Ep7 | Navigarea Marelui Centura spre Marea Baltică

Ep7 |  Navigarea Marelui Centura spre Marea Baltică

Urmărește-ne să ne îndepărtăm din calea unei nave de marfă de 400 m chiar înainte de a naviga pe sub elegantul Great Belt Bridge, lung de 60 de km și prin Dreapta Lungă, care duce la Marea Baltică și la intrarea de nord-est a Canalului Kiel! Navigație mai frumoasă și apusuri de soare pe această navigație confortabilă, la începutul lunii august, cu vânt ușor prin Marea Centură. Urmărește-ne că navigăm stângaci pe drumul nostru în condiții pitorești, totuși ne obișnuim cu pânzele noastre și utilizând echipamente cum ar fi stâlpul de spinnaker. 😉 (septembrie 2020) Bucură-te! Și nu uitați să vă abonați și să dați clic pe clopoțel pentru notificări suplimentare. 🙂 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– –––––- CREDITURI – Epidemic Sound: The Warmth of the Sun on Her Skin – Peter Sandberg The Middle (Versiune instrumentală) – Kylie Dailey Stay in the Moment (Versiunea instrumentală) – Tyra Chantey Scared of Heights (Versiune instrumentală) – Loving Caliber ………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Producător de film minunat ……………………………………………………………………………. ) www.sidestilt.com ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Hărți și animații de hărți: Google Maps Google Earth Studio ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Creat cu Movavi Video Suite https://www.movavi.com/suite/ ––––––––––––––––––- –––––––––––––––––––––––––sailinglife #sailinglifestyle #lifeonthewater #lifeafloatlypsailing #boatlypsailing #boatlypsailing withkids #boatkids #kids4sail #sailingadventure #adventuresonthesea #travel #travelingfamily #momofboys #liveaboards #lifeonaboat #sailingdenmark #storebæltbro #greatbeltbridge #greatbeltstraight #sailingJeanneauSunOddysey #sailingthecanaryislandsworldadventure #sailingthecanaryislands


11 thoughts on “Ep7 | Navigarea Marelui Centura spre Marea Baltică

  1. Awesome to see you continuing to upload your adventures on ELANE. I bet the kids were in awe at the size of the cargo ships, especially when considering the size of ELANE against them. That bridge was amazing Liv, so long and quite an engineering feat! Awesome video Liv, loved it 😀👍
    What are you plans now Liv, are you guys keeping ELANE? and if you are, will you continue your trips around the globe later on? I guess the boys will be back in the normal school now that boat school has finished.
    Take care, stay safe guys.


  2. Is that how you usually talk in your family? Serious question. You speak to them in English, they reply in Norwegian? I may be mistaken but you said you are American and your husband is Norge, right?

  3. FWIW: Watching someone talking to the camera simply isn’t very interesting, and there was too much of it in this video – this video could’ve been much, much shorter by eliminating too much talking to the camera. I watch videos like this on my iPad while working out on my elliptical – 15 minute videos are great for stringing together a playlist.

    I’ve watched a bunch of You Tubers sailing in the Caribbean and the South Pacific, but y’all are sailing around Europe – that’s new and interesting territory for me, so I’m eager to see more of your videos (I just discovered your channel). I love it when you zoom in on your chart plotter and talk about where you’re going and why. It might’ve been nice to have heard a little history about that bridge and information about areas I’ll never visit and places of which don’t have much knowledge.

    Not trying to be overly critical. You have a pleasant personality and I look forward to watching future videos.

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