TRG RDD| SUSSEX-urile și YORK-ii tăiau din aceeași pânză

TRG RDD|  SUSSEX-urile și YORK-ii tăiau din aceeași pânză

#princeharry #meghanmarkle #royalty #spare Nu încurajez pe nimeni să amenințe sau să hărțuiască pe alții în sau în afara acestui spațiu. Cu excepția cazului în care spun în mod EXPLICIT că ceva este un fapt în orice reportaj al unui jurnalist cetățean, totul ar trebui să fie privit ca OPINIUNEA MEA EDUCATĂ care se bazează pe cercetare calificată, judecată și analiză, educație și experiență de viață personală. Tot ceea ce afirm sau creez este cu bună-credință și bunăvoință. Nu există nicio intenție de a înșela sau a induce în eroare pe cineva sub niciun pretext fals. Cu excepția cazului în care sunt create ca operă de artă originală folosind expresia mea artistică din creierul meu, orice referințe terțe care sunt încorporate în conținut sunt din domeniul public. Toate informațiile de la terți la care se face referire, au scop ilustrativ, NU au intenții rău intenționate. Orice material utilizat din domeniul public respectă Ghidurile de utilizare corectă și legile aplicabile. Informațiile pot fi utilizate în scopuri ilustrative, educaționale și/sau transformatoare. Acest conținut este strict pentru educație și divertisment. Îi încurajez pe alții să facă cercetări pentru a ajunge la propria opinie. Arta pe care o creez și orice opinii împărtășite în acest spațiu sunt protejate prin dreptul meu de a mă exprima în mod pașnic și sunt aliniate cu regulile politicii YouTube.


41 thoughts on “TRG RDD| SUSSEX-urile și YORK-ii tăiau din aceeași pânză

  1. Please hit the like button to get the algorithm to pick it up or share if you can.. Sleezy Es name is mentioned and YT suppresses vids with his name. Thanks!

  2. Bahrain quickly dropped any association with Prince Andrew, after the Guiffree scandal hit the media. He used to run a business connecting company here; Networking business opportunities/investment/high net worth individuals, etc. The treatment he received from the Bahraini Royals was no more than the normal hospitality/courtesy that would be extended to any member of an overseas Royal Family. The King of Bahrain was a close friend of Queen Elizabeth II, so in this regard, given the type of Arab hospitality that exists, this was the explanation for his special treatment.

  3. That’s what I’ve been saying the whole time she has dirt and that’s why they let her get away with what she does and says.

  4. Unfortunately the two separate cuts of cloth have velco attached and just brush together and fasten, creating a mess of a look.

  5. I think that she tried to hook Andrew to marry her and he didn't fall for her act and scheming so she targeted Hairplugs. But I think Andrew was her initial target during her yachting days.

  6. I think the most telling thing is that the Markles have not attacked Andrew for his shady sh*t. When has MM ever passed up an opportunity to virtue signal and cut someone down? Yep…never. MM is connected to Andrew in some nefarious way…cough cough…yacht or Soho house.

  7. I wrote about this tale & people said I don't know what I'm talking about. This all has to with THE NEW WORLD ORDER OR THE RESET. MEGHAN WAS SENT TO BRING DOWN THE RF & HARRY IS HELPING HER.

  8. Oh puhleeeze can someone who s clever with this stuff pull out Andrew s 3 words…",my brain, as it were"😅😅😅(or maybe "weren t"?😮)and put it on repeat under one of his more vacuous facial expressions😂😂😂

  9. I think you are spot on with your research. After some speculation about exactly WHY the RF was not engaging H&M about their lies I knew that that beotch had the goods on Charles through the ramblings of Harry's inside info and other nefarious episodes in the RF. Your video on the thoughts of CIA involvement intrigued me because that's EXACTLY how the CIA would work. The CIA is filled with NOTHING but scumbags looking to take down leaders and countries and so far it looks like the seawitch is doing just that. Harry was never a love interest for MeGain but a means to sabotage the RF. Charles is fearful that his son and the wife will take away what he so dearly loves….and that is his newly acclaimed POWER of the UK. Sometimes I do wish his son would just get it over with and spill the REAL beans!

  10. People do change their views over the years and Prince Andrew might have not been an exception.

    It might be that his divorce changed him leaving him vulnerable. People who divorced go through bereavement. It's extremely painful regarding of the reasons of the divorce, even if it involves domestic violence.

    Jeffrey Epstein always took advantage of the vulnerable and he seems to be easily influenced. As this documentary said, he liked adulation.

