Ep 58. În acest episod îmi arăt rutina zilnică tipică pe mare pe Wave Rover. Inclusiv cum și când dorm, cum gătesc și cum îmi umplu ziua. Wave Rover trece și prin ceață. Ea continuă să avanseze spre nord pe trecerea ei epică fără escale de la Martinica la Insula Prințului Eduard de pe coasta de est a Canadei.
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[MK3 Wind Vane Self Steering Plans]
Sunt incluse Planurile de construcție digitală (DIY), inclusiv 12 pagini de desene de înaltă calitate, instrucțiuni critice și linkuri către 3 videoclipuri nelistate. Planurile pot fi achiziționate prin magazinul meu Etsy, urmând linkul atașat: https://www.etsy.com/ca/listing/1000498117/similar?ref=listings_2&from_external=1 Dacă vă întrebați ce am făcut când nu navighează pe Wave Rover, consultați celălalt canal al meu: Rover’s Rest: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9k8PCCTlNyDzvYaef3Jekg Planuri de studiu Wave Rover 650: Puteți achiziționa planuri de studiu Wave Rover 650 prin Andy Dize. Iată un link către site-ul său și e-mailul lui în cazul în care aveți probleme: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1065483706/wave-rover-650-study-plans?ref=shop_home_active_1 Andy Dize e-mail: adize456@gmail .com Vă mulțumesc și vânturi bune
Ain’t you little old for all this?
What you do if a big wave hits you?
0:38 holy whale 🐋
0:42 robot face
Speaking of sealife ..I was on a tanker out in the Gulf of Mexico a few yrs ago waiting for the Launch Boat to come pick me up from about 20 miles offshore and I'm standing out on deck leaning against the side rails looking out into the ocean. Was about an hour before sundown. Still 90+° and all the sudden a single Dolphin swam along the side. Now I'm on a 800ft long oil tanker and this dolphin looked tiny so I figured it was a baby that's lost. Then an actual baby dolphin rolled out from underneath her. It was her baby dolphin. Had to have been a few days old. Maybe a week or two. It was one of the coolest most amazing things I've ever witnessed. The baby put the size back to normal and I could now see she was full grown. I was about 60ft up on a almost empty vessel. Then I watched them for a few mins just nudge and nuzzle each other and before I knew it they were gone and everyone of my shipmates(5 of them) I had called over on the radio came running over and they said "what was it, what was it, was it a shark." So I lied and said yup. Probably a great white or a bullshark. They, GW's, do come into the Gulf of Mexico BTW. Not like they are on the Pacific coast but they do. Several with gps trackers basically swam the entire coast line. Anyway… It made for a better story as they wouldn't have really cared about a dolphin and her new baby dolphin 🐬. Seeing that whale appear immediately reminded me of a really cool day I had while I was at sea. Thank you. Great video also
When you said 16,000 feet deep .. shivers down me spine. Made me think of pirates and old wood ships caught in heavy seas and sinking with ppl still down in the galley or locked up and having no choice but to go down with the ship into what would be painful depths and then lights out. Scary.
great video. the new you re building is super
How big is your boat?
Doing a great job. What’s the size of that vessel? And did you do those modifications to it ?
how you doing sailor
I must be mistaken but it looks like there is no way of securing the hatch door shut but I must be wrong.
I liked you film and your boat looks very nice.
how in the world do you get good rest on a 2in. piece of foam?Is that even possible?
What do you for maintaining a log?
I'm in kalamazoo and I hope to buy my own sailboat and live at sea one day.
Don't ever worry, if your out there we are all with you. Thanks for taking me on your adventure.
Keep on keepin on!!! Great work!
Man, I can not wait to solo sail….
Man I love the idea of getting out there and sailing like this. What an adventure!
nice to see a proper sailor here on youtube
hey i was wondering would you insulate your boat with close cell foam or pink foam if you were to sail during winter?
Alan, Wave Rover 6.5 is a Junk rigged sailboat. How do you hove to a Junk rigged sailboat?
Why did you choose such a cold time of the year to go to PEI?
About Sleep. I've always been nocturnal. I still work a grave yard shift. Besides sailing dog mushing is my number one passion. Countless miles standing vertical on the runners. A lot of my cohorts are in to sailing. Similar qualities of a different pastime. 👍👍👍 Fair winds ❤
thanks for your videos and congratulations for your sailing boat , i m a lonely sailor of adriatic sea between italy and croatia , i hope to know your sea with my vandel reflex sail boat….
Thank you for maintaining a tidy and clean boat
9min45sec you say your next destination is chebucto bay.
is it possible that your intended meaning is, rather, 'chedabucto' bay?
please do not tell me you are roaming these areas during november..
you remind me of two other very impressive sailors: sven yrvind and yann quenet.
Damn get solar and get heat in there is suffering fun, pass? Hyperthermia, godd time? Yah robert redford
Are you afraid of being hit by a larger ship?
great advise
I've noticed that In terms of sailing, videos are always more interesting when the youtuber is solo.