RC Sailing – Tacking Flyer’s Headsails – Cum funcționează

RC Sailing - Tacking Flyer's Headsails - Cum funcționează

Cum controlează sistemul RC 3 veluri suprapuse pe acest model de navigație RC construit la zgârietură. Această barcă este un design Bearospace numit „FLYER”. Echipamentul ei Gaff Cutter este modelat după legendarul Pilot Cutters englezesc. Corpul ei are 43 inchi (109 cm) lungime și cântărește 18 lbs (8,2 kg). PLANURI PDF pentru ambarcațiunile Bearospace sunt disponibile de la Bearospace Industries: http://www.bearospaceindustries.com/boats2.html PLANURI DE HÂRTIE IMPRIMATE pentru ambarcațiunile Bearospace sunt disponibile de la Flying Models: https://store.flying-models.com/catalog/ index.php?cPath=35_36 DACRON SAILS pentru toate ambarcațiunile Bearospace sunt disponibile de la producătorul de vele Rod Carr: http://www.carrsails.com/ Narațiune de Gary Guitar Pickin’ – de Victor, omul nostru muzical. Găsiți mai multe din muzica lui pe youtube TDKCT https://www.youtube.com/user/VikoBalawa


29 thoughts on “RC Sailing – Tacking Flyer’s Headsails – Cum funcționează

  1. Thank you for this video i was so lost about making the sail things by myself but after this video i think ill try to transform ,y old plastic boat de juguete con motor on to a rc velero xd

  2. I am just about to put the sails on my Pilot cutter and this video is very helpful in showing how the sheets are laid out.
    I guess it is one of those times when things make more sense when you do it in real time yourself.

  3. Have 1/4''' plate aluminum were I to make the trunk to fit would that impact the performance of the Flyer?

  4. I watch this video a lot to get the sail control right in my head. My cutter is finished and ready to go in the water very soon.
    Thanks for the plans and the videos

  5. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and know how on model sailboats ⛵ when I finish building my 12 foot sailing scow I'd like to tackle a model sailboat. I really like your sailboats. I live about 20 minutes from a park on a lake with a public dock. It would be fun to drop a model in when I had time. I'm retired so I've got lots of time.

  6. Hi, I sail my sailboat in the the sea, how can I prevent it from getting away if the wind stops or the RC stops working, what type of line can I attached to the boat

  7. Thanks for the video…. Fitted it on my boat with a gaff rigg.
    First sail today and it was so much fun! Once I worked out what side I was tacking to it was great.
    Some minor trimming adjustments needed but it worked a treat!!
    Just watching your video again…. The operation of your head sails in that dock is so smooth…. My installation is retrofitted onto an existing boat so operates on the deck where I'm suffering from stuff for the sheets to get caught on.
    The look under sail is much more realistic than the typical front boom setup, and more fun to sail!

  8. I appreciate your boats, your designs, and your explanations very much. I'm just getting into rc sailing – at 75 – and expect to be buying some of your plans soon.
    Again, very fine work. Thank you.

  9. such a Beauty ! thank you for explaining the Sail names! i like your work on that types of boats! what about building tha Kaisers Meteor II ? =))
    i did not start while afraid to manage the sails, but now you showed how it could work… i seacht for the plan =)
    greetings from germany

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