    It is my opinion that Jeffrey took him to this dark path. Unfortunately for Andrew, as an adult he should have been able to discern good for bad but he did not. What a great mistake which he had to paid a high price for.

    Being a spare might have made him feel less worthy somehow as Prince Charles had a stronger public presence. He might have a lower self steel.

    Royal life is neither easier nor fair as you don't chose to be part of but you rather are born part of.

    If your personality is not strong, you might get lost and have no sense of purpose. I feel sorry for him as his lack of skill. I don't even think he had the brains required to perform his role.🤦‍♀️

  11. I like your channel but sometimes your are too conspiratorial theorist for me.

    If there is not a qualified witness who can put people here and there, is difficult to say what they were doing or what their intentions are.

    To speculate on a series if events is just that and never can be considered as hard facts.

    The fact that these people have friends in common is not unusual and does not necessarily mean they are connected.🤔

  12. Hi RG. The unverified piece you show at the end fits perfectly with the PA and Rachel yacht photos (can be seen online) which are said to be taken in 2001. It is alleged that HMQEII allowed Haz to marry Rachel to keep the focus off of PA and the all that was coming out about his relationship with people in the JE world… and the implications of that. Also, it is said that Haz and Rachel actually first met, I believe in 2013.
    And let us not forget MA’s alleged ongoing presence and role. The fact that people “neglect” talking about him after questions are raised and statements are made add credence perhaps to the ongoing rumor that he is PA’s son.

  13. ..I know this is rude but as I think I've said before..harry has/had no problem with hooking up with his uncle's 'leavings'..😮😮..but now lets all think this..if harry knew who megan really was and andrew being a brow beater on ever thing royal..maybe just maybe this was a way for harry to get andrew off his back..hardly nothing works better than to be embarrassed in public..the queen's sister was also quite fond of certain parties on an island she purchased for just 'those certain people'..these things none are new to this royal family..

  14. So over 3 nights MM was working hard going from Pierce Moorgan (who I might add, is resentful..was he expecting a bit more..)to Prince H and another celebrity..That's some stamina !

  15. This is a great video. Andrew and Harry’s paths are so similar it’s shocking. Thanks ❤

  16. PLEEZ,keep your investigations going!! Enlightenment is what has me continuing to draw me to all your reports!! Now, you be safe, my dear. Please keep up your informed reporting. Thank you for all your HARD work!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. All that AND the Clintons. Bill was one of JE's frequent fliers and "guest" at the infamous island as well as dinner guest to his New York residence, etc. How is the Clintons manage to slide out of all the crap?

  18. New subscriber. Would have liked this video to be more like the first one about MeAgain's shady rise in the industry to meet Harry. That was really interesting.

  19. Ive always thought meghan was gross bust this level of depravity is something I was not expecting. It just makes her triumph in having got everything she wanted that much more sickening and dileplorable. I wish THIS information was getting out into the public en masse.

  20. I don’t believe Harry ever had an Instagram account. It would be a breach of the royal guidelines for their working members, as I understand it.

  21. One would have to be daft not to see the nefarious connections these people brought with them. It like having mange and fleas and no one noticing! “O what fools these mortals be!”

  22. There are some topics l enjoy and there are others l am not keen on.
    I really have no interest in Andrew or Harry. And MM is a joke l love laughing at. 😂

  23. I will post this again, see if it gets removed once again. It is certain that Meghan & Harry met on July 1 2016 for a date at SoHo House. It is certain that they *** t******r that evening at SoHo House.

  24. I'm thinking H knew more and had more in common with 'randy' Andy. He most likely looked up to him, thinking he was cool. The first pic of H and A in it, he seemed smitten with his fun uncle. Makes one think . . . H could have been introduced to A's lyfstyle by A. IMHO

  25. The two families are not 'cut from the same cloth'. Both are flawed but not in the same way. Andrew has never been anything but loyal to his country and his family. Sarah doesn't seem to have much common sense which is why she got herself into several scrapes, but she has a good heart and this was recognised by Queen Elizabeth, who got on pretty well with her. They brought up two daughters who appear to have had a happy family life. Then we look at Harry – no loyalty to his country or family and Meghan who doesn't appear to have a heart at all, and has two invisible children who are likely to have problems later in their lives. Where is the 'cut from the same cloth'?

  26. Some more murky going’s in at Soho House’s country club- Soho Farmhouse reported today on BBC website and other outlets. One of the main owners has been named as part of a huge international money laundering racket with links all over the olace. Could this be another facet of the Soho House chain?

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