99 de ani mai târziu… Am rezolvat-o

99 de ani mai târziu... Am rezolvat-o

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38 thoughts on “99 de ani mai târziu… Am rezolvat-o

  1. Why do people feel the absolute need to explain everything? Why not just sit back and enjoy the phenomenon the way God made it to be? Enjoy it for what it is not as a school project asking why?

  2. Makes me think about the riddle…
    Can you make a string pass thru a block of ice without cutting the ice?

    Yes you can. Fun puzzle, so I won't ruin it for you.

  3. Having bicycle toured this twice eastward once west, dry alpine Pleistocene lakes, dry side of a ridge above Eureka Valley the road drops all the way after this one.

    It rains & snows to swell the clays, if a rock has an ice skirt, they move with less wind from previous studies, which are 30kts gusty common, >50kts a few times a year.

    It a hard road to climb, worth every mile 🍺

  4. It's simple mechanics. There's only one solution that's plausible accounting for weight (of boulder) vs distance travel. Rule out aliens🤣. Ice plus adequate wind minus obstructions plus a slight grade = possible movement.

  5. Global warming causes wind that moves the stones that will accelerate and will damage homes of a disproportionate number of minorities

  6. Thank you for sharing. I seen the rocks and trails before. I was thinking it was magnetic force and Earth quake related kinda triangle thing going on.

  7. Universe is fields, magnetic fields, not particle wave duality nonsense 🙂
    And the ancients understood this, Plato knew how Mother Nature works.
    No one has ever seen a photon.
    Gravity is Magnetism, not mass.
    Light doesn't travel / or have speed.
    [Sources: Real Physics Genius Engineer Inventor Dr Nikola Tesla who gave us our Modern World, without his Tesla-Coil we wouldn't have had our Industiral Revolution, we wouldn't have Wireless or Wifi or Microwave ovens, Induction hobs, Vape pens. 700+ inventions, and he gave them away for free ~ absolute sweetheart, a socialist, a people-lover ❤
    Field Theory
    Plato ~ yes, the ancients knew real Physics.

    Ignore capitalist Math guy Einstein and his math based woo woo, lol god particles haha religion for sexist-atheists, he gave us NOTHING. Invented 0, discovered 0, proved 0.

  8. ถ้าถามตามความเห็นของฉันฉันคิดว่าหินขนาดนี้โดยมากมันขยับทุกที่นั่นแหละมันไม่เคยถ่ายภาพได้เหมือนเก่าสักทีทุกๆปีมันจะเปลี่ยนมุม

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