Ep 20: Navigam pe noul catarg

Ep 20: Navigam pe noul catarg

După ce catargul este ridicat, putem naviga din nou pentru prima dată în 7 luni și putem testa noua platformă. Bucurați-vă de videoclip! www.mjambo.de Facebook: M Jambo Sailing Instagram: martin_jambo Tip Box: PayPal.Me/mjambosailing Carte: To the Horizon and Beyond Titlu german: „Bis zum Horizont und darüber hinaus” Traducere în engleză de Helen MacCormac ISBN-13: 979- 8366220026 Link-uri: SUA: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Marea Britanie: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Germania: https://www.amazon.de/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Franța: https://www.amazon.fr/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Spania: https://www.amazon.es/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Italia: https://www.amazon.it/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Țările de Jos: https:/ /www.amazon.nl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Polonia: https://www.amazon.pl/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Suedia: https://www.amazon.se/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Japonia: https://www.amazon. co.jp/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Canada: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Australia: https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B0BPGBSXMR Link-uri de prieteni: https://www.yachtall .com/ https://www.boote-yachten.de/de/ https://www.happycharter.com/ https://www.jendrikodenwald.com/


29 thoughts on “Ep 20: Navigam pe noul catarg

  1. Well done Martin … I’m sure you are please to have your sailing boat back!!! Looking forward to your next trip … Cheers from Muros!!!

  2. I tell you, even I am German, and saw already the german version, I will also watch the english version now, best wishes, Dominic from Hamminkeln 😅

  3. Thank you again for sharing your adventures with us Martin!!! I always look forward to your new videos with eager anticipation!!!

  4. Hooray Martin and Anke! So great to see you sailing again. I make that same sigh you made at 7:43 when switching the engine off every time I go sailing. It's the best feeling. As always, thanks for sharing with all of us.

  5. I've really grown to love your intro music. Perhaps because I was born in the early 80s, but it really makes me feel like an adventure is about to be shown, which of course it is.

  6. The chainplate setup for the staysail looks good, should work fine as it appears the load is distributed down the chainplate and not on the deck. So happy to see you sailing with the mast again! Hooray! It's also wonderful to have Anke as part of your videos. We need more women sailors.

  7. Martin good to see the new mast installed now we are looking forward to new sailing adventures . Is the boat insured for that kind of problems in this case the mast??

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