ACTUALIZAREA BARCĂ | stăpânirea lucrării catargului

ACTUALIZAREA BARCĂ |  stăpânirea lucrării catargului

Încercăm mereu să îmbunătățim nava plutitoare de 10 metri pe care o numim acasă. Săptămâna aceasta facem o revizuire completă a comunicațiilor, conectându-ne la sateliți și extinzând gama noastră VHF/ AIS cu o nouă instalare aeriană. Vă bucurați de episoade? Devenirea unui Patron ne permite să asigurăm continuitatea Slim & Soph – Sailing Nakama. Un pic este un drum lung pentru a menține această producție vie. Având foarte puțin timp liber între universitate și barcă, Patreon ne permite să ne concentrăm pe crearea și postarea videoclipurilor, mai degrabă decât să turnăm bere la localul nostru. Vă mulțumim pentru generozitate Faceți o donație unică după cum doriți, dacă abonamentele nu sunt treaba dvs. Să continuăm să bifăm milele marine și să renunțăm la locurile de muncă cu barca! Urmărește-ne pe INSTAGRAM: ȘI FACEBOOK: Capitole: 00 :00 Viața la barcă = joburi cu barca 00:44 Conectarea la stele 08:01 Viața la catarg 18:01 Outro


45 thoughts on “ACTUALIZAREA BARCĂ | stăpânirea lucrării catargului

  1. I know hindsight is 20/20 but had you pulled the cable already going through that hole in the transom back, that hole was more than big enough to pop the Dish end connector through from the inside to the outside, , then feed that fat black cable I am guessing is your Solar Power cable back through.

    Also for anyone who wants a professional looking job they make outdoor weather proof and water tight marine grade cable seals for all different diameter cables including the Starlink cables. Seaview, and Scanstrut for instance make them in Single Cable and Multi cable configurations,and in black and white ÀBS, along with Marine grade stainless steel finishes. I have seen them available at many Chandleries/Marine Store's,and larger RV/Camping supply stores.

    Also you didn't make it clear to people after showing the bent connector end that is extra bulky and goes into the modem, that the other end of the cable disconnects from the Dishy, and is straight, and much thinner in diameter. Like less than twice as thick as the cable itself. For anyone wondering. The dishy end is the end you want to drill your hole for and feed through a hull or a wall. Not the end that plugs into the modem.

    Otherwise excellent content as usual you 2. I hope Starlink makes juggling Uni and the channel easier.

    Hopefully Elon doesn't have to do in Australia what he is having to do here in North America. The other satellite internet providers petitioned our congress to stop Elon from allowing Moving vehicles on land to use Starlink, and to stop vessels on the ocean from using the plans that directly compete with their services price wise. So we all got emails saying starlink knows you have been using your service in motion, or on the ocean in violation of your services terms of service. Telling us that we need to buy the expensive Maritime antenna @ $2,500 each, & upgrade to the $250 a month Maritime plan to use our service on the ocean, or to only use our current system and plan when stationary and on land going forward. Starlink indicates mini dishy and regular dishy will immediately disconnect at speeds of 10 knots and above effective immediately both on and off land. Some Yachties in the US and Canada think they will be able to continue using their service as long as they deactivate the power of they plan to go over 10 knots or more than a mile or so off shore.

    But from the way I read it the network can tell where you are connecting from so it's only going to be a matter for time before they start shutting down accounts without maritime authority as soon as the network sees them connecting not from land. They were nice enough to issue us all a warning by email, and not cancel us for violating the TOS. I doubt they will be as cooperative in the future. Eventually they will just start cancelling accounts not abiding by the TOS. Hopefully the same isn't happening to you in Australia after you just recently shelled out for the system.

  2. Good job. I'm with Slim, you wouldn't get me up there if my life depended on it😅. Good luck with starlink. We got it, no problems with the equipment, but have had to change plans which is now very expensive for little data.

  3. Girls can do anything. No one wants to spend hours at the top of the mast in the bosuns chair. Slim, sooner or later you know you are going to have to do it. Lol. Sooner of later terrified or not. Haha. Sorry but lmao.

