DOCUL NE DISTRUGE BARCA – Restaurare clasică a pisicilor | SailAway 225

DOCUL NE DISTRUGE BARCA - Restaurare clasică a pisicilor |  SailAway 225

CURENTUL, VÂNTUL și VALELE ne lovesc ÎMPOTRIVA DOCULUI. Ne luptăm să PROTEJAM BARCA. ÎN INTERIOR, restaurarea continuă cu NUMEROASE DE PROIECTE MICI și unul FOARTE „MAZAR”. Bucurați-vă!! Și asigurați-vă că vă ABONAȚI pentru CONȚINUT SĂPTĂMÂNAL ÎN FIECARE DUMINICĂ! Noroc!! Vă mulțumim că vizionați SailAway, documentarul de călătorie al unui cuplu aventuros de navigatori, copil și câine, care navighează prin lume!

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24 thoughts on “DOCUL NE DISTRUGE BARCA – Restaurare clasică a pisicilor | SailAway 225

  1. At close to $180, you need to buy a doorbell camera to make sure nobody steals your door hardware

    Maybe the shallows give an extra push to the bow waves the dolphins ride on …

  2. A proven solution to store bought fenders that roll out and up is a automobile tire or2 tied to 2 stanchions won't roll out or up and will not blow up up. Upup.

  3. Get you self an automotive headlight bulb. Fasten two leads to it. This will work as a load test for DC electrical circuits. It's much better than a test light or fluke voltmeter as the big bulb requires some actual draw to illuminate. Helps to pinpoint failing wires and connectors.

    Edit to add: this does not replace a test light or dvom. It is an additional test for DC circuits. You find 12v where it's needed with a meter or test light. You then use the headlight to see if it can pass a load test. You do need to know a little ohms law and understand Watts. Don't use a 20 amp bulb in a 10 amp circuit, etc.

  4. It’s always that one part that you need that should be readily available but turns out it’s obscure. Been there sone that. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and pay the price.

  5. I suggested something a few weeks ago, and I guess I'll talk about it again because it likely could have prevented your engine starting problem in this episode. I have an $8, 10 AMP, Solar charge controller from Amazon attached to my lithium batteries as the solar input. The lithium generally stays high enough to send a maintenance current to my starter battery. If the starter battery is charged it basically pulls next to nothing from the lithium batteries, but it always puts a small current on the starter batteries. They don't seem to sulfate very quickly, they are always full and ready to go. The daily charge is probably a quarter of an amp at 12 volts. It doesn't take more than 2 minutes of solar to sustain on most installations. The benefit is a battery that lasts for freeeekin EVAR. My battery had it put on when it was 4 years old, it is 8 years old now and going strong. A bargain basement Value Walmart battery that shouldn't have made it past 4 years and was on its way out when I put the charger on it. I can't tell the difference between it and a brand new battery. Sometimes the solar controller is only putting in 13volts but apparently that is better than 13.8 if what I am experiencing is the truth about things. I have this sytem on my boat and my Isuzu NPR Overlander conversion…same story both times. Put in two fuses one on the input positive and one on the output positive. I have 5 amp fuses and I only popped one when I disconnected the battery side and the input fuse blew because it went to an infinite draw as it likely tried to pull the full 10 Amps for a quarter second thinking the battery was completely flat. I just used 5 instead of 10 to make sure it wouldn't pull more than it should. But it could charge up a flat starting battery if I let it with 10 amp fuses.

  6. Given the condition I think I would have built new doors. Two places that have a lot of old style hardware are Lee Valley Tools and Restoration Hardware.

  7. Attach the fenders to the dock not the boat. Use pad eye close to the ends of the fenders to hold them down. Works for my boat every time

  8. What was wrong with your lock?
    I had a problem with my door locks however I replaced the springs inside.
    Your right those locks are extremely expensive!

  9. Eric, you brought us into the family. I'm Touched. I remember my Aunt and my mother used to go to the restroom at restaurants and come back joking about being Half A**ed relatives.
    And ima brag to all my friends that I was invited into my favorite Sailing family. Say, can I borrow 10 bucks?

  10. Hey I love your guys videos I'd love to do the same in a couple years I've done some remodeling just an idea whenever I remove a toilet I throw it into a giant plastic bag before I move it anywhere

  11. We installed our Johnson toilet a couple years ago and love it. Way cheaper than the others. Funny I just posted our Ep.9 video about it and when you had your open end wrench making tiny turns, it brought back bad memories, lol.

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