Cum se compară catamaranul nostru Kit cu bărcile de producție? (MJ Sailing – Ep 283)

Cum se compară catamaranul nostru Kit cu bărcile de producție?  (MJ Sailing - Ep 283)

Luați aceste excursii cu noi și vedeți ce ne-am accepta și ce ne-am dori să putem include, în timp ce turăm catamaranele expuse la Annapolis Spring Boat Show. Weekend-ul trecut am participat la Salonul de bărci de primăvară de la Annapolis din 2023 și, încă o dată, am încercat să ne urcăm la bordul cât mai multor catamarane pentru a obține idei de la ei. Prima dată când am făcut asta a fost în octombrie 2022, la doar 7 luni de la construcție și am fost complet copleșiți de tot ce mai avea de făcut. Acum suntem mult mai aproape de a fi nevoiți să luăm decizii cu privire la articolele cu care mergem, așa că putem fie să le achiziționăm și să le instalăm, fie să le putem proiecta în jurul lor. Din păcate, bărcile prezente la spectacolul de primăvară nu au fost construite în același mod ca ale noastre (fibră de sticlă cu miez de spumă), așa că au reușit să scape cu mult mai mult lemn, furnir și vinil decât noi. Dar încă putem acorda atenție luminilor, jaluzelelor, schemelor de culori și multe altele.


22 thoughts on “Cum se compară catamaranul nostru Kit cu bărcile de producție? (MJ Sailing – Ep 283)

  1. Make your insulated head liners, and put them in place using Velcro. That is how I affixed most of my mirrors and other fittings which can be removed easily. Velcro–the heavy duty stuff, is a really under-used resource. I even used it to fasten down small fire extinguishers, at intervals throughout the vessel where I did not wish to weaken or deface a bulkhead by drilling.

  2. Thanks for showing these products. It’s always nice seeing what is out there now. I have been following the fuel cell
    Development on the Heesen channel. It is very interesting. I believe they even have someone who committed to building a yacht that uses fuel cell technology to power it. It’s going to be interesting to see 5 years from now

  3. The Nautitech is a great boat, I just don't like the helm positions. If weather is bad you have to take it all.

  4. Hey M&J, great vid! Aesthetics are awesome. Hunter (monohull) and Lagoon (catamaran) have some absolutely gorgeous boats! But would you circumav with them? My guess is "no", nor would I.

    You two are doing great! Everything is coming together nicely.

  5. I just caught you going through the door and would like to mention something I found out converting a bus back in 1980. A friend who was doing his second bus told me something about steps and doors. He said to watch a number of people walk up and down stairs and go through doorways. Better, video them. As they go up and down stairs watch where they put their feet. By studying that, I found how to lower rise height and add an extra stair within the same distance as I started with. ( trick is to angle the riser in a – Z – pattern ) It is something to play with to get the right measurements but, the kickback allows for your foot going up and your toes and front foot have the right space going down. Now, to the doorway. A track runner and even a walker sees what is ahead and his brain has already calculated where he / she will put their foot. As a person passes through a doorway, it is one foot at a time and that step angles the body so, we can naturally step through a doorway that is less than our straight shoulder width. ( sadly a narrow doorway does not help when you consider boxes and bed mattresses etc. ) All the best, Hal

  6. For grab bars/rails, consider using ones that are not open ended. They tend to grab hold of bag handles and any other type of gear you are schlepping up/down the stairs leading to a fall or worse.

  7. Sometimes you guys kill me with that we can't have this and we can't have that because of weight. You could most assuredly have liners on your boat. Just make them out of lightweight fabric with balsa frames. We have a sixty foot high performance Cat with liners over the windows that hide our shades. Total liner weight… wait for it…. 25 lbs They are also removable via Velcro so if we get tired of the fabric we can change it easily. 🙂

  8. Well for me the best definitely came at the end, I need those glases 🤓, I've had neck problems for years, (even had to give up playing snooker) I will definitely be looking out for them 🤗

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