DEMOLIERE – Remodelare interioară barca cu pânze

DEMOLIERE - Remodelare interioară barca cu pânze

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25 thoughts on “DEMOLIERE – Remodelare interioară barca cu pânze

  1. Only fell across your vlog tonight but I'm impressed and going back to the beginning can't wait to see the new interior well done!

  2. Hey Guys – if you would like to cool the boat down – set up a great big cover over boom – or similar – basically make it a tent – it will take at least 7c temp out of the boat

  3. Nice to see You're doing it right. The boat will be like new when you're done. I'll be watching your rebuild with great interest. Along the East Coast of the US, boats with this kind of water damage can sometimes sell for very little. Add a non-functional engine, and its My kind of boat, donated to a charity and sold online no matter how low the final bid is. I'm amazed you had a usable cabin after just three months. You should be proud of yourselves if you've fixed it. Even more so if you really did it in 3 months. I just subscribed and turned on notifications so I can learn how you did your restoration. Thanks in advance for the useful info !

  4. "Wouldn't allow us to stay in our boat while on the hard…" sounds like STINKING DEMOCRAT LAW INFESTED AMERICA! SICK OF BEING TOLD HOW TO LIVE!!!

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