Luna de miere s-a sfârșit (la fel și sezonul de navigație) | EE 83

Luna de miere s-a sfârșit (la fel și sezonul de navigație) |  EE 83

Luna de miere este frumoasă Zilele de navigație s-au terminat!!!! Accesați pentru a începe prima achiziție și pentru a primi o aprovizionare GRATUITĂ pentru 1 an de vitamina D și 5 pachete de călătorie. Mulțumim lui Athletic Greens pentru sponsorizarea videoclipului de astăzi! Ok, dar într-adevăr, ne distram în Bahamas și ne învățăm pe picioare, mâini, cap, trunchi și peste tot. Devenind mai confortabil citirea liniilor squall. Îmi dau seama că judecata mea cu privire la cât de repede mă mișc față de un nor este MUT de diferită (făcând noduri cu o singură cifră în loc de câteva sute de noduri!) Avem câteva vești mari cu privire la săptămânile următoare, rămâneți până la sfârșitul video si va spunem noi! Vă iubesc pe toți Evans **************************************** Dacă ați venit aici căutând linkurile noastre Amazon, ești un tip special de om minunat. Vă mulțumim că le-ați verificat! Produsele pe care le folosim și iubim: Produsele pe care le dorim 😁: **************** ************************ *Echipamentul nostru* Camera principală: Obiectiv principal: /3cwZRkl Microfon: Go Pro: Dronă: Laptop: *Găsește-ne În altă parte* Facebook: Jade Instagram: Brett Instagram: EE Instagram: https:/ / Dingo Instagram: Penny Instagram: TikTok: *Site web/blog* *Vrei să ne sprijini?” https:/ / *Cum am început mak subtitrări* #BoatLife #Monohull # Beneteau #TravelVlog #DigitalNomad #LifeStyle #Sailboats ***AG1 de la Athletic Greens este o băutură nutritivă cuprinzătoare concepută pentru a umple golurile nutriționale din dieta dvs. și pentru a vă sprijini organismul. nevoile nutriționale pe patru piloni ai sănătății: sănătatea intestinală, sprijinul imunitar, energie și recuperare! Este plin cu 75 de vitamine, minerale, ingrediente din alimente integrale și combină cantitatea perfectă de micronutrienți, absorbția și gustul pentru a-ți porni rutina zilnică. AG1 este disponibil în SUA, Canada, Marea Britanie și Europa.***


47 thoughts on “Luna de miere s-a sfârșit (la fel și sezonul de navigație) | EE 83

  1. There shouldn’t be any problems with the panel unless cracked.. The diodes in the rectifier circuit might be an issue down the road.

  2. I'm no expert but I think you're at the wrong place and the wrong time of the year they predicting majors meaner storms in your neighborhood

  3. Read up on Ciguatera poisoning from fish. It’s common in the Bahamas.I’ve had several friends get it. It’s a nerve toxin that can make you sick for a year and make you unable to eat fish the rest of your life. There’s no way to tell if a fish has the toxin and cooking doesn’t destroy it. Tuna, Mahi, and Kingfish are always safe because they don’t feed on reef fish. Read up on what fish to avoid.

  4. Absolutely get south and be safe. You will have all winter to make videos. Below the hurricane belt is always interesting because fewer people go there – either as sailors or tourists.

  5. You Need to get your dingy aboard as its a drag on the boat. and a possibility that you could loose the Engine. with it bobbing about like that most people who go sailing Haul the Dingy First. for safe Passage it does not take long to Haul a Dingy aboard and stow on outboard

  6. The 180 turn in a blink of an eye is called a 'broach' and happens usually when the rudder gets lifted out or water so boat pivots on keel – very exciting

  7. You lucky you find Any sea shells in Hawai'i. Mostly they import the sand from Australia…No shells there. I lived there most of my life and I have to ask you Where you finding the shells? Top of the ko'olau mountains?

  8. Hey guys, admire the up wind sailing, very un cruiser of you ! Just a quick note on the jib car position. It appears to be way to far forward, way to much belly in the foot of the sail. It appears the car needs to move back, probably about 18” or so.

  9. I’m so envious of you guys! Keep your motto. You guys make a great couple. Impressive that you guys were able to find the solar panel. Didn’t hear if you managed to get the panel functioning again, but great find!

  10. I have a recommendation that we used in the military. Get some 550 cord and carabiners on things that are close to the edge or temporarily close to the edge of the boat like your GoPro or that solar panel. Just make like a quick leash and hook it to something on deck and you don’t have to go diving for it always.