  4. Another great vid! Correctly, your anchor light should be in the fore triangle, same as your anchor ball, but hey, a lights a light. I smother the VHF plugs and other electrical connections in vaseline (I think there are proper ‐ expensive – products for this…) to keep the damp out.
    Keep up the good work! M

  5. I'm working on a system that doesn't have wires going up the mast for vhf. But, it still has an antenna high on the mast (and other stuff, but no cables) and one could add an anchor light to the system, no cables. Why, because lightning follows the wires and cables right into your sensitive electronics, BMS systems on your now batteries, and solar panel chargers. It was bad before all this stuff came on the boats, now lightning will cost 5 to 10 grand if it hits you
    I'm using parts of it now. It uses bluetooth !
    Of course, by now, you know that "STINKY" is the correct word for this starlink system, at least when you look a your bank account and try to sail in the ocean !
    My "bosuns chair" is a harness for climbing towers. It has back support, straps around my legs and has a "chair" to sit on. I've sat in it for hours an felt fine. It wasn't expensive.

  6. We subscribed a month or so ago. Great to see your progress. We’re just ahead of you.. fist time in the Kimberley. Stinky did our heads in as well btw!

  7. Awesome work guys, especially Sophie up the mast. This lady is a STAR🎖️. And yes, we fell foul of the same stinky thing with our Starlink. We also have an ongoing problem where the dishy becomes slightly unplugged so won’t find the satellites and therefore the internet, without me clambering up precariously to unplug it and plug it back in EVERY FUCKING TIME to make it work! But once it does work, it’s brilliant.

  8. To quote a wise sage of years past, Soph should have said "If you have enjoyed this half as much as I did, then I've enjoyed it twice as much as you." 😊

  9. Soph, as the youngest my time up the mast was extensive. At 72, those days of being aloft are over yet the thrill during rough weather is not forgotten. Your a classic, we not only love your content but most of all these epic episodes keep us alive.

  10. Soph, I noticed while you were up the mast you had your ring on. Please look up "de glove injury". I have seen about 6 that I can recall working in a very large trauma hospital. If that ring catches on a corner or even a "meat hook" on the standing rigging while going down it can strip off the flesh or just tear off the finger entirely. Not a lot of people have experienced seeing this, but it does happen. Enjoying the videos a lot.

  11. Hello Simon & Capn-Sophie, Trust this note finds all well with each of you.

    Interesting vlog, especially the Star Link dilemma, pretty curious how the information on how to connect doesn't seem to have been very well clarified🤔…

    Very impressed with Capn-Sophie too. Great work there Lady👍🏻.

    Appreciate you guys and the vlog.

    God Bless🙏🏻⛵⚓

  12. Fantastic job @ top of the mast! Heights don't both ya @ all? Even when ya start swaying?
    Thanx for the share. <3 😉

  13. Can’t be sure from the video, but did you align the navigation light for port are starboard evenly? Great work with all the projects!

  14. Hello from 54°08'N 004°28'W. Here following your recent week on the cat (7 strangers). I was already subbed to Kristina's Travels (and John's) so checked you guys out with a few random back catalogue videos and I'm hooked. Happy to have subscribed and going to work my way through your back catalogue as time allows. As we say locally, "Cair Vie" 🙂

  15. Oh Yeah, I've been hanging out for the Kimberleys, here we go, some full on Sailing u beauty. Dont break my ladder Slim!!! On a maintenance issue, please put some (adhesive) heat shrink on all the adapter connections, you'll thank me later and don't zip the cable ties too tight, the wiring will eventually cut through. Great job legends. Xx later 👍🇦🇺🌈

  16. Awesome work guys! Was just curious whether you got the High Performance dish or the normal one, and whether you’re able to get the “Mobile Priority” data for offshore internet with the normal one if the latter?

  17. "Boat job extravaganza" is AWESOME! LOVE IT. So interesting what you're doing and your deeper explanations on why you are doing things.

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