Al 100-lea episod al nostru! Lecții de navigație din ultimii 2 1/2 ani

Al 100-lea episod al nostru!  Lecții de navigație din ultimii 2 1/2 ani

Navigam și trăim cu normă întreagă pe barca noastră, Evolias, de 2 ani și jumătate și am învățat MULT despre navigație, despre vreme și chiar despre căsătorie. Întrucât acesta este episodul nostru AL SUTA, ne-am gândit să facem ceva puțin diferit și să vă împărtășim câteva dintre lecțiile noastre de top în timp ce bem o bere și navigăm încet într-o dimineață frumoasă! Adică după-amiază… e ora 5 undeva a spus cineva odată. Am început această călătorie frumoasă ca un cuplu proaspăt căsătorit în urmă cu peste doi ani în sudul Caraibelor, în Grenada, cu experiență ZERO în navigație, și de atunci am navigat aproape 10.000 de mile, vizitând aproape 30 de țări diferite. În acel timp am avut prea multe lecții de numărat și am devenit cu adevărat navigatori încrezători și pricepuți, cel puțin așa credem. Așadar, în acest videoclip, fiecare listăm cele mai bune 5 lecții ale noastre – totul, de la reefing și tacking până la provocările căsătoriei și planificarea vremii. Urmăriți-vă și învățați din greșelile și lecțiile noastre! Mulțumesc pentru vizionare și NU UITAȚI SA VA ABONAȚI!!!! Gândiți-vă a deveni unul dintre părinții noștri ȚINE minte… nu ne susțineți stilul de viață, ci vă bucurați mai mult sau mai puțin de un spectacol foarte bun. Așa că faceți popcornul floricele, reduceți luminile și stați pe spate, bucurați-vă de spectacol! Deoarece nu poți merge la film în acest moment, acesta ar trebui să fie următorul lucru cel mai bun:) URMARĂ AVENTURILE NOASTRE PE SOCIAL MEDIA FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM we_sailaway


35 thoughts on “Al 100-lea episod al nostru! Lecții de navigație din ultimii 2 1/2 ani

  1. i've sat through 100 episodes! i need a beer too! my takeaway from your 100 episodes? you both have shorter hair, more tattoos and you're cat moves slower now. thanks for bringing us along

  2. OMG We about died laughing at the noise skit. We have had that identical thing happen soooo many times. This video is about 4 months to late for us, but great job. LOL I am still working on a lot of these. Our boat is sooooooo slow too. We just made it to the Chesapeake after 23 days coming up the East coast. Hope you guys are enjoying HI.

  3. Thanks forsharing informantions like in avarage the cruize speed of catamaran is about3 miles ornots fo hour. The food informations is good secured food

  4. First episode we have watched of you guys. Really enjoyed it! Our dream is to buy a FP Elba in a few years and set off exploring the world. I subscibed and now I'm going back to the beginning to binge watch

  5. Thank you so much for this video, we just got a Lagoon 46, newbies! And everything you said makes so much sense! Cheers!

  6. good video. wew were set to go sail away in 2 onths, but new engines being backorderrd 3 months is changing all our plans

  7. Wow, thank you both for sharing! What an amazing lifestyle, the sailing life… I've got a little more of an inch now actually…

  8. Congrats on 100 episodes! Awesome accomplishment 🙂 Loved the video. So many great tips and thoughts. We are in Colorado (Arvada). How did you acclimate to the warm from such cold? For me, I can't wait to get back to the warm (grew up in SW Fla). You are livin' the dream! Thanks for sharing 🙂 F

  9. Hi very nice sailing and adventures big since.
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  10. Fantastic Informative REALISTIC video that NONE of the top 10 sailing channels talk about any of the points you brought up over the past 5 years of my watching. You folks are REAL and I so appreciate your openness, frankness, and honesty about all you spoke about. Huge Thank You.

  11. I always ask a question before I become a $$ supporter of a channel. Great episode this was, keep it up guys ..!!

  12. I’m literally about to put an offer in on a 40’ cat; this episode was full of good info for my wife and me as we are about to start cruising in the next couple of months. Thanks!

  13. Brilliant really appreciated your explanations of sailing in to wind and tacking, really informative great work thank you.

  14. Wow. That sucks. I didn't realize the Kats suck so bad at tacking. I'm glad I went with mono hull. I certainly like your boat but that would be a breaking point for me.

    I would probably have at least 1,000 miles worth of fuel to get through that bs of going 250 miles to get ahead 100 miles. You might want to look into fuel bladders. They're great and in ruff water the engine wont suck air when the tank gets low on fuel.

  15. Fantastic information! I'm an A to B guy and hearing 3 knot average, rough seas and sitting idle probably swings my needle back to a power cat. If I were younger then maybe less of a deal but I can hear my clock ticking and it would be at a deafening level going so slow. I can also imagine spending the first year our marriage on a 40' boat and I don't think we would've faired as well as the two of you have. Congrats on that and all your accomplishments!

  16. I have lived on board for 11 years overall on the Puget Sound, four on a 40' sedan trawler and seven on 55' Chris Craft with a family of four. A bit (a ton) different than what you are doing but several of the things you have learned can and do apply. The last one was probably the biggest lesson each time we were on anchor.
    Love your channel and your life experiences, keep up the great work!

  17. Sounds just awful….I wonder how soon I can get out there too?
    Your tacking analysis is really good. This should be in the sailing manuals. I remember the first time I tacked to so I could keep making the direction I wanted, but stay away from a sea wall. I turned 90 degrees and I was in irons. Huh? I turned on the engine and kept turning. When I was finally able to sail the other tack, I was headed backwards. At least 120 degrees to do that 90 degrees on the diagram in the book. WTF? This is in a monohull. I sorted it out later. Apparent Wind.
    I'm still a noob, but it's almost like 'In Irons' is a no go wall.
    Reefing? They didn't have us reef in the first two sail classifications I took classes for, so I set out to learn it myself. 32 foot boat in 12-15 knot winds. The first thing I noticed was it wasn't as exciting – no more rail dipping into the ocean… However, reefed we made the same speed, just no leaning over. Reefing seems kind of obvious to me. The other boats that were out that day and another day like it? None of them were reefed all of them were leaning over. There is no way that everyone out there on both days didn't have far more experience than me. Maybe they just wanted to look picturesque.

  18. Started binge watching your channel a few days ago! Living vicariously through your lives. I can only dream to be where you two are now. May God bless you two with many many more wonderful years of doing what you love to do. Now that I’ve made it to your 100th video I cannot wait to watch the rest.
    PS: I might have cried when you met back up with Wolfhound this season. 😉

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