Foarte fericit că știm asta acum! [Sailing Cadoha] – (2023)

Foarte fericit că știm asta acum! [Sailing Cadoha] - (2023)

Acest lucru va fi acum consacrat pentru totdeauna în mintea noastră și este grozav să ne gândim că întotdeauna vom avea asta la care să ne întoarcem atunci când vremea devine supărătoare. TOT CE ai putea dori să știi despre noi, ancorajele pe care le vizităm, barca noastră, poveștile noastre de viață, upgrade-urile și echipamentele pe care le folosim, de la seturi de cap de dinte albastru până la golfuri secrete, totul poate fi găsit aici, la https://www.


37 thoughts on “Foarte fericit că știm asta acum! [Sailing Cadoha] – (2023)

  1. I think this is the first time seeing you under sail with both headsails out; under what conditions do you normally use both?

  2. It might help viewers to locate your anchorage if you were able to show it on the chart. Great video, how come you always get the fine weather?!

  3. Now my friend if this goes to your head it should.
    I'm certain that should you be walking along a lane and should David athenborough pass by he would gladly tip his hat zt your filming abilities, and yes I'm sure i misspelled his name but you get the jest

  4. Watching you three sailing has made my mind up more to go sailing full time, well done showing our wonderful coastline, thanks again to Captain Hank.

  5. There used to be 2 chain ferries on the river Clyde East of Glasgow. The Renfrew ferry and the Erskine ferry. Every now and again one of them would snap their chains and go for a sail either up or down the Clyde depending if the tide was coming out or in.

  6. Hank is such a happy dog! And he looks to be in such great, hard shape. There'll always be the haters! Useful drone tips.

  7. Did you understand what that Dog 🐕 was saying to you, 3:04 🤷🏻‍♂️
    He was saying, “ are you fellers Revenuers, I Shot the censuses man”..!! Tell me What Movie that was from.👍
    Oh, and 8:45 you just explained, Docking at the ISS, Space Station… LOL 😎 👏👌

  8. Hi , another very interesting video , we once met a chap on Wareham quay with a 14 foot cabin cruiser , and he told us for 10 years in the summer they would go around Poole harbor camping on his boat or under canvas , if it was not raining . NOT SO FAR FROM HOME . Hank has a really great life , other wise he would scarper . 👍👍🐶👍

  9. Hank is a great boat dog. Thin, trim, and he his color that matches the boat captain's hair! Yeah, Hank is often the star of the episode. :¬) Webhead USA

  10. Chain Ferry, Rule 18 applies. …a sail boat shall give way to a vessel restricted in her ability to manoeuvre.. The ferry raises a ball day shape in its direction of travel and displays an all round white light. As you said, there have been a lot of incidences where the tide has pushed boats into the ferry and pinned them to her beam. Tidal range might be small down there, but the volume of water flowing in or out is massive and its easy to be caught out.

    I learnt navigation in Poole. From out in the channel into the town. Daytime first, then night time using radar, chart and light sequences, then with blinds up using radar, chart, a stopwatch and well written DIY pilotage notes. Ironicly, where I live its 50m of wide harbour then open sea. 😀

  11. Thanks for the drone tips. Those shots of Cadoha sailing are awesome! Due very much to your reviews and Tom Cuncliffe, I've invested in a Torqeedo which I'm so far very happy with. Just wondered how you make it secure when leaving the tender on an isolated beach? Another great walk by the way.

  12. Loved the video. If your dji drone remote is set up in the common way, with altitude and yaw in the left stick, simply holding the left stick "back" or "down" will stop the propellers as well. I always shut off the battery and disengage it immediately as well. Best of luck!

  13. Your show always make me want to leave sunny Australia to sail Britans coast line always enjoy the show and the music you use makes me feel like i am watching it on the big screen at the pitchers well done fro OZ

  14. Great vids. Keep them coming. I’ve been Lulworth the last few days with the sun – glorious. Presently in Portland and heading to Brixham to tomorrow. Enjoy the sailing and whichever anchorage you end up at. Keep up the great work and best of luck to all three of you. And a huge congratulations on your marriage. Ian

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