Am navigat 7 LUNI către această UTOPIE! Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 376

Am navigat 7 LUNI către această UTOPIE!  Navă cu pânze Delos Ep.  376

Accesați pentru a obține o sursă de 1 an de vitamina D + 5 pachete de călătorie individuale GRATUITE la prima achiziție. Mulțumim lui Athletic Greens pentru sponsorizarea acestui videoclip! După 7 luni în Panama, ajungem într-o țară nouă și explorăm cel mai intens loc din punct de vedere biologic de pe planeta pământ! Este timpul să punem un nou steag pe spatele orașului Delos, în timp ce pătrundem oficial în Costa Rica în Golfito, cel mai sudic port de intrare. Călătorim în îndepărtata și frumoasa Peninsula Osa, pe care National Geographic a numit-o cel mai intens loc din punct de vedere biologic de pe pământ. Obținem niște valuri uimitoare, avem câteva întâlniri incredibil de speciale cu animalele sălbatice și, bineînțeles, ne petrecem mult timp pentru hamac! Apoi ajungem din urmă cu Nike de la In-Mocean și vă spunem totul despre un proiect interesant la care facem echipă! Aflați mai multe aici: Vizionați seria noastră de documente din 4 părți: Protejați-vă de soare! Susține videoclipurile noastre- Trimite-ne dragoste Ne finalizăm navigarea în jurul lumii, așa că mai sunt multe de văzut ! Sprijinul dvs. va finanța echipamente mai bune pentru cameră, internet pentru a încărca videoclipuri și, desigur, lubrifianți creativi pentru a ușura procesul de editare 🙂 – Echipament recomandat pentru cameră! – Abonați-vă la noul nostru site minunat. – În culise. – Like-ne pe Facebook – Sprijină-ne cumpără un tricou dulce Delos!


35 thoughts on “Am navigat 7 LUNI către această UTOPIE! Navă cu pânze Delos Ep. 376

  1. Cool you met Nike.. She is one of the best solo sailing girls.
    Nice to she her and the project she promotes. Well done 👍🏻

  2. Awesome episode crew ! many years ago we watched Rob browns Endless Summer gee its just as it was then Epic ! fair winds Delos !

  3. 12:09 Disrupting the stones in a river like that can negatively affect the ecosystem, disturbing the habitat for amphibians and aquatic invertebrates. That's why things like rock stacking violate Leave No Trace guidelines. And that's not just in the jungle, that's true everywhere.

  4. Amazing episode (as usual)! 24:50 That made my lower-lip tremble. All the best wishes to Robert Place from us, find that boat and chase that horizon! Love from Amsterdam!

  5. Holy fricken moly! Not sure which part I loved more: the Costa Rican VRBO… the funny clips of you guys… or maybe the epic story of adversity and adventure by your friend on Patreon? After watching this one I am left feeling both moved and inspired. Lots of love to you guys!

  6. What an inspirational message from Robert. I pray that he and his wife are able to sail to their hearts’ content!

  7. Check this out. I watched the first minute at .75 speed and chilled to his mello voice and the sun rise and scenes. Really cool. But then it got weird by the 2 minute mark LOL. Thanks again for a great adventure.

  8. Your videos are great good quality beautiful places that we would never get a chance to go to and educational thanks for what you guys do to entertain us

  9. This plastic idea is EXACTLY what I've been looking for! I'm heading over right now. I have sooo many good ideas for this technology. Now I just need a boat lol

  10. As a cruising sailor, not in the Delos league, it infuriates me the amout of sxxt we dump in our seas. I was on a beach in the West of Scotland recently and kids were just dropping litter as they went. paper, cans and plastic. When i questioned why? I got told that I was a stupid old xyzx. Old? yes, I am seventy. Stupid? far from it. I wish videos like Delos were shown in schools because we ain't getting through to enough kids. I started sailing in the late 1950's with my father and even then nothing went overboard that was not vegetable. Ok we broke glass bottles over the side and did not have holding tanks but we knew no better then. maybe I shoud donate a plastic recycle machine to a local school.

  11. Collect small pieces of plastic garbage, melt it down and make bigger pieces of garbage that'll start the whole biodegradable process over again…meanwhile they feel virtuous because of their efforts🤔🤭

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