Ce este o abilitate? | Sailing Modcast, 26 mai

Ce este o abilitate?  |  Sailing Modcast, 26 mai

Ce este chiar o abilitate, oricum? Am vorbit despre asta la ultimul nostru Modcast cu comunitatea! Conectați-vă și ascultați-l pe Mod Husky explicându-și părerile despre subiect și răspundeți la întrebări. Lucrăm la distribuirea Buclei de joc de bază cu tine foarte curând, așa că fii cu ochii pe un blog cândva la începutul lunii iunie! 🚢 1️⃣ ULTIMUL BLOG 👉 https://osrs.game/Navigational-Mechan… 2️⃣ DISCORD! 👉 Noua abilitate Discord Server – https://osrs.game/Discord-Server-Invite Old School RuneScape lucrează la o abilitate nou-nouță. Lucrăm îndeaproape cu comunitatea și salutăm feedback-ul tău la fiecare pas. Nu putem face asta fără tine! #OSRSMobile #OldSchoolRS #OldSchoolRuneScape #OSRS #RuneScape


26 thoughts on “Ce este o abilitate? | Sailing Modcast, 26 mai

  1. Would be important then to sail from lumby to barb village on river lum ,remove the instance there

  2. sailing 60, 75 ranging unlocks rune cannons but can only be crafted at 85 crafting and smelting 70 for example obv skipping smelting skip by buying it on GE or a sailing npc pirate

  3. Nothing has made me more excited for sailing as a skill than watching this video and seeing Master and Commander as the first recommended "video" on the right. If you haven't seen the movie, give it a watch and you will be just as excited to sail as ever.

  4. Right off the bat, 7:41 into the video, the way they describe slayer…
    I don't like the mindset. It smells like a wierd perogitive.

  5. Just accept the fact that it will be a minigame and develop a minigame. The amount of time you spend on defending the choice of sailing instead of actually developing a skill is just ridiculous!

  6. This should have stayed a meme. Maybe Jagex with this skill will prove me wrong but this seems HELLA underwhelming compared to Necromancy in RS.

  7. Love the effort put in here but I have to say, the more Husky talked about what the focus would be if sailing were an expansion vs a skill the more it seemed to sync up with what people who voted for sailing were most interested in – island areas to explore and use other skills on and doing things on boats

  8. sky is the limit. Expand it. You could do mini-games, pvp ship areas, group/iron sailing, routes similar to agility, new areas to fish/slay/explore, new monsters (I expect a boss like some old sailing tales) .. so many options!

  9. “To me “… I knew it was going downhill from there. I don’t know about yal, but I have basically unlimited tele tabs and all teleports unlocked and have no use for a port to port transport :/

  10. I feel like it’s still a minigame as in it feels isolated. Like a new empty desert with nothing to do in it. Post 99 just a magic carpet to get to desert city’s/islands.
    I felt Shaminisim/taming would bring more depth to OSRS existing locations so it felt like a part of the existing world and would ehnhance existing skills as opposed to existing skills ehnhancing sailing.

    Not sure if I’ve worded this right just trying to convey how “minigame” to me is something isolated and almost seperate from the game.

  11. Remove all transmog bounty hunter items please, all the newbs boosted everything already so, no point in issueing bans if you arnt going to remove all the cheated for gear.

  12. i wonder if sailing could have a gameplay loop where you can sail and sell resources to place's you sail to like i have a 100 oak logs and i sail to kramja port and they will pay well since they dont have much lumber?

  13. Ship recovery service – can collect tasks from npcs regularly for basic rewards (xp, gp, blueprints) or from player requests with set reward ( choose gp choose ship related item , not available to hcs)

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