Navigați spre Insula Cat fără o bancă de baterii… pentru că, ei bine, am ucis-o. Greșeală sinceră, dar totul e bine. Mai ales cu PESȚELE MARE pe care l-am prins și cu sushi-ul, l-am transformat în! Noroc, Matt SV Cadence Long Island, Bahamas Vă mulțumim pentru acordare în această săptămână! Dacă doriți să susțineți videoclipurile noastre, luați în considerare să vă alăturați ECHIPULUI VIRTUAL pe PATREON 🤩 Alte modalități de a susține videoclipurile: 🛒 LUȚIȚI MARFĂ DIN MAGAZINUL DE SWAG: https://shop.thefosterjourney .blog/ 📧 URMĂȚI BLOGUL (GRATIS) 😀 LĂSAȚI UN COMENTARIU (GRATUIT) 👍 LĂSAȚI UN THUMS UP (GRATUIT) 😎 LĂSAȚI AMAZON să NE plătească atunci când faceți cumpărături (GRATIS): https :// ____ CINE SUNTEM? Suntem Foster și am călătorit la bordul Cadence, un Catalina 387, în ultimii ani. Suntem într-o călătorie pentru a ne simplifica viața și a călători prin oceane. ____ #sailing #sailor #sailboats #thefosterjourney #travel #Catalina387 #bahamas
Am ucis The BATTERY Bank, mergând la Cat Island Indiferent (Ep.163)
13 thoughts on “Am ucis The BATTERY Bank, mergând la Cat Island Indiferent (Ep.163)”
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Love the video!!! The sailing looks 👍
Great advise using the waves as an indicator for your directions. I hope your battery bank is ok. Great video.
Bro, that sail looked great. Cool footage of Cadence going through the water.
Been waiting for a new Foster episode! This was great
Another great episode. We love seeing the tips you share while on passage.
Cmon this channel should have WAY MORE subscribers! Great story telling
I don't think you could ask for better conditions at sea…is this normal for your days sailing?
Like true sailors, who needs gadgets?
Great catch! That sushi looked yum…happy birthday Olivia
Been waiting for a new Foster episode! This was great
I ran my battery bank down on my Isuzu NPR overlander conversion yesterday when the temps went to 85F. I have 14kw in a space that can fit about 4 normal automotive size batteries at a cost of $1800. The truck has mini split and it takes all that 14kw on a super hot day. There is 2.7kw of solar waiting for me to have the help to install it up top, but that will take three people . Fun stuff, I did actually have my brother in law pick up the batteries you have as he just doesn't have the skill to build his own. So I guess you sold a couple of batteries for the company that sent you your batteries. Typically your batteries likely wouldn't be damaged unless the voltage went down to 10v. So my supposition is that there is about 5-12% on the low end that you just can't get to on your batteries as the BMS's in the batteries give you lots of leeway. I think the manufacturers leave enough (Low voltage disconnect) so the BMS won't shut down over a couple of months of storage(low draw) and not restart due to super low voltage.
Could you possibly make a video of Olivia how to Pull start the Outboard engine?
(cold start)
Would be nice… 🙂
that water is really a beautiful blue.