O TRAVERSARE: New Cal către Australia: Partea I: Sailing Latitude EP34

O TRAVERSARE: New Cal către Australia: Partea I: Sailing Latitude EP34

În sfârșit este timpul să ne întoarcem acasă… dar asta înseamnă să traversezi Marea Coralului din Noua Caledonie în Queensland. 800 de mile nautice ciudate de ocean deschis. De data aceasta în loc să plecăm într-o lovitură constantă ne hotărâm să încercăm o prognoză cu condiții variate… Adică – cât de rău ar putea merge corect?


8 thoughts on “O TRAVERSARE: New Cal către Australia: Partea I: Sailing Latitude EP34

  1. Pretty disgusting how the Networks treated you ,are you going to document your Covid Vac experience now they have not got a say in what you do ??Cherish the time on the South Pacific Blue ,me & my wife sailed it for six months back in 2012 & it was some of the best times of our lives & the locals you meet make up a big part of that enjoyment.PNG is another great place ,you could see your time out doing stories on & how our governments have failed them . Wishing you all the best for the New Year

  2. In a time when people do Youtube videos that are puff pieces, it is so refreshing to view one that has some serious passagemaking in it. I like the day to day chronicles that you portray. I hope to soon get my cat and do the same trip, so you are great research for a trip to Vanuatu. Cheers

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