TUR cu BARCĂ cu OWNER – HH50-SC Synergy | Catamaran de lux de performanță

TUR cu BARCĂ cu OWNER - HH50-SC Synergy |  Catamaran de lux de performanță

Dacă ați ratat Synergy-ul HH50-SC la Australia’s Sanctuary Cove Boat Show, atunci iată o plimbare completă prin turul cu proprietarul Gary, care a ajutat la montarea ambarcațiunii la ea. Pentru mai multe informații despre HH50-SC, descărcați un pachet informativ aici: https://www.multihullcentral.com/boat/hh-50/ Sau contactați-ne la info@multihullcentral.com


18 thoughts on “TUR cu BARCĂ cu OWNER – HH50-SC Synergy | Catamaran de lux de performanță

  1. Perfect match of 2 personalities. Thank you for such a wonderful viewing experience…and memory refresh. Thanks Gary, Thanks Multihull Central

  2. Thanks Gary and well done Brent. Great boat review. Outstanding work by HH Catamarans. Can’t wait to see the HH52 forward helm in the flesh. Special call out to Seth, Paul and the team @hhcatamarans love your work!

  3. Gary, you have the most beautiful performance cat I've ever seen thus far. And I've seen a lot of them. I "love" your choices; when making this girl your own! She's a beaut! Stay Safe and Stay Awesome! < fist pump > By the way, Thank you, Multihull Central for the time and effort invested to share this with the world!

  4. the new helm station carbon tops make the HH so much more contemporary. the owner is a discerning guy.
    the black fixtures look like HH taking a leaf out of Balance cats…
    I've said elsewhere that the light grey paint for the bodywork is so much more stylish than white…
    HH50 or HH55? the jury's still out…HH50 does have a cutie factor the HH55 doesn't have. very cute indeed. plus, from the feel I get in this video, it probably is less of a handful than the 55…?

  5. MADE IN CHINA IN A TOTALITARIAN FASCIST REGIME ! THIS IS WHAT YOU BUY ! you should be aware about it ! as Australians if you are not supporting the cultural enemy of your own freedom and democracy !

  6. hh are the initials of a German dictator – as ist a chinese product its a clear conotation ! non else. No it's not the initials of the general manager ! because the yard owner is chinese !

  7. That is a stunning cat and the customisation shows versatility and common sense by the owners that obviously know from past exactly what they wanted!
    Great video and congratulations to the owners!

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