Cum să pregătești o barcă cu pânze pentru sezonul uraganelor

Cum să pregătești o barcă cu pânze pentru sezonul uraganelor

Sezonul se termină și uraganele sunt pe drum. Ben și cu mine facem tot ce putem pentru a ne asigura că barca noastră cu pânze Kiana poate face față unei furtuni în timp ce suntem plecați. Breaking Waves este un canal despre Ben și Alie care navighează prin lume în căutarea celor mai bune valuri de surf și aventurile în care se găsesc. SV Kiana este un sceptru din 1989 care a ocolit deja o dată, Ben și Alie o refac pentru a o face din nou! Alăturați-vă nouă pe Patreon și obțineți conținut exclusiv! Urmărește-ne pe instagram pentru actualizări zilnice! Pagina de Facebook: Obțineți Swag-ul Breaking Waves la https:// O parte din tot ceea ce facem de pe acest canal va fi donată către pentru a ne ajuta să curățăm oceanul. #navigație #surfing #liveaboardlife #boatjobs


23 thoughts on “Cum să pregătești o barcă cu pânze pentru sezonul uraganelor

  1. BW hi from Calgary must be sad to pack her up but its been a great time in Mex and who wouldn't be excited about getting back to Beautiful BC. Wow that's a way deep bilge. Probably one of my favorite things about you is you scream we're Canadian's without being obvious and that's something to be proud of. Oh Bruce still the best boat dog on YouTube he deserves his own channel, Golden's rock.

  2. Patreon Patreon Patreon. Has youtube changed the money making metric? Seems all sail channels now using youtube as an advert for Patreon. Not for me. Good luck & best wishes.

  3. Will Breaking Waves put out "Canada" content for the summer? Or do you have enough boat content to publish while in Canada? Thanks!

  4. Great, great, great episode. ❤❤❤ Allie you did a fabulous job, making not so interesting content very entertaining. You have become a real professional. As an editor myself, I have had to create the proverbial silk purse out of a sow's ear for a client, and I know it is tough. Your channel does deserve more Patreons, and I am planning to join down the road a little, not just support a fellow editor but fellow Canadian. Oh ya, Bruce is great too, and well Ben I guess he's alright.😅😂😅 Best of luck with your next phase of your adventure. I'll be watching, and waiting for each new adventure. 😮😮😮 Until then, be happy, be safe, and don't let your bikini get caught on any nails. 😂💙😅💙😂 Luv you guys.

  5. Brings a bit of a tear to my eye to watch you back up Kiana. I'll be following you this summer so at least I'll have that. Have a great summer and I'm interested in how you will fill your time. Stay safe. And Ben, I'm sure Alie doen't do it all, you must do something. 😁

  6. If you don’t have two or more bilge pumps need to install extra. One higher the the other and make sure they are rated higher GPM then what is recommended.

  7. Had to turn it off. I can adjust my volume fast enough. Whistle noise made my daughter scream. Talking too quiet and needed volume up. Then sucking sounds nearly blew our ears.

    Please normalize your audio before exporting. Or at least listen to it all the way through and manually adjust volume clips as needed.

  8. For an easy to remove/inspect bilge pump. Use a length of plastic angle trim for HD or Lowes bent into an L shape. Pump sits on 6" foot of the L and the 3' long part of the L is screw secured to a crossbrace near floorboards. This keeps the pump down so it can empty bilge of water, but undo the screw to bring up the pump for replacement or maintenance.
    Thoughts about dehumidifying boat in hot muggy climate. Inexpensive 12vdc ($20) non compressor dehumidifier with hose going from unit's built in tank to boat sink. Power using a small $15 buck DC to DC converter. Power buck converter directly via small (20-30W) solar panel placed outside in cockpit or other protected area and angled so it sheds dust/water. This set up will power dehumidifier during sunny days only as no battery is used.

  9. Just want to let you know that some how we became unsubscribed from your channel. We don’t know why this happens but we’ve experienced it with other channels as well.
    We are subscribed again now.

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