În jurul Hebridelor – Sailing Mull, Skye și Outer Hebrides

În jurul Hebridelor - Sailing Mull, Skye și Outer Hebrides

Navigați pe coasta de vest a Scoției la bordul nostru vechi Dufour 35 din 1974. Am părăsit portul nostru natal Paimpol (Franța) în iulie 2021 pentru a explora Hebridele Interioare și Exterioare timp de aproximativ două luni și jumătate. Ne-a luat aproximativ șase zile să ajungem în Scoția prin Canalul Mânecii, Canalul St George, Marea Irlandei și Canalul Nord, și același lucru la întoarcere. Ne-am oprit la 46 de ancoraje diferite, nu am folosit niciun port sau port de agrement și abia am folosit motorul, ceea ce a făcut călătoria mai interesantă și semnificativ mai ieftină. Vestul Scoției este un paradis al marinarilor și sper că acest scurtmetraj vă poate inspira să porniți în această frumoasă parte a lumii! … Navigation estival in l’ouest de l’Ecosse à bord de notre bon vieux Dufour 35 din 1974. Nous avons quitté notre port d’attache de Paimpol (Bretagne) in July 2021 pour explorer les Hébrides intérieures and outdoors pendant environ deux mois et demi. Il nous a fallu près de six jours pour rejoindre l’Écosse via la Manche, le canal Saint-Georges, la mer d’Irlande et le canal du Nord, à l’aller comme au retour. Nous avons visité 46 mouillages different, n’avons used aucun port sau marina et n’avons presque jamais used le moteur, ce qui a rendu ce voyage plus intéressant et nettement moins cher que prévu. L’ouest de l’Écosse este un paradis pour les marins et j’espère que cette petite video vă dau învie de naviguer dans ces coins magnifiques et pas si inaccessibles! — 00:00 – Introducere 02:34 – Partea 1: Insula Mull / Coll / Insulele Treshnish 06:05 – Partea 2: Lewis și Harris / Insulele Shiant / St Kilda 09:49 – Partea 3: Insula Skye / Continent — Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lthiault/ Site: https://lauricthiault.com Printări: https://my-store-dcc1e5.creator-spring.com


43 thoughts on “În jurul Hebridelor – Sailing Mull, Skye și Outer Hebrides

  1. Stunning scenery no wonder we want to be an independent country, Scotland has it all. 💪🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
    Thanks for an amazing video.👍👍👍👍👍

  2. Sailed round Britain in 2021 and spent just 10 days in the “small isles” inner Hebrides! This brought it all back. Excellent filming and editing. I didn’t have a drone then – you’ve shown how to make good use of one! Look forward to viewing your other videos!

  3. After a 2 month trip in Costa Rica & Colombia we’re spending a final day by a pool, time to prep my head for sailing around the Hebrides from early March. What better way than by rewatching your vlog. I still love it.
    Thanks Guys.

  4. I am a filmmaker based in Scotland who can assist in getting you more views with your films. They are great, I love the shots you have captured, but fundamentally lacking a lock narrative, and ultimately what makes good story (it's the most critical thing an d so many overlook it). I seen your shots and wondered why you're not getting +2K views at the very least. Anyway, I wont go on, It would be good to discuss how we can form some sort of settlement. I could learn a great deal about sailing as it's something I have always wanted to do. Cheers regardless.

  5. What a beautiful video. I've been to many of these sites while hiking but seeing them from the water was such a treat. You have really captured the magic spell that Scotland can cast on the unwary!

  6. hello, i'm fascinated by your movies. Could you please tell me the titles of the soundtrack, since i can't find them on shazam, thanks, good wind Roberto hi, i'm fascinated by your movies. Could you please tell me the titles of the soundtrack, since i can't I find them on shazam, thanks good wind Roberto

  7. I won't miss my Motherland of America for long.
    With the Wimps in Washington DC who owes
    Trillions and Trillions to China, and Trillions of Dollars to other Nations, I "Thank God" every day and night that I'm alive.
    I can Live with Peace and Happiness all the
    Days of my Life anywhere I choose.
    " Most Sincerely and Respectfully, "
    Neal Patrick Fry from Detroit, Michigan USA.

  8. congratulations for your video. your way of filming, the quality of the images, the editing, the perfect balance between the views of landscapes, navigation and everyday life, the choice of the soundtrack … it's just remarkable. bravo!

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