Sailing: Discord Stages Modcast – 11 mai

Sailing: Discord Stages Modcast - 11 mai

Ascultă-l pe Mod Husky explicând designul mecanicii de navigație pentru prima abilitate potențială nouă a Old School RuneScape: Navigarea! Săptămâna aceasta, ni s-au alăturat Mod Nin & Mod Meat de la echipa noastră de motoare pentru a vorbi mai detaliat despre mecanica navigației. 0:00 – Prezentare de prezentare de la Mod Husky 2:48 – Mecanica navigației 5:38 – Feedback de navigație 7:55 – Mutarea navei 10:04 – Demo tehnică a motorului 14:17 – Accesarea mării 16:20 – Scara marii 17: 55 – Scară de mare (Hartă existentă) 20:51 – Limite maritime 23:35 – Tipuri de mare 25:43 – Variabile de navigație 29:29 – Nave mici 31:05 – Nave mari 32:28 – Nave colosale 34:50 – Coliziune 36:15 – Vremea 38:12 – Rezumatul jocului devreme 39:58 – Rezumatul jocului la mijlocul 41:31 – Întrebări rezumate ale jocului târziu 46:05 – Detalii despre personalizarea navei 47:38 – Docuri în PoH-uri 52:08 – Creștere Distanța de redare și distanța de desen 54:06 – Piațele de mișcare hexagonală 55:36 – Piațele de pe ocean se comportă diferit? 56:38 – Rate XP 1:02:11 – Direcția și viteza vântului 1:06:34 – Instanță sau neinstanță? 1:08:02 – Ce va fi în Demo de navigare? Întrebări Quickfire 1:11:38 – FlatScape, RoundScape sau Endless Sea? 1:12:16 – Skyboxes 1:12:37 – Dwarf Multicannon 1:13:05 – Magic Whirlpools 1:13:15 – De unde va veni XP? 1:13:27 – Waves 1:14:55 – NPC Navigators 1:15:46 – HCIM Deaths at Sea 1:16:01 – Cicluri pentru mișcările navelor 1:17:04 – Are Ned o pelerină de îndemânare? 1:17:26 – Dale pe navă când se rotește 1:17:38 – Poate Sailing să înlocuiască navlosirea? Întrebări live de la jucători 1:20:35 – Vor rata jucătorii solo cu nave mai mari? 1:23:53 – Estetica pentru barcă 1:26:02 – Cum va funcționa asta pentru Ironmen 1:31:32 – Gânduri despre tunelurile subterane pe care Sailing le atenuează 1:36:33 – Microfonul jucătorului nu este preluat în înregistrare! 1:37:48 – Microfonul playerului nu a fost preluat în înregistrare! 1:39:54 – Reguli de navigare 1:42:33 – Outro Cel mai mare și mai popular MMORPG din lume, Old School RuneScape a fost jucat de peste 260 de milioane de jucători de la lansarea în 2001 a lui RuneScape. Old School RuneScape unește mecanica complicată a MMO-urilor moderne cu jocul nostalgic de tip „point-and-click” al jocurilor de rol timpurii. #OSRSMobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape#OSRSMobile


34 thoughts on “Sailing: Discord Stages Modcast – 11 mai

  1. Is the discord the mods are refferring too only made up of people who want sailing? It should be noted that the poll that "passed" sailing was in the 40's so not even a majority of voters want the skill. There should be more people who dont want the skill being asked than those who do. Find out why we dont want the skill, if you cant make them want the skill after the fixes, then dont make the skill

  2. I think the idea of using star-gate type teleporting for fast traveling your ship to deep sea content from your house is really cool and unique

  3. Give them time until after refinement. So easy to just blanket state it’s just a mini game. Maybe it will be maybe it won’t. Perhaps it’s even okay if it resembles a mini game in certain aspects as long as it’s good content. If you still feel it’s bad go tell jagex WHY it’s bad instead of “ it’s a mini game “ and just being toxic.

    Can’t imagine the pressure on Jagex, especially with DS2, new prayers, bounty hunter, and even forestry on the way while still taking the time to discuss the new skill closely with the community. So for that I applaud jagex and hope everything works out for the best interest of as many players as possible.

  4. It's more of a minigame… Also please remove the black void in the distance no one wants to see that. No I'm not going to use runelite.

  5. Additional thoughts:

    Weather – Add hull breaker to Colossal ship to navigate icy areas (snowing on screen like in desert treasure ice gem – can toggle on/off).
    Fishing – Add new highest tier food that heals 23 from high level sailing/fishing dangerous area. Max hit of items has scaled massively over last few years, 1 extra HP from a piece of food feels relevant in current OSRS/not game breaking.
    Weird thought – Could add a construction aspect to having simple furniture on your Large/Colossal ship? Just randomly pictured sitting in a throne on your ship. Could have a material requirement be dropped from a boss only accessible from sailing?

  6. They mention the fact that an infinite, procedural sea is unlikely. But what I’m curious about is the potential for limited procedural generation. One of the big pieces of potential content that I imagine is the ability to discover and claim your own island. I feel this would be difficult to integrate properly without at least some form of procedural, instanced generation.

  7. This is a mistake. We don't need new skills, please stop. If you force this in, please create alternate servers that continue onward from the update point. Preserve everyone's accounts and let them play as if there aren't new skills.

  8. mod light needs to do a better job at butting in & telling someone (looking at you nin) to turn their mic up, or to not mumble
    I know its a discord call, but its also a livestream!

  9. All I keep thinking about with the new skill is how fun its going to be seeing all the bots/farmers ranking my skills while I max for legacy high scores. And how many more ranks I could have if un legit ranks were taken away.

    Amazing to come back to 🙂

  10. i belief sailing should have a bit of randomness. allot of skills have a fixed training loop. sailing should enbrace the flow of the sea's never be totaly the same.
    i kinda like the idea of having whats on the edge of the world myts.

  11. Players should build their own boats with planks,logs, ropes, crafting, construction, smithing.. and while in the sea a percentage of the boat will need to be fix with nails and planks after a set amount of long journeys etc so this will make the log and plank prices more relevant for money making wc skillers.

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