Balenele ucigașe atacă barca cu vele în largul coastei Spaniei

Balenele ucigașe atacă barca cu vele în largul coastei Spaniei

Mai multe balene ucigașe au atacat o barcă în largul coastei sudului Spaniei, rupându-i cârma și spărgându-i corpul. Nava cu pânze făcea călătoria din Insulele Azore în Spania când balenele au început să bată în corpul lor. Echipajul a fost salvat în cele din urmă de o ambarcațiune rapidă și de un elicopter înainte de a fi dus în port. #killerwhales #spain #nature Abonează-te la The Telegraph cu oferta noastră specială: doar 1 GBP pentru 3 luni. Începeți încercarea gratuită acum: Obțineți cele mai recente titluri: https://www. și sunt site-uri web ale The Telegraph, cel mai bine vândut ziar de calitate din Marea Britanie, care oferă știri și analize despre evenimente din Regatul Unit și din lume, afaceri, sport, stil de viață și cultură.


47 thoughts on “Balenele ucigașe atacă barca cu vele în largul coastei Spaniei

  1. I wonder if this is just because they're getting used to human's and are just treating us a competitors? Interesting vid.

  2. In the photo, looks like they're fishing – wonder if they are using a fishfinder / depth finder?

  3. It’s payback time for all the suffering we’ve caused to these beautiful creatures. We’ve invaded their territory, caused suffering and trauma, plundered their food stock and worst of all stolen their babies.

  4. It's limited to two or three pods around Spain and Portugal.
    Theory is it's being taught by a bad experience suffered by a few adults and passed onto younger generations.
    It's spreading.

  5. We have finally pushed these beautiful creatures into fighting back after centuries of abusing them. If there was ever any question regarding their intelligence surely this proves they have us beaten….they live with the ecosystem whilst we are destroying it. Who has the greater intellect and understanding now!

  6. the little buggers have been doing this for a long time, especially, off the coast of spain-france, med. havoc for yacht couriers…..blighters. best of luck with taking them on. slippery customers. put the 'orca' in majorca….naughty

  7. Bartonella Rage in Orcas???

    We KNOW Bartonella changes people character, causes serious RAGE. As well as Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses.

    What if these Orcas are infected with Bartonella? This could explain their behavior, attacking boats…

    Maybe marine biologist need to aquire blood/tissue samples to determine this as a potential cause of Orca attacks.

    Bartonella henselae belongs to the Alphaproteobacteria class of bacteria, a class of Proteobacteria named after a Greek god of the sea, Proteus, who is known for his ability to assume many different shapes.

    They are versatile shapeshifters, able to live within a diversity of animals, including cats, dogs, dolphins, horses, river otters, sea turtles, sheep, whales, and humans.

    They also have the power to change their hosts, too: Many other Bartonella species cause monstrous symptoms in humans, such as the “madness” caused by trench fever (Bartonella quintana), which is spread by lice, or the life-threatening fever and severe anemia caused by Carrion’s disease (Bartonella bacilliformis), which is transmitted by sandflies.

    Humans can get properly tested for pathogens, including Bartonella, at

    We should try to eliminate this possibility. Treat is an option.

    Who knows; maybe we come up with a satellite tagging system for boaters to shoot (air pistol system) into attacking Orcas, who can be captured, treated & released) .

    Bartonella IS CONGENITAL,
    calves born to sick mothers are infected.

    We must get pathogen smarter and consider all options.

    ~ DiveGirl Deb

    SV Melittin's Miracle⛵️
    The Bee Venom Therapy 🐝
    Sailboat for Lyme patients
    Owned n operated by:
    The Flippin Lyme Foundation🍈🐝❤️
    501c3 nonprofit
    Eugene Oregon

    Subscribe & Follow us.
    Welcome aboard!🦽🤿⛵️🛶🎣👩‍🦯🚣‍♀️🚵‍♀️
    ~DiveGirl Deb ❤️🍈🐝⛵️🇺🇲🏳️‍🌈

    Get Your Sting On, BABY!!! ®🐝❤️



  8. Does anyone remember the movie "Orca the killer whale" I bet some A-Hole did something to one of the orcas. And now they associate every similar boat as a threat

  9. It's more to it.. Someone has been doing something sinister to those whales & now they are out for revenge

  10. Killer Whales are killers!! We need to eradicate them before they harm more humans!!!

  11. They're fighting back. This is wonderful. Any time wildlife get a win against the Human Apex predator I celebrate. Watching the boat sink would have been grand. The Human Species needs to be taken down a few billion pegs!

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  13. These are Killer Whales. They are never safe. Those "so-called" wildlife lovers on social media claiming how safe they are and only criticize humans for hurting them are jokers. When the wild animals attack humans, they start blaming humans. When humans attack wild animals, they of course start blaming humans. Wild animals are not angels by any means. Sometimes I much prefer humans.

  14. The orcas aren't stupid they clocked on to mess humans are causing..good I hope they attack every boat 😂 orcas are more intelligent than 80% of humans, most humans get directed by a TV

  15. Fairly sure very soon the Kremlin will get the blame for this.
    Not joking, I’m sure I read a news item recently about a Russian spy Beluga whale found in one of the Scandinavian inlets, straight up!

  16. Orcas have had enough of NGOs smuggling illegal aliens across the sea. They are working with private intelligence agencies using psychic agents who send messages to the dolphins with neural link based tech. There is a war against globalism and even Orca are fighting George Soros.

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