Săptămâna aceasta Bridget Kelly și Mandii B s-au întors cu un episod solo, după ce și-au luat prima săptămână liberă în doi ani. Doamnele vorbesc despre finalizarea celor 5 tururi ale orașului și împărtășesc ce a însemnat experiența cu adevărat pentru ele. excursia ei la Curacao Segmentul Grown: Monologul lui Quinta pe SNL Doamnele vorbesc despre personajele negre sau despre lipsa acestora în sitcom-urile populare de pe vremuri. Este corect să ne așteptăm să vedem personaje negre în „Seinfeld” „Sex In The City” și „Friends? Segment cinstit: Dalai Lama își cere „scuze” pentru că i-a cerut unui băiat să-și suge limba Fondatorul aplicației Cash, Bob Lee, este ucis în SF Cum influențează platformele precum Chat GPT relațiile, arta și viitoarele obstacole legale legate de proprietatea vocii Bridget folosește site-ul Splice ca exemplu de tehnologie AI utilă pentru artiști Segment ușor toxic:: Marcus Houston vorbește despre diferența de vârstă dintre el și soția lui Lucruri despre care nu ne pasă Segmentul Freshly Squeezed: Muzică nouă —–– –––– Sponsori episod: SKIMS: SKIMS Se potrivește tuturor și mai multe produse esențiale cele mai bine vândute sunt disponibile acum pe SKIMS.com Liquid IV: Luați-vă Liquid IV în vrac la nivel național la Costco sau puteți obține 20% oprit când accesați LIQUIDIV.COM și utilizați codul STTI la finalizarea comenzii. European Wax Center: Rezervă-ți evadarea fără probleme cu experții de la European Wax Center. Fă o rezervare azi — prima ta ceară este gratuită* Starbucks: Starbucks Coffee, gata pentru chiar acum. Cumpărați gama completă online sau în magazin, oriunde cumpărați alimente
Vezi, Chestia E… Episodul 192 | Sfinte Mincinoase
30 thoughts on “Vezi, Chestia E… Episodul 192 | Sfinte Mincinoase”
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Do y’all interview people that go through similar experiences about what you guys discuss? Cause girrrrrrl I have an experience!
These 2 hours were Amaze! Im the only Blvk Girl in my Finance department-so Duality is very real here! 😂Love listening to yall while working from home. Welcome back 🎉
Bridget “blat, blat, blat” with zero enthusiasm. Almost said like “and so on and so forth” 😂😂
Charles and Shireen got a pod?! Let me go subscribe
1:37:29 confused the hell out of me. Had me making sure my other apps were closed lol
the auntie/old folk cosplay our generation 's obsessed with isfunny but yall be getting carried away. cole like 5 years Mandi's senior. You werent being a auntie, you were just a drunk fan/groupie lol its okay
Mandii . I stand with u on " the list ". I can't listen to Caresha for more than 5 min. The interviews are horrible 😅 But the young girls love it . I am not her demographic. I would be pissed if I was a Podcaster lol
Mandii dancing to her pain from AI is crazy 😂😂😂😂😂
Friends was my show. They actually gave Ross a black girlfriend in season 9, still not great for diversity.
A tour is five dates now lol everyone be saying they on tour nowadays
Mandiii just being who you are is serving a purpose in itself. As a woman also in her thirties who is childless and participates in ENM relationships etc it's amazing just to see representation in the media space. So often women like us feel like an anomaly and watching you on STTI and WD every week truly makes me feel more normal ❤
Carrie in Sex in the City being into fashion and not having black friends is not far fetched at all.
It’s one thing not to like Joe Budden, it’s straight hate to act like he isn’t an influential figure in the hip hop media space. I love y’all but c’mon now
Great show 🎉
Bridget's cheekbones are so damn sexy .
Only thing I’ma say is I’m glad y’all r not on that 🗑️ list😂😂😂😂
Damn Mandii went 2 a Drake event so now she holding back, we lost a real 1😂😂😂😂😂
Noo because Bridget rapping was so good she kilt it we really need a rap single now the way she flowed on that thang 🤣😍😍 lmao I love y’all down
Chat GPT is free guys .. people are creating fake apps
now somebody better get this jingle on a coffee brand… you know what lol… let me start a coffee brand and contact y'all. lmaoo
Mandii calling niggas out on songs is the petty I like to see 4:56 . Like y’all how’s talk about me?? Got you 😂
Haven't listened much since you guys left the JBN, only IG clips but I'm back! Great show guys.
South Africa has a majority black population
Y'all look amazing!!!
Put some respect on city girls name !!!! 🗣️🗣️
That coffee song was a vibe 🙂 and a great Jingle…lol
bridget i love u. but them shoes giving sundays best 😭 I LOVE U THO
There was a white guy on the Martin show. He worked at the radio station.
Mandi just say u don’t like Caresha and go bout ur day! City Girls honestly broke more barriers down than Cardi B has! Idk why they get over looked! But their impact to HIPHOP CULTURE IS THROUGH THE ROOF! REAL BAD! Period!
You two look great! 😻