Trăiește fără chirie lângă milionari

Trăiește fără chirie lângă milionari

Chiar lângă malul unuia dintre cele mai scumpe coduri poștale ale națiunii, o comunitate de locuitori ai bărcilor cu spirit liber a găsit o modalitate de a trăi fără chirie lângă milionari. Cunoscute la nivel local sub numele de „ancori”, navele lor vechi plutesc ilegal pe apele din largul Sausalito, o enclavă exclusivă din zona golfului San Francisco. Dar acum, pe măsură ce aplicarea se intensifică, utopia lor plutitoare este amenințată. Abonează-te la VICE News aici: Consultați VICE News pentru mai multe: Urmărește VICE News aici: Facebook: https://www.facebook. com/vicenews Twitter: Tumblr: Instagram: Mai multe videoclipuri din rețeaua VICE: https://www. #VICENews #News


39 thoughts on “Trăiește fără chirie lângă milionari

  1. Greed is a socially acceptable mental illness that seems to come with an extreme lack of empathy for others. None of this will get better. How do you make these creatures have empathy again? You can't.

  2. These same people would absolutely attack you or get a gun if someone just started hanging around inside their boats without permission doing whatever they want. These home owners bought their land and water rights. Why should they have to share it with homeless drug addicts for the sake of letting homeless drug addicts do what they want? You don't just go "Oh, this is a nice house you got here!! Let me just build a campsite on your front yard and live there for free!"

  3. It's not a Millionaire issue. All through out the nation regular citizens who own their homes and land have to deal with these types of folks. The "Free range" drug addicted cattle of society. Folks who think land belongs to no one (But don't touch THEIR stuff!) and you can freely claim or take whatever you want.

  4. rich can spill millions of gallons of oil into ocean and taxpayers money will help clean it up. but oh its a enviornment issue with a jerrycan. get the f outta here.

  5. I feel bad for these people. I really do. I’ve been “homeless “ and lived in a tent in national forests. It was pretty easy. When a ranger showed up and said that I’d overstayed, I packed up and went somewhere else for a few days. Follow the rules ish kind of thing. Oddly enough, I’m considering selling my house for a sailboat.

  6. They live on boats, it's really easy to move a boat.. and if it's broke then spend the money you save on not paying taxes on fixing your boat..

  7. “These people are too poor to be crashing into my dock with their peasant boats . Even though the minor repairs are negligible and I could easily afford it THEYRE POOR GET THEM OUT OF HERE “

  8. “There’s not any buildable land here because my wife and I and all these other dbags NEED 15,000 square feet houses and at MINIMAL , 30 acres to ourselves , it’s really a minimalist lifestyle”

  9. Our government gives a felon a lifelong sentence and expects them to be able to afford to live. When they find a way to live cheaply and by themselves, the rich people crap all over them.

  10. Great job with your reporting man. I love how you flip the question back around to the rich guy sitting in his multimillion-dollar house, and make the statement that the median home price in this area is $1000000. Where else are people supposed to live? Because, when you think about it all of the people that service these million-dollar properties, Carpenters, HVAC technicians, electricians, roofers, restaurant workers, coffee shop Baristas, etc… do not make enough money to live anywhere near the area.
    And that smug look on his face when you asked him the question is pretty typical of rich people in that situation. They don't give a s*** about anyone else but themselves. I have no sympathy for that guy

  11. If you look at this country as a house and we all live in it.What are you doing to contribute to this house?

    We have to protect our house which isn't free!

    We have to maintain our house which isn't free!

    And we have to school our house etc which isn't free!

  12. This you could look at through the lens of compassion but don't let that blind you. I have a sailboat and I'm not rich and it takes any incredible amount of work to keep a boat afloat. I've lived in on water communities such as these and they are bad. The amount of human waste and toxic chemicals being dumped in the water would shock you. I never swam in the anchorage area because it's so dirty and even boaters segregate themselves into people who care and others that don't. If you can't afford the area then move but to make the bay a garbage dump with untreated human waste and many different chemicals because someone is rich and that's your reasoning is plain selfish.

  13. The rich always like seeing the poor loose what little we have,they look at us with discuss,but guess what Jesus is going to save all the poor who seek him and chances are the rich won't seek Jesus ,and if Jesus was here again the rich would abuse and kill him again,but he rose again and woe to rich,after this life you will be punished,the truth is the truth no matter what you say

  14. Harbor master says bottom line is we’re breaking the law. The law is not the bottom line when life liberty and pursuit of happiness are on the line.

  15. if you are a boat, keep moving, keep living, scraping those barnacles off. I thank goodness every day I am not the rich guy with 10 pillows on his couch trying to explain capitalism

  16. I have an idea: how about Jim Robertson and the other wealthy members of the community buy each of the anchor outs homes?

  17. Those homeowners could get couple molotov coctails in their homes honestly. Taking a homes is just wrong. Very freedom of America.

  18. This man is making derogatory statements about these people who he knows absolutely nothing about. These boats are obviously seaworthy or they wouldn’t be still floating for years. All boats are occasionally blown off anchor during storms, yet they’re not stopping ALL Boats, they’re seizing the property of innocent Americans while they’re at work or off their boats for even a short time, yet these same people who are complaining about these people who are taking care of themselves without governmental agencies are saying NOTHING ABOUT THE CERTIFIED DRUG ADDICTS AND CRIMINALS WHO THEY ARE PAYING TO LIVE ON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE CITY WHERE THEY’RE DOING DRUGS & LIVING OFF GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES THAT WE PAY FOR.

  19. I see that there are a lot of comments to bash on the rich people it seems but there’s always two sides to every story. The homeless people in California a lot of times prefer to be homeless and that’s just sad but on the other hand the people with power don’t do enough to figure out solutions to help the homeless to figure out a better way of life. I live in California and I know that it’s gone down the drain. It’s a shame.

  20. 95% of them are drug addicted criminals and that’s why they choose to live like the outcasts they are

  21. Starts off with a lowlife living on a trashcan with his Pitbull mix which he is egging on to attack wildlife.
    Thanks for showing this. , perhaps we can have the laws changed to rid the harbors and beachfronts of this scum !

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