  11. Please attach at least two painter lines to your dingy, best is likely three but that is your choice. Watch La Vagabonds and Delos. 😉😕😱

  12. hi guys,
    tie off the dinghy with a line to cleat in figure 0-8-8, most secure way
    also why not using a "preventer" on your boom when sailing high in the wind ?

  13. Just a word of advice guys . Remove your rings when sailing / handling ropes I would hate to see either of you lose a finger or even worse your hands when your ring snags in a rope and you get dragged into a winch or fairlead

  14. Your content is so refreshing. Like every moment is a new experience. Even the dogs show the enthusiasm of daily living.

  15. Do you have a rescue block and tackle? We always have one that fits (with a snap shackle) to the end of the boom to allow you to use the boom as a "crane" (i.e. to winch a casualty on board after a "man over board"). Even a small person, in soaking wet weather gear, is almost impossible to get back on board single handed. The other advantage is you can practice by using it to hoist the outboard off the dinghy.

  16. I have two beagles on my little sailboat and I'm getting ready to take off and go as far as I can go what you have to do about dogs going in each country I thought in Hawaii you would have to quarantina your puppies when did you get a chance let me know how you handle that I have 35 foot sailboat I plan on taking off October a year from now has a I still have the wiring did you and remodel I got caught in sustained 80 knot winds had three anchors out and I still drug almost 175 yards scary five and a half hours I was all by myself too no I have my puppies there I really like yo show watch a couple from Sweden boat from England one of the boat but they're selling their boat and go in some kind of business so I have an opening. And I can start Watching you just be safe out there I been in some pretty nasty stuff I was a commercial fish about 10 years again be careful and safe have lots of fun thumbs up all the way around

  17. What do you two use for dog life vest . My Freyja is a amazing swimmer but I always worry when under way.

  18. Wow. Love this you guys! Just found y’all on TikTok! Content creators out on the water! Love it! Btw Jade the mvp in this episode

  19. We are so happy to see you guys finally out there living your dream. Hopefully we will be able to get out there by December ourselves.

  20. Guys followed you for a while. Two little but lifelearnt lessens. Always keep you little fingers towards the winch never your thumbs Takes a little getting used to but if it was ever to go wrong you lose a little finger not a thumb. Second if it ever crosses your mind whether to reef then that is the time to do it.

  21. What exactly happened when you "flipped like 180"? Was it the fault of whatever self steering mechanism you're using on this boat?

  22. Two new videos since this one but both are "shorts". Shorts are bad, they either repeat over and over or they FF to some other video I don't want to watch or support by viewing. Nothing wrong with short videos but I will not watch "shorts". Is there some way to upload them as short videos?

  23. Brett,Jade, I have a 2011 Bene 49 and I've been following your refurb..EPIC! Ive learned alot as I bought mine in May 2020. I also have BB LiFePo batteries. 3 275 Amphr batteries. I HAVE A QUESTION FOR YOU: How are you powering your bow thruster? Dedicated battery or from your BB house bank? If the latter, how did you run the cable and what size did you use? THX

  24. Hi from Germany… I really enjoy watching the love you give that boat. Such a great job you did to make it safe and blue water ready. Waiting for the next one. God bless you.

  25. What about getting a weight belt for when you dive looking for stuff, plus it just helps with diving in general.

  26. I instantly fell in like with the two of you with your Let's attitude and let's together team work. Then I went head over heals with Dingo! The "little dog" of my life was a rescue, she could have been Penny's black & white sister. While her name was Haleigh, we called her Dingo dog. 🙂
    Both Dingo & Penny are adorable and perfect sailing dogs. Our Dingo Dog was less than happy with day trips on Lakes Michigan and Charlevoix in a 24' Four Winns I/O… lol.
    I wish you fair winds & following Seas. Blessed be those who follow their dreams.
    *Joined your following on Insta!!

  27. Gang why not use brighter gear and for life preservers attach epirb to each with strobe in case. Jade clearwater st pete beach is 1 of whites in states. Did jackaro solar panel still work after getting it out of ocean. Hows the solar panels and jade's set up working

  28. I ordered the AG1 through your link. Sailing is exhausting and I need a boost , lol. I hope it works!! Ingredients look great with the superfoods, mushrooms, and adaptogens,

  29. Hey guys, about that leaky canvas problem, I’d strongly recommend using some iron-on waterproofing tape similar to the stuff that is used on the seams of waterproof clothing. Good luck!

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