Ocean Explorer C-60 | Prima privire | Lumea Yachtingului

Ocean Explorer C-60 |  Prima privire |  Lumea Yachtingului

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42 thoughts on “Ocean Explorer C-60 | Prima privire | Lumea Yachtingului

  1. Full vision from the "quarters"….thats exaggerating just a bit isn't it. Full vision down the Port side but c'mon your entire field of view to Stbd is blocked. Very nice looking multi hull but seems like the skipper is almost sitting on the transom with the helm so far astern on Port Quarter. Wonder why they didn't go with elevating a bit and giving is some type of weather cover while keeping it low profile.

  2. No, this boat is not beautiful at all. It is big, yes, and the freeboard ist relatively low. But alone the front cockpit (and the area around the mast) makes it unsightly. Another question is the position of the helm stations. I do not think that these are very useful when you try to maneuver the boat.

  3. I too stopped watching at the helm station, fully exposed to the elements… Utter useless design. even the X5 is better than this!

  4. Not exactly big on detail but I guess this was not really meant for that. Still very well done. It is a very welcoming boat. It would be a dream to charter.

  5. Maybe it better in the flesh, but it looks a bit bland and not very roomy, can’t afford one, but I still like to dream, just not this one

  6. Your video would be much improved if you didn't try to provide voiceover while filming. Much better to set up the shots you want, write a script, add the sound later, edit the shots carefully so that you produce a seamless final cut. Try some close ups, cutaways, wides, mid shots etc. Video making 101, really.

  7. Wow Toby, another great review! I see this boat moved you more than most. What exactly would you buy if you won the lottery? I would be really interested!

  8. Move the Helm stations up and give them protection and maybe canting wheels most sailors want to be protected from the wind and rain and get rid of the bunks in the port side and open the state rooms up more and more Haning lockers is my suggestion then it would be a great boat and i bet you could sell a lot more of them they are strong and Fast but you have to cater to the industry!

  9. please, label video as 'charter version' some of us, not in the trade, would like to see a less cramped layout, showing a charter version doesn't show the boat in it's best light I'm sure!
    also, if the do a gally down version (semi custom) I imagine it would make a more impressive showpiece/flagship etc.

  10. With a big cat like that, you should have an Expandacraft modular boat of some kind on board. Expandacraft is a modular multihull which fits in small spaces and can transform into all sorts of watercraft. Row, paddle, paddle, sail or motor, it's like the Lego of boats

  11. Clearly mate you don't do a lot of open water sailing. 2 minutes in and I can see heaps of problems: No teak on the decks so going forward in a sea will be super slippery. Helms are very exposed meaning when auto pilot breaks or malfunctions you are out in the weather hand sailing 24/7, NOT GOOD. You don't want to be opening that forward cockpit in a reasonable sea to handle those lines, they should ALL come back to the Helm area. Raised cornices to the island table and benches means it's very hard to chop up vegetables and other items. You need flat benches on Charter boats as most of the time crew are preparing food (5 times a day). Regarding a "watch" which you mentioned; these should be performed as high and if possible outside when possible. You would not see "breakers" or white water from a 'watch' in that forward cockpit. You need to be up high to see reefs in front of you, which is why 'Tall ships' had 'crows nests'. The coach deck is rounded so no provision for putting solar cells up there on top. this is a poor design. Also no hand rails on the coach deck roof leading forward so this combined with the lack of teak or non slip decking makes for a dangerous deck, moving forward. in the interior: No opening ports in the cabins so ventilation is very poor. Hence, you are totally reliant on the air-conditioning, which if it breaks down while on charter, will be a HIGE problem. I can tell you it happens !!! Air conditioning can fail due to a number of issues: compressor or gas failure, electrical supply (no Solar panels), lack of diesel to run the generator/s to supply electricity. etc. Not such good boat after all. But good try in marketing it! Good luck with that. Hopefully they will pay you anyway.

  12. The fact they have only sold two C-60s in 4 years is proof of how badly this cat was designed. A sailor’s boat? No blue-water cruiser in his right mind would buy this boat. Those twin helms are too far aft and low you will not be able to see through that huge blindspot of a salon. Imagine sailing this vessel into a harbor at night with all the lights from other vessels reflecting off those windows – you wont see anything unless you turn off the cabin lights. Not a problem if your alone but if there is a party on board, I dont think your guests will appreciate the move. Also, the reefing lines and sheets are in three different stations. If a couple sails this boat across an ocean and one of them falls ill, sailing this vessel single-handed will surely give you a workout since those winches, clutches, halyards, and sheets are spread like a triangle meters apart, not to mention if the weather turns south it will be double the trouble as you constantly shift from one helm to the other as you trim the sails.

  13. Outboard helms will limit the market for this cat. Most cruising people want a helm station that is inboard, up, and protected from the elements. Otherwise a very nice option for the performance cat market. I personally would purchase an Outremer or Gunboat before this cat option.

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