sit back and wait for a few losses is perhaps the wrong mindset for an investor because, as an investor, you will find ways to keep getting and topping up more and more coins should be our top priority, to make a profit. It all depends on the pattern you are trading in and the source of your strategies as well. I started with 0.2 BTC and have accumulated over 4.5 BTC in just 3 weeks, with the correct trading strategy given to me by an experienced trader, Mr. Edward Rowe. His methods are top notch and profitable and he can easily be contacted via Telegram: @EdwardRowe

  4. Hi Juho, I noticed that your anchor swivel is fitted directly to the anchor shank. If you are swinging around in a big wind shift or tide change this could put a lot of sideways force and bend / break the swivel. Good tip is to fit about about 5 links of chain between the anchor and the swivel to mitigate excess sideways forces between the swivel and anchor shank. Great tour of the boat, love your channel.😀

  5. Olá meus amigos, prazer em revelos e obrigado pela explanação do vosso excelente barco. Gostaria de saber se o vosso barco seria tão bom no equador como na Nova Zelândia. Obrigado.Abraços e até breve.

  6. That’s a pretty awesome boat. The ocean is beautiful and I have been out in really rough seas in a converted tug boat. But I feel much safer just looking at it. The ocean can be a scary place to be sometimes.

  7. Me alegra que Pippin a parte de actuar, se dedique a las expediciones. Ojalas que lo veamos junto a frodo en uno de sus viajes. Me gusta el canal

  8. That safe sturdy hull boat, nearly fit for light armored vehicle, is the only one I would consider to be in the ocean, wher now you can come across garbage and dangerous floating debris at any joment

  9. In 1984 the Dutchman Eilco Kasemier sailed around the world singlehanded with his aluminium motorboat Bylgia II. And in 1985 he completed this trip by returning safely to Holland. The boat was especially designed for this trip. He had only one engine on board, a Perkins 4,236 in order to consume a minimum of fuel at I believe 6,3 knots continously. He first made some testruns from I believe Holland to the Lofoten and back and Holland to Greenland and back. Thereafter he started his round the world trip from Holland via the southcoast of the UK to Mediterranean, via Suez Canal to India and futher to Asia. From there via the Pacific to Cape Horn and from Cape Horn straight away back to the UK and to Holland. He made the trip without noticeable issues with the engine/technique on board. 3 years ago I met the boat again and it still had the same engine and it was not overhauled meanwhile. So apparently Perkins was a better choice than a BMW.
    I have a nearly exact copy of this boat in steel.

  10. A Cat 5 ain't got Nothing on this vessel !! She could probably go from trough to trough, right thru a 10 meter crest…! WoW !! I would love to see the blueprint's of her. Thanks for sharing !

  11. Designing in two engines might be not just for redundancy but also for more economical cruising on just one and reaching its top speed with two, fuel consumption be damned. Also for having an engine available while doing some routine maintenance on the other I suppose. In any case, boats should be sailing instead of motoring whenever possible.

  12. Nice boat. I could see it crossing the Atlantic. You two should be safe and you apparently know your boat and that is of the utmost importance. Fair winds and following seas! Remember: red skies at night, sailors delight. Red skies in morning, sailors take warning!

  13. I have a BMW D50-2 diesel marine engine in my Sceptre 41’ ,Canada BC.built sailing boat.These engines blocks made by Hatz ,aother diesel engine brand from Germany.

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