Boat Life WEEK of FAILS + Engine Update Sailing GBU

Boat Life WEEK of FAILS + Engine Update Sailing GBU

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33 thoughts on “Boat Life WEEK of FAILS + Engine Update Sailing GBU

  1. Hej. Jeg nyder at se jeres video . Ærgerligt motor er gået i stykker. Gamle både lever deres liv og man skal være efter dem. Har selv selv købt en brugt og der skal også laves nogle reparation. Men hvorfor ikke sætte nh motor i og gøre den ferskvand kølet. Det gør jeg med min. Ville gerne rejse som i gør, må være fantastisk oplevelse i har resten af livet. Håber det lykkes for jer. Sejler hilsen Jens, Danmark

  2. This is what I love about you two. The fact that most of us who watch are more than willing to help fund a motor, but y’all have to much integrity to accept that. Y’all keep making videos and I’ll keep watching.

  3. Matt! We have a broken strut on our 77 hunter 30. Was wondering if you have any tips on where to find a replacement. Been calling salvage yards nonstop and no luck. We were able to sail from the ocean all the way upriver to a boat yard without sinking. Now we just need to head back out. Was hoping to get south soon! We're stuck in Beaufort north Carolina. Good luck with your engine!

  4. Have you thought about getting a hurricane damaged boat and fixing it up? I've seen that on a few sailing channels and seems worth it.

  5. Alternators for your engine in the states are under $100. I'm sure they aren't that much more down there. Alternators are also easy to rebuild by a shop or at home with some experience.

    Hopefully you see my posts about both the Lister Petter Alpha 30, and also you mentioned a reasonable catamaran for sale. I mentioned the 1988 Gemini 3000 for sale in Titusville FL asking $17,000 from an owner that needs open heart surgery. They only have a 14 foot beam so are the same price at marinas and at dry dock lifts as a monohull, and have more interior space than a monohull. The only issue they have is head clearance. A 6' or taller person may have to tuck their head in the hulls. I think the queen Master cabin up front with windows that look out over the bow offset that.

  6. Go crazy guys! I would love to see you two transform another boat with your gangster moves. I am just impressed by how the 2 of you manage to keep your dream going and not spending thousands. Wish the best to both of you. Thank you for sharing your lifestyle.

  7. Ok I just subbed,,, reason! I like your integrity!!!! me too could never ask for money (or lend money) ,, I think what I would do is ,get back to the states ,get another motor and carry on,,but what do I know!!!!

  8. If you have a good truck with a bad motor, get a new motor. If you have a rusty truck with a bad motor, get a new truck. You have to figure out how rusty your truck is. From watching your channel it seems like you have fixed up a lot of your boats problems already. I would also say your boat would be worth a lot more with a new motor. Worth very little not running (which is sad after all you have done). At the same time I’m a guy with a rusty truck and a good motor but that’s another story.

  9. Hi guys!!! another fan here from Puerto Rico following your adventure all the time! 
    The color of the black sand on this beach is caused by a mineral called Magnetite. This mineral comes from hot magma, which was expelled by eruptions of underwater volcanoes, and which over the years reached sea level and then disintegrated and rested on the beaches.

  10. I've always enjoyed your videos and your humor. Love and respect your views on Go Fund Me. You're absolutely correct! If you want something and you're able, work for it. Keep being the genuine people that you are.

  11. Guys, I personally think that if you can swing it, buy the new boat, buy what you really want and go where you want. Dont be ashamed to show you've saved enough money to do it. You're living what we all want to live. Show us how good it can be! You guys rock and I think everyone on your Chanel would be happy to see you guys in a sturdier, and more blue water capable rig

  12. Tip: when making emergency repairs to sail use 3M 75 or 90 spray adhesive first then stitch it. Trust me it works! I learned that trick from a Frenchman sailing his custom catamaran round the world, we met in hale lono molokai when I shared my mahi catch with he and his wife. He'd torn his main and glued it using a scrap of his sail bag as the patch. The next day I was caught in a 50+kn squall and blew out both sails. After limping into harbor on storm sail and motor, I repaired them on the dock In this same way at kauanakakai molokai and headed out into 30kn winds to make passage to maui the next day. That day I counted 30 boat hulls on the desolate north shore of lanai, including the towering steel container ship sitting high on the reef being eroded by the sea. I guess that's why they call it shipwreck channel, not that day for this sailor thanks to the Frenchman! Try the spray, it works.

  13. Hey I know I'm late to comment, but you should really check out thunderstruck ev's sailboat kits. I bought one for my formosa 36 and am thrilled so far. Hooked it up to 12 (4 series * 3 parallel) deep cycles and an 800w solar array. Can go 4 knots for 24+ hours on a sunny day.

    Was 6k usd for the kit, another 900 for mounting bracket/gearing, and I dunno 1500 batteries, 1200ish solar.

    Upside is I have no fuel costs and when sailing I could run an AC or washing machine… 🙃

  14. Sorry guys I think you should say “see you old gale then go get a newer one then sail back.” By the way Mat, I’m talking about the sail boat, Lol.
    Love you guys I truly do love this channel, top 5 on the tube.

  15. I'm sorry but you are so negative,, rather than buy a Alternator you ignored it ,,, ,, the rust on your motor is just on the outside or it wouldn't run at all, this motor problem has been around for ages apparently , why didn't you get it fixed before you got to where you are,,

  16. not that i have any skin in the game… but name 1 thing a singer machine has not sewn. im sure 1000s of sails have been touched by a singer

  17. From Australia. Don't much around, just bite the bullet, let the moths out of your wallet and buy a new motor. Nanni, Vovo Penta or yanmar are all good brands.

  18. I never saw a more adorable, gorgeous, sexy seamstress. You have the best "let's get it" sailing Baby Doll of all the sailing vlogs in the western hemisphere, Bro Matt! You own her! When she talks hitting the beers it must put a smile on your face. And she is good at so many things and owns the cutest dimple! I continue to pray for your engine! You both are the perfect pair! Never a dull moment…so fun to watch!! Luv you guys and even with the trials you are blessed to be doing this adventure together!

  19. I like how you said about GoFundMe you guys are not like one sailing couple who begged for money on their Chanel and they bought boat over 200 thousand. Well they lost me from their Chanel lol

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