RAW BOAT LIFE SAILING în Thailanda Acesta este ceea ce înseamnă călătoria în catamaranul nostru cu vele, circumnavigarea lumii, ieșirea și întâlnirea localnicilor. În timp ce ne plimbam în orașul de pe insula îndepărtată Koh Lipe, Thailanda, am trecut pe lângă terenul de fotbal unde mai mulți copii locali se petreceau. Adolescenții noștri navigatori s-au implicat și în curând s-au alăturat și mai mulți și a urmat jocul de fotbal. Din nefericire pentru Ivan, în timp ce salva un trio de mingi de la poartă, acesta a rostogolit piciorul provocând o accidentare, un posibil os rupt. Aceasta este viața cu barca în Thailanda, vizitarea insulelor îndepărtate, campingul pe plaje și drumețiile prin pădurea tropicală în căutarea cascadelor și, cel mai bine, întâlnirea oamenilor. Viață crudă de navigație. Muzică Luna Keller – Nu știu unde mă duc David Mumford – Ball and chain Musicbed.com Vă mulțumim că ne ajutați să ne menținem pe linia de plutire și susțineți procesul creativ. Puteți face parte din echipaj pentru mai puțin decât prețul unei cafele. https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis Unii dintre susținătorii noștri preferă să aducă o contribuție directă prin Paypal: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=QXFNKDRGFDAP8 Avem și portofele cripto, dacă doriți pentru a contribui la fondul nostru de întreținere în acest fel: BITCOIN bc1qds53n9tqepxvauqn9dygtczltyu6genkfp9a8a ETHEREUM 0xB4Cb9e1Aa9c000055DAde5E077809B904EE34CDD www.instagram.com/THECRUISINGKIWIS Facebook: http://www.facebook.com /THECRUISINGKIWIS Vă iubesc pe toți, Rob, Rachel, Finn, Declan, Ivan https://www.patreon.com/CruisingKiwis POVESTE ÎN SPATE În 1997, după ce a vâslit la Jocurile Olimpice de la Atlanta, Rob a vâslit un mic placaj de 7 m (22 picioare) barca la 2.500 de mile de la Tenerife (Insulele Canare) la Barbados (Caraibe). Rob și partenerul de canotaj, Phil Stubbs, au avut nevoie de șase săptămâni pentru a câștiga cursa inaugurală Atlantic Rowing Race. Treci în 2014 și, căsătoriți cu trei copii, Rob și soția sa Rachel au achiziționat Javelot, un catamaran Fountaine Pajot de 43 ft. Înarmați doar cu cei 3 ani de curse de iahturi de clasa P ai lui Rob, cu vârsta cuprinsă între 11 și 13 ani, și cunoștințele inexistente ale Rachel, am pornit să învățăm frânghiile navigației pe ocean. Am spart lucruri, le-am înlocuit și am cunoscut barca lor înainte de a pleca în larg cu copiii, Finn (atunci 13), Declan (atunci 11) și Ivan (atunci 8), în remorche. Prin încercare și eroare am devenit călători încrezători, într-un fel. Planul? Să navighez în jurul lumii. O parte a călătoriei va fi reluarea călătoriilor pe mare ale fratelui mai mare al lui Rob, Kerry. Folosind scrisorile originale ale lui Kerry din anii 1970, sperăm să reluăm mișcările sale din Australia prin Indonezia și Asia de Sud-Est până în Cambodgia, unde viața lui Kerry a fost întreruptă după ce s-a rătăcit în apele cambodgiene în 1978. Kerry și doi prieteni au fost atacați de o barcă cu armă Khmer Rouge, capturat, torturat și executat. www.brothernumberone.co.nz ***** Urmărește-ne în timp real pe Instagram și Facebook @thecruisingkiwis @finn_hamill @declan_hamill @ivanhamill #sailing#209#TheCruisingKiwis


45 thoughts on “RAW BOAT LIFE SAILING în Thailanda

  1. Appreciate some of the comments guys but I think some of the best episodes where when travelling from Australia to SE Asia, where you are now is a lot more attractive than Indonesia, people seam very friendly and out going to visitors from the numerous Yachts that are also integral to their way of life. Looking forward to the further adventures of The Cruising Kiwis, as always be safe and enjoy 🇳🇿

  2. You guys are funny, your cinema photography is brilliant and I love your music. You should be way over one hundred K subscriber's.

