În sfârșit, pornește în familie | S08E14

În sfârșit, pornește în familie |  S08E14

Mulțumim lui OluKai pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! Vizitează http://olukai.com/sailingproject pentru a cumpăra sandalele tale de vară și pentru a obține transport gratuit! Eu și soția mea suntem în pragul unei aventuri epice de navigație și în doar câteva zile vom trăi cu normă întreagă, în mișcare, în afara rețelei, pe barca noastră cu pânze! cu copilul nostru… și câinele nostru. Dar mai întâi trebuie să abordăm câteva proiecte finale și trebuie să-mi perfecționez abilitățile de navigare cu o singură mână. Și trebuie să ne dăm seama cum vom gestiona toate provocările pe care stilul de viață de navigație le ridică atât de des, ca familie.

Treceți pe Pagina noastră Patreon, unde cei mai mari fani ai noștri contribuie la realizarea acestor videoclipuri. https://www.patreon.com/ProjectAtticus



Ochelari de soare: https://shrsl.com/35iim Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: https://www.highfieldboats.com/ultralite-290/ Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: https://bit.ly/2DfSqPw Sails: https: //www.precisionsailloft.com/ Ancoră primară: https://www.mantusmarine.com/ Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: https://edsonmarine.com/ Amplificator pentru telefon mobil, Weboost Drive X RV: https://mbsy.co /wilsonelectronics/51785478 Prognoza meteo: https://www.predictwind.com/affiliate/atticus Keen Footwear: http://bit.ly/2GSEMjt

Sunete epidemic


44 thoughts on “În sfârșit, pornește în familie | S08E14

  1. Hey you three, plus Oso, what a neat video. Desiree you are looking prettier since giving birth!❤ Jordan, i dub you mister professionist. Sure things don't go right all the time but at least on camera you are reasonably calm and sometimes cheerful under duress and love your
    Explanatory discussions about the whys and wherefores of everything. Little ESA is looking so pretty and Oso is always the spunky one. All the hard work that you all i n d u r e but love because it eventually pays off, thank goodness are now out on The Lovable oceans that like to spank you once in awhile. I love to watch your videos and from the beginnings. Well take care as they say and catch you on the next one and thanks much.❤❤❤

  2. “No plan survives contact with the enemy.” Moltke the Elder… or as Mike Tyson allegedly said, “They all had a plan until I hit ‘em in the face.”

    That’s parenthood. Your child isn’t the enemy. Your plan, or your adherence to it, is likely your enemy. But you’re sailors, and that ain’t news – maybe, just a different context.

    Your ability to learn, adapt, and grow is the key. I think you’re on the right path in that regard.

    Squalls happen. It should be a bumper sticker.

  3. Absolutely Father Jordan, I am SO pleased for you. (and dear Desiree too of course, and sweet Isa ❤)

  4. Ive been so interested in watching your boat updates and the baby i forgot what is your new destination now. Smooth sailing & godspeed.

  5. You guys have gotten being parents figured out now you get to get back to your sailing. Isa will be helping Daddy with the lines before you know it.

  6. I love sailing and enjoying it with others, but everyone's safety is paramount. How are you both going to protect your little baby – too young to know how to swim or tread water? You need to really look at everything for your baby and your family's safety. This all has to be done before you leave the safety of land.

  7. So happy for you guys to be back out there doing what you love. Kids (especially babies) are so adaptable, you'll do fine with her on board.

  8. Desire should explain that the reason why they will have to wait months to get a check out for her daughter is because that is what “social medicine” is. It’s not bad for those that can wait and can’t afford to pay for private medicine. However, think about it, do you really want to wait to get a procedure done that your life depends on? Many people complain about the US medical system, but is much better here than in Europe. Hence that’s why many European that can, come here to be treated. Unfortunately insurance companies in the US are pretty much at the helm of what procedures are approved. But we don’t have to wait for months to get it done. I said all this because many young people in the US think that social medicine is great and they don’t understand the other side of that option. Happy to see you guys traveling again!

  9. Hey Jordan, No doubt you know this, but just in case, here’s a tip on easing the strain when furling the jib. If you have the sea room, just steer off the wind and you won’t even need that beautiful new winch you installed. I say this with confidence as someone who solo sailed a very similar Crealock-designed 1976 Westsail 43 for 18 years. You guys are the bomb! All the best sailing off grid! Wahoo!

  10. jordan thanks for the vidéo. what a lovely family. you've earned this moment in time. take care of Isabella et the rest is easy peasey.

  11. Great video, love the commentary at the end. Also, the timing was good. I needed new sandals for summer here in San Diego and a I bought a pair of the Olukia. Look forward to getting them, it's a Father's Day gift to myself!

  12. Easy breeze backing ,nothing like the Seawind 30 😢 that left drift wash on the Seawind can be concerning but rewarding when you get the hang of it. Fare winds !

  13. life is beautiful as a father when we have all the important things in our hands , so lets embrace it and thank God everyday

  14. That's pretty cool, Jordan . You can feel the difference with new bottom paint on the hull through the water. Bit like out surfing when I pick up some seaweed on my leg rope, definitely feel the drag.. Great work, mate flying solo.

  15. I hear that some sailing vessels have gotten into "trouble" with Starlink for using it in open water. Is this not a concern in the Mediterranean?

  16. Please be careful about comments in earshot of the baby, even in jest, about "useless crew." Babies understand far more than we give them credit. I still have quite a few memories sub-1 year old, and a few of those comments weren't too nice.

    Tip: Never scrub solar panels, as blown sand (quartz) WILL scratch your silicon panels and decrease their efficiency. Instead, use a lawn and garden sprayer with your new coiled freshwater hose extension to deliver a mild, diluted biodegradable soap to loosen the particles. After letting the soap sit for a few minutes, hit it with a low-pressure nozzle to gently wash off both the particles and the soap without scratching the panels.

    Single-Handed Sailing and Baby Patrol: In precisely the same vein, Desiree needs to learn how to do everything by herself, as well, from slip-out to slip-in and over an ocean. Not trying to jinx things, but crews always prepare for the partial or total incapacitation of one or more crew members. Similarly, it's good to have used vane-steering gear to take the load off you both in case of autopilot failure (which happens a lot).

    Finally, even in the cockpit, you should wear a flotation vest and harness for those rogue waves.

    Final comment: Every time I see Atticus II from a distance, I can't get over how beautiful she is! That gorgeous green paint, those clean lines… You really picked a great sailing ship! Kudos to all the hard work you've put into her, as well. It shows!

  17. Jordan, that happens to me all the time, I'm driving, the rest of the family sleeps! I look at all of them and think……..Priceless! Great job to both of you! Oso is quite the 2nd mate!!!

  18. The effort to make things easier to do by one person on Atticus 2 will pay dividends you havn't even thought of. Good work Jordan! That baby is just the cutest ever!

  19. i must have missed something 🙁 how come the wee one needs this brain scan or whatever? i hope she isn't in danger.

  20. So happy for you all! Boat looks great and ready for the family. (Nice hat, Skipper!)😎💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕🥰😎

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