Călătorie întinsă 4 | Episodul 57 | Mi-am pierdut barca

Călătorie întinsă 4 |  Episodul 57 |  Mi-am pierdut barca

Este ceva ce i se poate întâmpla oricărui marinar. Aceasta este povestea lui Jurgen, marinar solitar german care și-a lăsat barca la ancoră pentru câteva ore doar pentru a se întoarce și a constatat că barca lui a dispărut. Câteva momente mai târziu, a primit un apel și i s-a spus că barca lui era plajă. Este o poveste de care ne temem cu toții. Jurgen era gata să treacă Atlanticul pentru a-și întâlni soția în Jamaica. Barca era aprovizionată și gata de navigare. Apoi a avut loc dezastrul. Tot ce a putut spune Jurgen a fost: „Mi-am pierdut barca”. Unii spun că este cel mai bun canal de navigație de pe YouTube! Sunteți de acord sau dezacord, faceți-vă vocea auzită Abonați-vă, apreciați, nu apreciați sau comentați. DISCLAIMER: Această serie este pur și simplu menită să ofere și să ofere o alternativă la televizorul convențional… GRATUIT! Și dacă cineva are voința bună să răsplătească acest serial doar pe merit, pentru că este cumva amuzant, ușor interesant, ușor prost sau bizar de distractiv, o puteți face dându-i un pont pe Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SailorAlex? Rămâneți la curent cu următorul site web Winded Voyage: http://www.windedvoyage.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/windedvoyage/ Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/cuckooracha/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sailinggalopin/ Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/SwissSailorAlex


30 thoughts on “Călătorie întinsă 4 | Episodul 57 | Mi-am pierdut barca

  1. "…Life goes on…"
    Well Jurgen has a cruise to complete and I am sure he will do it!
    So sorry he lost his boat and suffered a great set back but he mentioned "fate".
    Things happen for a reason and perhaps this averted a greater disaster.
    Good luck to you Jurgen I know you'll be back!

  2. I watched the traffic story. Insurance companies often suck, they left you high an dry literally. Did you have any anchor drag warning system with a mobile device on shore? It may not have mattered but maybe there is a technology that could have prevented this.

  3. Truly heartbreaking. The insurances go by the book. 3 degrees out of the coverage zone surely they will not pay if it says it in the contract. It is as simple as that. A pity, but one must make sure at all times that he always have the right insurance coverage to be covered on the sailing grounds he is sailing to. Due to high costs some sailors will not insure their boats at some areas and they will take the chance. Especially if the boat doesn't have a high value. Really a sad outcome for Jurgen.

  4. 1 How he wanted to cross Atlantic on Trade Winds  to Caribbean without insurance ?????Cape Verde and most Carib ( Jamaica included) are under 20* North .2 If you are alone on a boat in dangerous anchorage  , you should drink your beer on a boat !! If you leave boat….. , do it during daylight and ask neibours around , to keep an eye on your boat. 3 How he planned to cross ocean alone ?? without permanent watch ??? Does the boat had radar reflector , AIS system ect

  5. This is a story of a man of character . The story gives me a lot to ponder. I think the folks offering to go fund him would be a insult. The man is a man not a boy.

  6. Its a Laurin .. I sail one and really like that strong well build ship.
    I feel so sorry for Jürgen having to deal with the aftermath.

  7. I feel for the man but hey I don’t like the look of that chain set up he showed. That chain is uncomfortably rusted and that shackle and swivel I would not trust on my boat. As has been mentioned your anchor and chain is your lifeline in a blow and your life hangs on it. Made sure it’s a good as money can buy !

  8. Maybe heartless of me to point out, but some learning can come from this. Also a lot of nice posts has come up, so I am sure we are having a decent balance. The chain shown at 6:50 seems to be not fit for its job. I wonder how the failed part may have looked. Beware and change out such fatally important equipment before failure. Also we can learn that it is important to be insured! Do never ever expect of an insurer to pay outside the area for which you have payed for coverage. It is the real world out there.

  9. I hate that this man lost his boat. He says that no one can tell him what he should have done differently. How about staying within the geographical boundries of your insurance policy? They exist for a reason. Higher risk areas cause more loss. Also many areas have different laws concerning insurance providers that make some areas cost prohibitive for companies to do business in. Actuarial tables prove higher loss rates in some areas and insurance rates are set accordingly. Buying the right insurance for the area you are in is in a sailors best interest. Blaming the insurance company for your mistake of travelling outside the coverage area (where the risk may be different) is unfair.

  10. It is awful that this has happened but those anchor swivel set up is a recipe
    For disaster , who would actually ever set up there ground tackle this way , it’s a tuff way to learn but so avoidable

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