  3. They are a type of carpet anemone.They proliferate like this when there is a large amount of food in the vicinity – these anemones will eat dead fish (or virtually any other organic matter than falls into their reach). In places in Thailand (and Myanmar) this is a sign of previous fish bombing as a fishing practice. The large fish will float to the surface (when their swim bladders rupture do to an explosion), while the small fish will fall to the substrate.

  4. Quality stuff people. "The family that sails together, stays together. " Great editing Rachel. Yes good choice of music too. Until next time, take care. Atb from down here in Aotearoa.

  5. You've done it again. Another totally groovy episode, filled with action and adventure. Lovely story telling, filming and editing. Stay safe and stay groovy.

  6. Your spanker was set up for a top-down roller furler. The tough dyneema line sewn into the luff of the sail is essentially the foil for rolling it up. You'll notice the head is more firmly attached and the tack relatively loose. You can easily get the top swivel and bottom continuous line drum at one of the Thai chandleries, turning the spanker into a roller furling sail. Once you do, remember the tip of always furling in the same direction of twist, as the dyneema line gets torsioned in that direction, becoming more effective. If you mistakenly try to furl in the other direction you'll wonder why if it taking twice as many turns on the furler.
    Pro tip is to keep the lower swivel on a line thru a pulley on the bowsprit then lead back to one of the anchor cleats, therefore being able to slack or tension the leading edge for running vs reaching.
    I keep mine bagged away on tacking trips, but when the wind looks good for far reaches or runs I hoist it before leaving and setting and dousing whenever I want are quick and painless.
    Once I had this setup, the spinnaker instantly became my favourite sail.
    Next I'm adding a code zero to utilize the same top down furling to increase the useful wind angles.

  7. Great stuff Kiwis, best family channel, informative, fun and lots of Water awesome. An Aussie sailing couple with their little daughter are there too, Sailing Nanji. I feel for all those hungry cats, dogs an puppies, I'd end up with a boat full of animals.😲🤣🇦🇺🇳🇿🌈👍

  8. Wow, what a wonderful video! I am so glad that I found your channel! Because of the time difference between where you are and where I am here in America, I see your videos in the morning as I am enjoying my first cup of coffee. It is a great way to start off my day. Rachael, if you were not a professional editor before you left on this journey you should have been. I have a hard time deciding what I like most about your videos. The travel experience and the personal memories they evoke, the beautiful scenery, and the dry humor, are great but the family interaction is the best. This isn't just your personal adventure with kids tagging along it is a true family experience with each of your kids being allowed to see, experience, and express themselves as they desire. As a result, your kids have grown into truly remarkable young adults. Fair winds and following seas from an old sailor. Peace out!

  9. Great video! We love watching what you put together, Rachel. Your ending was excellent and not at all self indulgent! Really liked your imagery, slow-mo, circle bubble around Declan in the water, so creative!!! Love your productions, your are the star Rachel!❤️

  10. Another great episode! Raw and showing life as it happens. I do feel sorry for Ivan's injury but glad to see it was only minor in the end. As a Belgian I really liked the reference to our national team's best goalkeeper. That save was a 7/10 on the Courtois scale. 😆
    What the issues of the spinnaker are; do consider adding a bowsprit. It makes things a lot easier and you can fly most kites from them and is a long lasting upgrade.
    On another note, I loved the alternative beginning and music!
    Fair winds!

  11. Loved your music choice Rachel…..just takes you away instantly to a world you only dream of. Still a sensational video guys

  12. Awesome video hope you get the foot taken care of. You are showing parts of Thailand that the majority of visitors most likely don't go. Maybe I'm wrong, but regardless absolute beautiful parts you are showing.
    Stay safe hopefully see you next week

  13. What incredible memories you’re creating for the kids. Adventures of a lifetime. Loved the music at the end too. You nailed it. 👍

  14. Again loved the underwater photography. The whole video was so interesting and entertaining. Glad Darragh enjoyed himself this time around. Speaking of metatarsals. A very famous footballer from Man United broke his. Glad Ivan's sorted itself out. A very joyful video in all. Keep well and safe. James.

  15. au new 'is fut was ok! lol stay well and girls, do your best to see tht the 'boys' tay out of harm's way….. LOL ************************************************** ttfn

  16. Given recent events involving Declan and Ivan, I have to ask: does Javelot’s medical kit include wooden replacements for lower extremities?

    QUESTION: why do people always find it necessary to ask someone who’s dealing with a sick stomach to think about how sick to their stomach they feel?

    Also, the music at the end was quite nice, but since every “ending” with The Cruising Kiwis is really just a prologue for another beginning, your ending music is merely a “teaser” for the next episode.

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