Rugandu-se ca procedura ei medicala sa mearga bine… | S08E20

Rugandu-se ca procedura ei medicala sa mearga bine... |  S08E20

Pentru a obține o sursă de vitamina D pentru 1 an + 5 pachete individuale de călătorie GRATUIT cu prima achiziție, accesați De aproape 9 luni, Desiree, Oso și cu mine trăim și explorăm mica națiune insulară a Maltei în mijlocul Mediteranei. Am venit inițial aici ca un loc pentru a avea copilul nostru, Isabella. Apoi, timp de luni de zile, a devenit baza noastră de origine, în timp ce am pregătit Atticus II pentru a ne putea întreține noua familie în timp ce trăim în afara rețelei, iar în ultimele două săptămâni am testat acele sisteme în timp ce explorăm cele mai îndepărtate colțuri ale acestor insule frumoase. . Acum speram să părăsim Malta cu luni în urmă pentru a continua călătoria noastră în jurul lumii. Dar Isabella a fost diagnosticată cu niște afecțiuni medicale destul de grave și am avut zeci de întâlniri medicale care ne-au împiedicat să plecăm. Săptămâna aceasta este ultima întâlnire medicală a Isabellei în Malta, așa că în sfârșit este timpul să ne luăm ultimul rămas bun de la acest loc care ne-a schimbat complet viața. Dar viitorul medical al Isabellei este departe de a fi sigur și suntem lăsați să echilibrăm entuziasmul de a începe în sfârșit cu teama de ceea ce ar putea veni din situația ei medicală precară.

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Ochelari de soare: Cod de reducere HPATTICUS Dinghy: Boom, Furler, Whisker Pole: Sails: https: // Ancoră primară: Pompă de urgență Edson Marine: Prognoza meteo: Keen Footwear:

Sunete epidemic


37 thoughts on “Rugandu-se ca procedura ei medicala sa mearga bine… | S08E20

  1. I just want to take a moment to Thank Jordan for being such a big inspiration for me personally. You by far have been the most influential young man on YouTube for me. Watching you jump into fatherhood while still being a great husband/teammate with des, man it really puts a smile of my face. You inspire people to do great things. I’ll be moving to Florida soon after I buy my own boat. You ARE AN INSPIRATION keep being you man!! When I have the money I am definitely supporting you through patron.

  2. Sorry Guys haven't dropped in for a while but that was a friggin' awesome video. And nearly as friggin' amazing as you guys are! Good luck with it all, will be a regular again! Heart felt hugs to you all.

  3. The quality of your videos is remarkable. We have such enormous respect for you both. The past (almost) 9 months have been monumental for the three of you. To bear witness to that has been wondrous & instructive. No wonder you are both excited….what a big, big future awaits. Fair winds beautiful family unit. ❤️

  4. We can all see how much love and joy you share with your Beautiful Daughter. Isabella is truly a gift from God! You are giving her an education, and memories that will last her a lifetime. Malta has a very famous history from the second World War and is the only Island to have been awarded the British ''Cross of Saint George''. Thank you for sharing your visit, life and journey with us all. STAY SAVE and Calm Seas!

  5. That is one cute baby! She's becomming her own person more and more each day. You both are blessed! Its good to see the horizon in front of you again. New adventures await!

  6. The Republicans in Hernando County are vile digusting parents. They should get an education before they marr their children for life, by attacking their teachers.
    Hate, feat and bigotry belong at home and in their Churches. Not anywhere near a public school or school board meeting.

  7. Do your all to go holistic. It goes hand in hand with nature and the great outdoors + living off-grid. Back to nature. There's no cure natural herbs and medicines won't cure. The damage x-rays and scans does, not to mention the cost. Hospitals are death traps. Stay natural… whichever way, I wish you all the best. Love to see your little winner beats the odds she's facing

  8. Happy everything went well for Isabella. I was curious how you were able to stay in Malta for 8 months.? I thought the maximum was 90 days in a 180 day period

  9. Amazing how motherhood changes a woman – it shows in your beautiful face. You look amazing. Just wanted to say. Hang on tight, I remember dealing with health issues with my son, granted a bit older but Grace to you as you navigate this.

  10. Ive been watching you guys for a long time. To see you grow into confident cruisers in a beautiful boat with your daughter, Im so happy that all that hard work is now a reality. Looking forward to more Atticus adventures.

  11. The blessing is in giving. God has given you blessings to be able to bless others and show us and give it to us. Glory be to God who is truly blessed to be able to give everything

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